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NEED TO MAKE THIS PRESENTATION 50-50 process & intellectual property/plagiarism/authorship

NEED TO MAKE THIS PRESENTATION 50-50 process & intellectual property/plagiarism/authorship. Controversy in Research? Ethics, Rules, and Doing the Right Thing. “Integrity is doing the right thing, even if nobody is watching.” ~ unknown author . What are Ethics?.

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NEED TO MAKE THIS PRESENTATION 50-50 process & intellectual property/plagiarism/authorship

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  1. NEED TO MAKE THIS PRESENTATION 50-50 process & intellectual property/plagiarism/authorship

  2. Controversy in Research? Ethics, Rules, and Doing the Right Thing “Integrity is doing the right thing, even if nobody is watching.” ~ unknown author

  3. What are Ethics? • 1. the philosophical study of the moral value of human conduct and of the rules and principles that ought to govern it; moral philosophy • 2. a social, religious, or civil code of behavior considered correct, esp. that of a particular group, profession, or individual • 3. the moral fitness of a decision, course of action, etc.

  4. The Evolution of Ethical Guidelines • No real guidelines prior to late 1940s • Early medical & psychological researchers assumed fellow researchers would not allow harm to come to their participants/students/clients • Several notable historical examples prove this to have been…wrong… • The Tuskegee Study – 1932-1972 • Now - written ethical standards regarding research, teaching, therapy, supervision, etc.

  5. Are These More Guidelines Than Actual Rules? • Specificity of terms • The APA ethical code was first published in 1958, revised in 1972, 1992, 2002, 2010 • Guide for researchers, teachers, therapists, administrators • Ethical dilemmas are common because the code is pretty vague • Have to be a psychologist for the code to apply? • Technically, yes…but… • Are they guidelines, or rules? • Both! • We are expected to act ethically & encourage others to do so too, but… • 1974 National Research Act requires all research institutions to have Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) to ensure protection of human participants • 1985 – U.S. Dept. of Agriculture published guidelines for treatment of animal subjects • Codes of conduct

  6. Oversight of Research • Office of Responsible Research Practices • Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee (IACUC) • Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) • Institutional Review Board (IRB) • Check whether ethical principles are being followed • Evaluate Risk/Benefit ratio for the study • Subjective evaluation of costs & rewards to the participants & society • Asks the question: Is this research worth it? • Consider whether it is a well-designed study • Is there a way to do the study using lower risk procedures?

  7. An Ethical Dilemma to Help Us Think… • A man has been on an inpatient unit for years – he has schizophrenia & borderline (low) IQ – his functioning is low enough that he cannot sign his name – a new anti-psychotic medication becomes available for clinical trial & the unit psychiatrists switch him to it with the patient’s consent – he has had satisfactory response to his current regimen of medication – his family is not informed of the switch – a few weeks later, he suffers a heart attack and dies, perhaps as a result of the switch – after his death, the family argues that they should have been consulted - did the physicians on the unit behave ethically?

  8. The Prime Directive: Protection from Harm • Including physical & psychological/emotional • During experiment & in future as a result of their participation • Always strive for minimal risk • No risks greater than they would experience in daily life • Historical example = Milgram’s Obedience Study • Pretty much all the other rules stem from this Prime Directive

  9. Very Important Rules of Research: Confidentiality • Privacy – the right to decide how information about themselves is communicated to others • Confidentiality – what happens in the research study (therapy session, grades, supervision, etc.) stays in there

  10. Very Important Research Rules: Freedom from Coercion • Physical, psychological, monetary • Use of convenience samples • Intro Psych students • Prisoners • Inpatients • Compensation?

  11. Very Important Rules of Research: Informed Consent • Social contract between researcher & participant • The researcher must tell them about anything that might influence their willingness to participate • Activities to expect • Risks/benefits • Right to withdraw • The participant’s ethical obligation is to behave appropriately – no lying, cheating, etc. • Who can’t give consent?

  12. Very Important Rules of Research: Deception • Research examples - What Do You Think? • Withholding information or misinforming participants • Pros • Can study natural behavior • Can get at behaviors/beliefs not readily studied without deception • Cons • Contradicts informed consent • May make people suspicious

  13. Very Important Rules of Research: Debriefing • In studies with deception • Reasons for deception • Clear misconceptions • Remove harmful effects • In all studies • Benefits researchers & participants • Educational • Participants’ viewpoint • Helpful to interpretation of results

  14. Writing Things Down • Who gets publication credit? • Who made significant contribution? • What does significant contribution mean? • Credit vs. authorship • Discuss this openly, early, & often • Plagiarism issues • The standard: don’t present substantial portions or elements of another’s work as your own • What does “substantial” mean? • When do you cite? • When do you use quote marks? • Do you cite if you use quote marks? • Can you turn in virtually the same paper in 2 different classes? • Plagiarism.org

  15. Thank you! Me: cravens-brown.1@osu.edu The Office of Responsible Research Practices: http://orrp.osu.edu/ OSU Code of Student Conduct (& other helpful links): http://www.osu.edu/currentstudents/

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