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INTRODUCTION -The following report presents the results of the study conducted to evaluate the impact of the Agents for Change Program carried out by Germinare Foundation. -In this study, the Program was assessed by the different actors involved: -Students -Parents -Classmates -Sponsors -School principals -The study was conducted between August and September, 2011, through self-administered surveys.
INTRODUCTION BY MANUEL MORA Y ARAUJO Director of the Journalism Masters UTDT-La Nación and Former Vice-Chancellor, Torcuato Di Tella University www.utdt.edu THE WAY TO ACCESS A GOOD EDUCATION One of the key aspects in the Argentine development from the second half of the 19th Century was the successful education system. It secured a virtually universal basic education, promoted a good high school education, and filled the country with good universities. The system was based on two fundamental pillars: good education, accessible to all. However, diverse circumstances led to a loss of quality and to an increasing inequality in the opportunities to access a good education. As years went by, the educational options diversified, the average quality of education declined, and the accessibility became more uneven. This is the reality today. Indeed, these two fundamental values of the education system continue to be a primary concern in our society and continue to motivate different kinds of actions designed to correct the shortcomings in the quality and accessibility of the education system. A prominent social organization that is inspired by these values and works in this direction is Germinare Foundation, through its Agents for Change Program. Germinare directs its efforts towards young people with a low level of financial resources. Last year, Germinare conducted a sociological study aimed at evaluating the impact of the Agents for Change Program. The assessment was based on opinion surveys taken by different target groups associated with education issues: students, parents, classmates, sponsors and school principals. The results of this study are presented here. I believe there is no better way to approach the educational problem in Argentina than considering the information presented in this report. Germinare identifies children with good learning potential and helps them build a viable strategy to access the system and develop their own education. This research reflects the favorable assessment of the Program by all actors involved. One of the conclusions is that “Germinare brings about real changes in the lives of both the students participating in the Program and their families.” It opens a door towards the recovery of that early educational ideal pursuing that very same goal –to produce a change in the lives of people, and in their society, through education. Good education changes students who receive it, but it also indirectly impacts on their families and contributes to a change on the values and perceptions of those who interact with them. Looking at the bigger picture, this alone will suffice to believe in the possibility of changing our nation into a different, better country.
INTRODUCTION BY MANUEL MORA Y ARAUJO These children and their parents are real agents for change. Families with low resources are given the chance to take the road towards social mobility –which was the key to Argentine development in the last century. They become actors in their own lives and, as a result, in the lives of their families. Not only does education contribute to their economical progress, but it also opens their minds and those of everyone in their families, their community and the schools they attend. And the result is a complex process of individual and social change. Some time ago, on a paper for Torcuato Di Tella University, I had the chance to write that “we live in a world where knowledge has become a fundamental asset. People who lack this asset are doomed to marginalization. Educational inequality, then, strengthens economic inequality. Therefore, reducing the gap in access to knowledge is essential.” Germinare’s work is a valuable contribution towards that goal, as evidenced in the study presented in the following pages. I imagine that, for Germinare’s managers and volunteers, this excellent evaluation of their work must be a great satisfaction. I would also like to highlight that it may lead the way for many others –this is the right path, these are the kind of efforts that help strengthen Argentina’s position in this knowledge-governed world and allow more young people in the country to feel, and be, a part of it. We know that when we educate college students, we are also bringing up tomorrow's leaders. Creating opportunities for young people who otherwise would hardly have the chance to access a good college education is a contribution towards the origination of a more plural leadership force for the future, more in keeping with the actual diversity of our society. More people prepared to access present knowledge and to be knowledge producers, inventors and innovative professionals themselves –a horizon where the ideal of a better country and the ideal of a less unequal society merge into one.
RESULT ANALYSIS • Executive Summary • The Agents for Change Program carried out by Germinare Foundation obtains an outstandingly favorable assessment among all actors involved. • Germinare brings about real changes in the lives of both the students participating in the Program and their families. • There is a clear perception of an improvement in the standard of living as a result of participating in the Program and achieving the goals set before participation. • Students approached Germinare looking for an improvement in their academic level –”wanting to learn more”– and have reached their goal. Indeed, an increase in the academic standards is one of the main differences found by students in the new schools. And this view is shared by the interviewed parents. • Students appreciate the “academic advantage” provided by their participation in the Program, and also acknowledge changes in their study method, their sense of progress and even their personality –”more self-confident”–, with an increase in self-esteem. They also cherish the opportunity to fit into different realities.
RESULT ANALYSIS • Executive Summary • Germinare achieves the proposed goals. The results exceed the school/academic field. As mentioned before, they impact on the personal life. The Program leads to the acquisition and reinforcement of values among the students, and both they and those accompanying them acknowledge Germinare´s dual merit. • As an additional merit, the Program also produces “added benefits” –those that stimulate a positive action in the actors who are not direct beneficiaries of the Program. • Similarly, in the school environment, values are built on the classmates of the participants of the Program. It promotes not only solidarity to but also admiration for Germinare students. The integration process receives a highly favorable assessment. • As a result, the role of "building values" spreads to other actors, beyond the benefits generated to the participants of the Program. • There is broad consensus regarding the support offered by Germinare. Both students and parents agree that the Institution provides global support and follow-through in the academic and the personal/emotional areas. • Germinare is mentioned as an Institution with a highly favorable assessment on grounds of transparency. According to the school principals, it is because of this characteristic, along with the quality of the Program and the social inclusion it promotes, that Germinare is chosen.
Executive Report I. The Impact of the Program on the Students -The Agents for Change Program carried out by Germinare Foundation obtains an outstandingly favorable assessment among all actors involved. Germinare brings about real changes in the lives of the students. There is a clear perception of an improvement in the standard of living as a result of participating in the Program. DID THE STUDENT’S LIFE IMPROVE AS A RESULT OF THE PROGRAM? (*) (*) -In the case of the sponsors, the possible answers were “Yes” and “No”, and the result was also largely positive: 93% and 7%, respectively. A Germinare student, Maico Cáceres, stated... “Germinare changed my life and helped open my mind to countless things. Both in the academic and social aspects, it helped me discover different realities, and today I feel inspired to help those in real need…” 7
Executive Report I. The Impact of the Program on the Students (Cont.) -The vast majority of the students stated that they would enter the Program again. And they also agreed that since their participation they have broaden their vision of reality. THE VAST MAJORITY OF THE STUDENTS WOULD ENTER THE PROGRAM AGAIN THE PROGRAM GAVE MOST OF THE STUDENTS A BROADER PICTURE OF REALITY
Executive Report I. The Impact of the Program on the Students (Cont.) -The Agents for Change Program is, according to the students themselves, their parents,sponsors, classmates and school principals, a great source of both academic and personal opportunities, advantages and improvements. Opportunities provided by the program, according to parents, sponsors and principals Changes from participation, according to the students Advantages of the Program, according to classmates (*) Note: Only categories with more than 20% of agreement are shown.
Executive Report I. The Impact of the Program on the Students (Cont.) -Most parents report major differences between the education received by those of their children who participate in the Agents for Change Program and those who do not. PARENTS Most of the surveyed parents (67%) find differences between the education received by those of their children who participate in the Agents for Change Program and those who do not.
Executive Report II. The Impact of the Program on the Families -The student's participation in the Agents for Change Program also impacts on the family. This is acknowledged by all actors involved. WHAT WAS THE IMPACT OF THE PROGRAM ON THE FAMILIES? Testimonies by Mrs. Lorena Figueroa, Brian and Diego’s mother, and Mrs. Ruiz, Ayelén’s mother. “Germinare provided the possibility of a better future and a better education for my children. It was the best, the greatest thing that has ever happened to us. It is really like my family. Germinare changed me and my family.” “From the beginning, Ayelén changed herself and changed us. Every new thing she told us about her school made her eyes shine –won competitions, medals, new certifications, words of enthusiasm and encouragement from her teachers. It was a big surprise for me to learn that her teachers had voted for her to win the Student’s Medal for Merit. It filled me with pride and excitement… Her effort to complete her studies and take a degree has been infectious, and now I am finishing high school…”
Executive Report II. The Impact of the Program on the School Community -The vision of the classmates about the presence of Germinare students is widely positive. DO CLASSMATES FEEL COMFORTABLE SHARING A CLASS WITH GERMINARE STUDENTS? RESULTS OF SHARING A CLASS WITH A GERMINARE STUDENT
Executive Report II. The Impact of the Program on the School Community (Cont.) -According to school principals, the participation of the school in the Agents for Change Program mainly leads to greater tolerance to differences, as well as a deeper sense of reality in the school community. PRINCIPALS
Executive Report III. Germinare's Role -Germinare successfully follows through the participation process in the Agents for Change Program. This is clearly noticed by all segments interviewed regarding this issue. STUDENTS – GERMINARE AND STAFF’S SUPPORT PARENTS – GERMINARE´S SUPPORT IN THEIR ADAPTATION PROCESS GERMINARE SUPPORTS THEM… THEY FEEL… PRINCIPALS – GERMINARE´S FOLLOW-THROUGH FOR THE SCHOOL GERMINARE SUPPORTS THEM…
Result Interpretation Based on Institutional Goals Students Group Germinare aims at.. Investigation Results Students wanted to “learn more than they did in their previous schools,” and the new school provided “higher academic standards and more discipline.” Granting a better education to students who are dissatisfied with their current academic situation Most of the interviewees perceive a change. Students specifically report that Germinare brings about changes in their lives and the lives of their families. Bringing about a real change in the lives of the children and their families
Result Interpretation Based on Institutional Goals Parents Group Investigation Results Germinare aims at.. As perceived by parents. They widely value the education received by those of their children who participate in the Program as opposed to the one received by those who do not. Granting a better education to students who are dissatisfied with their current academic situation Bringing about a real change in the lives of the children and their families To the vast majority of the parents, their children’s life improved since their participation in the Program. Building and passing on values Germinare seems to bring about results that go beyond expectations. Students enter the program for academic Reasons and the positive impact has components related to personal areas. E.g.. “more responsibility.” Social integration – Open-mindedness For the parents, the Program development promotes this value. They see their children “integrated” with their classmates.
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Students participating in the Agents for Change Universe Program. Parents, sponsors, classmates, and school principals. Sample 589 cases in total Methodology Quantitative Data-Collection TechniqueSelf-administered surveys Sampling Timeframe August and September, 2011
THE SAMPLE The following chart compares the universes (actual number of individuals that belong to each group) to the sample (number of individuals surveyed). (*)An estimated sample of 306 cases had been anticipated, but, in the end, 320 people were surveyed. The number for “Universe” is not provided due to the lack of information on the actual figure.
METHODOLOGY AND SAMPLE • This quantitative study was carried out through 589 self-administered surveys among the different population groups involved in the program –participating students, parents, classmates, principals of the participating schools and sponsors. • This was accomplished trough the use of a semi-structured questionnaire, with both open- and closed-ended questions. • A chart comparing the universe (actual number of individuals in each population group) to the sample (number of individuals surveyed) is presented next.