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Oedipus Rex

Oedipus Rex. Getting started with the writing process. Potential Topics. 1. Discuss the role of PRIDE as a major theme in the play and in human existence.

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Oedipus Rex

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  1. Oedipus Rex Getting started with the writing process

  2. Potential Topics 1. Discuss the role of PRIDE as a major theme in the play and in human existence. 2. Discuss the role of FATE, FREE WILL, PROPHECY (you don't need to necessarily address all three) as themes in the play and in human existence. 3. Discuss the role of TRUTH and HONESTY as a major themes in the play and in human existence. 4. Discuss how Sophocles used the motif of SIGHT/BLINDNESS to make enhance the bigger message of the play. 5. Was Aristotle (page 430 in gray book and on my website) right that Oedipus is the ultimate tragedy?

  3. Thesis Statement- breaking it down When constructing a thesis here are questions that need to be answered: • What is your topic? • What position will you take on the topic? • How will you defend this position?

  4. Outlining- Intro paragraph Once you have successfully created a thesis statement, then you are ready to move on to outlining your paper. I. Intro paragraph a. attention getter b. essential background info. c. thesis statement

  5. Outlining- body paragraphs II. Body paragraph #1-? a. topic sentence- a statement that aligns with the thesis statement b. text detail- a text support that reinforces your position c. analysis- your thoughts and insight as to why the text support works for the given thesis. d. cultural connection- text to text; text to self; text to world

  6. Outlining-concluding paragraph III. Concluding paragraph a. Restates thesis- not word for word, but rather in a way that hits home your position b. Restate key points from your argument. • Did you do what you set out to do? c. Close it out. End your paper with a final line or two that really focuses the reader back to your rationale.

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