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Report: Mars Returned Sample Quality Workshop

Report: Mars Returned Sample Quality Workshop. Dave Beaty and Yang Liu Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology MEPAG meeting May 14, 2014. How Important is Sample Quality?. HYPOTHETICAL:

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Report: Mars Returned Sample Quality Workshop

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  1. Report:Mars Returned Sample Quality Workshop Dave Beatyand Yang Liu Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology MEPAG meeting May 14, 2014

  2. How Important is Sample Quality? HYPOTHETICAL: IF MARS SAMPLES WERE RETURNED TO EARTH, WHAT STATE WOULD THEY NEED TO BE IN TO BE SCIENTIFICALLY USEFUL? TBD Flight System Returned Sample Science (RSS) Preliminary Examination Sample Receiving Facility (SRF) Samples PRE-DECISION DRAFT: For Planning and Discussion Purposes Only

  3. Part 1.Rock Samples

  4. Approach • Focus Group: Carlton Allen, Lars Borg, Dave Des Marais, Chris Herd, Scott McLennan • Define science investigations for each potential RSS objective • Draft assessment of sample quality factors that might impact RSS science investigations • Define draft requirements (w.r.t. RSS) for quality factors • Formulate draft requirements for sample quality • Pre-Workshop • Participants: 30+ sample scientists from universities and NASA centers • Review and edit the starting materials above • Input on quantifying potential sample quality requirements • Prioritize the quality factors • LPSC Workshop • March 16th, 2014 • Close out open issues identified at workshop • Derive sample quality requirements for M-2020 • Post-Workshop • Continuous involvement of scientists (community, M-2020, program) and engineers (project, program) PRE-DECISION DRAFT: For Planning and Discussion Purposes Only

  5. Rock Samples: Sample Quality Matrix Quality Factors Potential RSS Science Goals Science Investigations in Each Goal Possible Impact PRE-DECISION DRAFT: For Planning and Discussion Purposes Only

  6. Investigations Related to E2E-iSAG #1: Past Life, Habitability Example Pre-decisional draft for discussion purposes only: Subject to Revision

  7. Part II: Sample Quality Factors & Requirement Organic Contamination Panel Mostly Acquisition Mostly Curation Related Related See example next chart PRE-DECISION DRAFT: For Planning and Discussion Purposes Only

  8. Gain/loss of Volatiles Example O=13C=O O H H O H D 18O H H O=C=O 18O=13C=O See complete list in handout table PRE-DECISION DRAFT: For Planning and Discussion Purposes Only

  9. Draft Priority of Sample Quality Factorsfrom 2014 LPSC Workshop • Organic Contamination • Fracturing • Movement of Fragment Inorganic Contamination H • Loss of Drilled Samples • Volatile Loss or Gain • Thermal History Chemical/Mineral Alteration of Samples within and outside of Containers M Biological Contamination Potential Magnitude of Impact L • Cross Contamination Radiation History • Magnetic History H L M Priority of Science Investigations Affected PRE-DECISION DRAFT: For Planning and Discussion Purposes Only

  10. Part 2.Soil Samples

  11. Scientific Significance of Martian Soils • Focus Group: Mike Mellon, Doug Ming, Dick Morris, Sarah Noble, Rob Sullivan, Larry Taylor, • Physical, structural, chemical, mineralogical properties of soils and their lithic components are important for: • Climate-soil interactions • Differentiation and evolution of Martian crust and mantle • Surface/near-surface processes with or without water • Habitability • Future human exploration (hazards, resource, etc.) Pre-decisional draft for discussion purposes only: Subject to Revision

  12. Present Knowledge of Martian Soils • Previous missions analyzed soils to <10-20 cm depth. • From the surface to shallow depth, dust-rich and dark soils are typically present (exceptions exist), and chemical variations with depth are observed occasionally. • Global, Regional, and Local Input. Broadly basaltic with diversity in soils, e.g., sulfur- or silica-rich soils at Gusev • Chemistry suggestive of fluid activity • Unconsolidated materials display a wide size range from 10’s of μm to a few mm. Sulfur-rich soil at Gusev NASA/JPL-Caltech/Cornell Silica-rich soil at Gusev NASA/JPL-Caltech/Cornell Pre-decisional draft for discussion purposes only: Subject to Revision

  13. Soil-related Recommendations Sample quality requirement for rocks can be applied to soils The final sampling strategy is landing-site dependent, and would consist of numerous ad hoc decisions until we have a chance to interrogate the Mars-2020 site on the surface Pre-decisional draft for discussion purposes only: Subject to Revision

  14. Summary • Understanding the relationship between the condition of the samples as received by a potential future analyst, and the science that could be achieved, is central to understanding the cost/benefit relationships of Mars Sample Return. • Feedback from all sectors of the community on this draft analysis is encouraged. • Please send comments to: • Dave Beaty, david.w.beaty@jpl.nasa.gov • Yang Liu, yang.liu@jpl.nasa.gov Pre-decisional draft for discussion purposes only: Subject to Revision

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