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Drugs. Performance Enhancing & Recreational. Drugs. Drugs. Drugs. Drugs: Performance Enhancing. Most Sporting Governing Bodies (like FIFA, IOC, IAAF, IRB etc) have a list of Banned Substances.

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  1. Drugs Performance Enhancing & Recreational

  2. Drugs

  3. Drugs

  4. Drugs

  5. Drugs: Performance Enhancing • Most Sporting Governing Bodies (like FIFA, IOC, IAAF, IRB etc) have a list of Banned Substances. • This means that Athletes that compete in a Sport or Activity that is Governed by that body may not use any substance on that list to gain a competitive edge. • The following drugs are on most Banned Substance lists:

  6. Anabolic Agents (Steroids) • These are used by athletes who want to bulk up and increase their muscle mass. They also allow the athlete to train harder. • They have many side-effects, including skin problems, high blood pressure, heart disease, infertility, Gynecomastia, and cancer. They can also cause women to take on male characteristics such as facial hair and a deeper voice!!

  7. Anabolic Agents (Steroids)

  8. Stimulant • Stimulants reduce pain, increase reaction speed and raise aggression • They are highly addictive and have side effects including high blood pressure, strokes, heart and liver problems. They can also increase the risk of injury as pain is suppressed, causing the athlete to continue to train or compete. • The most common are Cocaine and Methamphetamine.

  9. Stimulants

  10. Stimulants

  11. Diuretics • Athletes use diuretics for one of two reasons. Either to loose weight quickly (such as a boxer or jockey needing to meet weight) through the effect of increased urination, or to clear traces of other substances from their urine. • They cause dehydration which can seriously affect your performance in a negative way! • Benzthiazide, cyclothiazide, hydrochlorothiazide, and polythiazide are some examples.

  12. Diuretics

  13. Narcotic Analgesics • These are pain killers which athletes use to mask pain from an injury or overtraining. • These are highly addictive and cause withdrawal symptoms when you stop using them. Constipation and low blood pressure are other side effects

  14. Narcotic Analgesic

  15. Narcotic Analgesic

  16. Peptide Hormones • These include EPO (Erythropoetin) which works a bit like blood doping. Most other peptide hormones have similar effects to anabolic steroids . • They can cause strokes and abnormal growth patterns.

  17. Exceptions • These Drugs are completely banned by most Sporting Governing Bodies. • There are, however, some Drugs (except Alcohol) that are allowed to be taken provided the athlete has a genuine medical use for it. In order to use some of the following drugs, you require a “Theraputic Use Exemption Certificate”:

  18. Beta Blockers • These are used to lower the heart rate, but also have the effect of reducing anxiety and steadying shaking hands . • They're banned in some sports where they may cause an advantage, such as shooting .

  19. Beta Blockers

  20. Corticosteroids • These are used to reduce pain and inflammation from injuries and also in inflammatory conditions like asthma . • They can side-effects including diabetes and brittle bones .

  21. Corticosteroids

  22. Alcohol • Alcohol is sometimes used by athletes to calm nerves. • It can however reduce coordination, judgment and reactions. Long term use has more serious side-effects such as liver, kidney and heart failure

  23. Alcohol

  24. Local Anaesthetics • These are usually in the form of an injection to an injured area to reduce pain. • They may be allowed in some sports for medical purposes.

  25. Local Anaesthetics

  26. Drug Testing • Drug testing is monitored closely to make sure results are accurate and athletes are protected. Tests can be performed at any time, in or out of competition. • Urine samples are taken and divided into two samples - A and B • The A sample is then tested. • If a positive result is found, sample B is then tested. • If this is also positive the athlete faces as much as a lifetime ban. • Refusing to take a drugs test is taken as failing a drugs test.

  27. Drug Testing

  28. Blood Doping • Blood dopinginvolves: • Removing red blood cells from the athlete and freezing them. • Over the next few weeks the athletes body makes more red blood cells to replace those removed. • A few days before a competition the athlete injects the stored red blood cells back into their body. • This means they now have the capacity to carry more Oxygen which improves cardiovascular performance. • This has possibly dangerous side effects such as allergic reactions, kidney damage, stroke and transfer of viruses and infections.

  29. Blood Doping

  30. Banned!! Ben Johnson Matt Stevens

  31. Banned!! Adrian Mutu Richard Gasquet

  32. Banned!!

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