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Marco Feroci (INAF/IASF Roma)

Astrofisica X e Gamma dopo due anni di AGILE (ed uno di GLAST). Marco Feroci (INAF/IASF Roma). Outline. Gamma Ray Astronomy today The AGILE Mission Highlights of Scientific Results from AGILE: AGNs Gamma-ray Pulsars Galactic compact sources Galactic Transients Gamma Ray Bursts.

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Marco Feroci (INAF/IASF Roma)

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  1. Astrofisica X e Gamma dopo due anni di AGILE (ed uno di GLAST) Marco Feroci (INAF/IASF Roma)

  2. Outline Gamma Ray Astronomy today The AGILE Mission Highlights of Scientific Results from AGILE: AGNs Gamma-ray Pulsars Galactic compact sources Galactic Transients Gamma Ray Bursts

  3. Gamma-ray Astrophysics Missions (above 30 MeV)

  4. A new era in Gamma-ray Astronomy After ~10 years, two Gamma-ray observatories in orbit Major advances in: - A *  * t -> many photons from many sources - angular resolution - time resolution and dead-time - real-time analysis and multi- availability and flexibility (e.g., Swift, optical, …) Gamma-ray Astronomy passes from pioneeristic to systematic studies of sources


  6. The AGILE Mission

  7. The AGILE Payload: the most compact instrument for high-energy astrophysics It combines for the first time agamma-ray imager (30 MeV- 30 GeV) with a hard X-ray imager (18-60 keV) with large FOVs (1-2.5 sr) and excellent angular resolution

  8. only ~100 kg of Payload only ~100 W of PL absorbed power only 350 kg of satellite… Small Mission budget and resources The AGILE challenge…


  10. AGILE in context…

  11. AGILE in context… GLAST Dr Evil Mini-Me AGILE from “Austin Powers” (1999)

  12. AGILE in orbit: • launched April 2007 • > 10.000 orbits • > 94% in nominal scientific observation • no sign of instrument degradation • approved through April 2011

  13. 2-year -ray exposure

  14. 2-year -ray sky by AGILE

  15. AGILE First Catalogof X- and -raysources AGILE First Catalog of -ray sources Average flux above 100 MeV Pittori et al. 2009 Pittori et al., 2009

  16. AGILE Fast Reactions 39 Astronomers’ Telegrams (ATel): 27 on Gamma-ray Transients 12 on X-ray Transients 37 GRB Coordinate Network (GCN) Telegrams: 21 on Gamma Ray Bursts 4 on Magnetars 12 with InterPlanetary Network (IPN) One fast communication every ~10 days

  17. Papers on Refereed Journals Del Monte et al. GRB 070724B A&A 478 (2008) L5 Vercellone et al. 3c 454.3 ApJ 676 (2008) L13 Giommi et al. S 0716+714 A&A 487 (2008) L49 Bulgarelli et al. 3EG J1835+5918 A&A 489 (2008) L17 Chen et al. S 0716+714 A&A 489 (2008) L37 Marisaldi et al. MCAL GRBs A&A 490 (2008) 1151 Pucella et al. PKS 1510-089 A&A 491 (2008) L21 Giuliani et al. GRB 080514B A&A 491 (2008) L25 Halpern et al. PSR J2021+3651 ApJ 688 (2008) L36 Vercellone et al. 3c 454.3 ApJ 690 (2009) 1018 Donnarumma et al. Mkn 421 (w/TeV) ApJ 691 (2009) L13 Pellizzoni et al. Known Pulsars ApJ 691 (2009) 1618 Pacciani et al. 3c 273 A&A 494 (2009) 49 Giuliani et al. 3c 279 A&A 494 (2009) 509 Pellizzoni et al. New Pulsars ApJ 695 (2009) L115 Tavani et al. Eta Carinae ApJL 2009 in press Pittori et al. First GRID Catalog A&A submitted Donnarumma et al. 3c 454.3 ApJ, to be submitted Vercellone et al. 3c 454.3 ApJ, to be submitted Feroci et al. SA results A&A, to be submitted Tavani et al. IC 443 ApJ, in preparation Evangelista et al. GX 301-2 (X-rays) A&A, in preparation Del Monte et al. Cyg X-1 (X-rays) A&A, in preparation

  18. AGILE Results on Active Galactic Nuclei

  19. A Multi- Approach MOJAVE Radio imaging Spitzer IR REM IR-Optical WEBT-GASP Optical, radio, mm, IR Swift UV & Soft X-ray & Hard X-ray Suzaku Soft X-ray & Hard X-ray INTEGRAL Hard X-ray Super-AGILE Hard X-ray AGILE/GRID Gamma-rays MAGIC TeV VERITAS TeV ARGO TeV HESS TeV

  20. The Blazar Flavours • AGILE detected at least one object for each blazar category: • FSRQ 3C 454.3LBL PKS 0537-441 • IBL S5 0716+714 HBL MKN 421 • A few sources were detected more than once: • S5 0716+714; PKS 1510-089; 3C 454.3 • Variability level could be very different: • Extr. Low (3C 279); Extr. High (PKS 1510-089) • Gamma-ray activity could vary on different time scale: • A few days (W Comae); Months(3C 454.3)

  21. Mkn 421 Donnarumma et al., 2009, ApJL, 691, L13 <Fg> = (42  13)E-8 ph/cm2/s E>100MeV SA: 40mCrab (0.4 ph/cm2/s) 15—50 keV Swift/XRT: 2.6E-9 ph/cm2/s 2—10 keV (record!) Correlated variability (optical, X-rays, -rays, and TeV) The g-ray flare can be interpreted within the framework of the SSC model in terms of a rapid acceleration of leptons in the jet. June 2008

  22. AGILE & 3C 454.3 Vercellone et al. 2008, 2009, in prep.; Donnarumma et al. in prep. The longest monitoring so far of a g-ray blazar. A factor of about 10 in dynamic range in about 2 years (if considering also the Fermi data). A possible spectral trend (harder when brighter). Flux Photon Index 3c 454.3 is rebrightening again!

  23. The Multi- View of 3C 454.3 Multi—l: MOJAVE, MITSuME, Spitzer, GASP—WEBT, REM, Swift/UVOT, Swif/XRT, Suzaku, Swift/BAT, AGILE/GRID One year and half of AGILE monitoring:comparison of simultaneous SEDs, LCs, time—lags, spectra, etc…

  24. PKS 1510-089 Pucella et al., in preparation • D’Ammando et al., ATel #1957, 2009-03-08 14:00 UT and 2009-03-10 4:00 UT flux in excess of 200 x 10^-8 ph cm^-2 s^-1. • Pucella et al., ATel #1968, 2009-03-12 07:00 UT and 2009-03-13 05:00 UT flux in excess of 400 x 10^-8 ph cm^-2 s^-1. • Vercellone et al., ATel #1976, 2009-03-18 05:45 UT and 2009-03-19 05:33 UT flux of about 400 x 10^-8 ph cm^-2 s^-1. This value represents an increase of more than a factor of 3 within 24 hours compared with the gamma-ray flux level detected during the previous three days. 1 – 30 March 2009

  25. AGILE Observation of Sources in our Galaxy

  26. Gamma-ray Pulsars

  27. AGILE Pulsars… two years after… AGILE doubled the EGRET pulsar sample in only two years! J1524-5625 GEMINGA J2229+6114 J2021+3651 B1509-58 J1016-5857 B1706-44 J0737-3039 J1357-6429 VELA B1821-24 CRAB J2043+2740

  28. Rotation-powered pulsars Crab Vela Geminga Pellizzoni et al. 2009

  29. Gamma-ray emission from pulsar glitches? • Vela has shown 10 major glitches since 1969. • The chance occurrence of a strong Vela glitch in the wide AGILE field of view over three years of mission is 20%. • Starquake waves can “shake” magnetic fields generating strong electric fields which accelerate particles to relativistic energies, possibly emitting a burst of high-energy radiation (Ruderman, 1976, 1991; Alpar et al., 1994). • Cgglitch=1011hDn/n counts, • where h is the unknown conversion efficiency of the glitch energy to gamma-ray emission (Pellizzoni et al., 2009)

  30. Gamma-ray emission from pulsar glitches? Vela glitch=54,312.5+/-3 MJD Cgglitch=1011hDn/n counts Dn/n=10-9 h=0.1 15 photons in 4 minutes E>50 MeV Small Vela glitch in August 2007: burst emission possibly detected by AGILE

  31. AGILE Discovery of –ray pulsations from PSR J2021+3651 Phase-resolved images resolve a region including confused EGRET sources. -ray-pulse separation vs -ray-radio lag: data vs outer gap model (Romani & Yadigaroghu 1995). Relation holds for many Fermi new pulsars. Viewing Angle Halpern et al. 2008

  32. Discovery of New -Ray Pulsars J2229+6114, J2021+3651, …: Vela-like J1513-5908: High B pulsar J1824-2452: “variable” ms PSR in Globular Cluster ---------------------------------- J1016-5857: possibly 3EG source J1357-6429 J2043+2740: oldest gamma-ray pulsar (106 yrs) J1524-5625 Several other gamma-ray pulsars have been recently discovered by Fermi, including a second ms pulsar and the radio-quiet gamma-ray pulsar in CTA-1. Pellizzoni et al., 2009

  33. Double neutron star system 0737-3039 Orbital period: 2.4 h eccentricity=0.09 (Burgay et al., 2003; Lyne et al., 2004) PRELIMINARY Pellizzoni et al. 2009

  34. Eta Carinae

  35. A Gamma-ray source in the Carina Region -Car: Binary system (orbit 5.5 yr) including a LBV and an O star. Strong wind ejection (10-410-5 Msun yr-1) by both stars. Jul 2007 – Oct 2008 IF the association is true, this would be the first detection of a colliding wind binary above 100 MeV (in qualitative agreement with IC and/or pion decay model by Reimer et al. 2006). HST image of -Car <F>=(37±5)e-8, 7.8 L=3.4x1034 erg s-1 Gamma light curve vs RXTE lught curve 11-13 Ott 08 Tavani et al., 2009 2 days integration maps - counterclockwise

  36. The SNR IC 443

  37. Proton acceleration in IC 443? Solid: hadrons Dashed: electrons AGILE Geminga MAGIC Crab

  38. 100 MeV source and TeV source are non coincident ! Absence of IC emission above 10-100 GeV at the gamma-ray peak: electron/proton ratio~10-2 (see also Gaisser et al. 1998) Absence of prominent TeV emission along the SN shock front (and of non-thermal X-ray emission): electron contribution subdominant The Northeastern SNR shock environment provides the target for proton-proton interaction and pion production/decay Hadronic model at the NE shock is the only viable Proton acceleration in IC 443?

  39. X-ray Binaries

  40. Cyg X-3

  41. 15 - 18 April 2008 Giant radio flare of Cygnus X-3 detected by RATAN-600 radio telescope Radio flux increasing of a factor ~103, from ~10 mJy to ~10 Jy S.A.Trushkin et al., ATel #1483 10 Jy is typical flux for plasmoids emission ! In the same period SuperAGILE revealed an X-ray flare Cygnus X-3

  42. Cygnus X-3 GRID Images (50 MeV – 3 GeV) around day 18 April 2008 -4 days -2 days -6 days +2 days 18 April 2008

  43. Gamma Ray transients on the Galactic Plane

  44. Variable Sources in the Galactic Plane: e.g., 1AGL J2020+4032 • Cygnus Region • Persistent Emission • (1.20 ± 0.07) × 10-6 cm-2 s-1 at 23,4 σσ • Position: (l,b) = (78.37, 2.04)°, error ~ 0.12° • 1-day flare on April 27-28, 2008 [ATel #1492] • (2.9 ± 0.8) × 10-6 cm-2 s-1 at 3.7 σ • Position: (l,b) = (78.1, 2.0)°, error ~ 0.8° • 1-day flare on June 20-21, 2008 [ATel #1585] • (2.5 ± 0.7) × 10-6 cm-2 s-1 at 4.9 σ • Position (l,b) = (78.6, 1.6)°, error ~ 0.7° • 1-day flare on November 16-17, 2008 [ATel #1848] • (2.5 ± 0.7) × 10-6 cm-2 s-1 at 4.8 σ • Position (l,b) = (78.6, 2.1)°, error ~ 0.7° • Gamma association: 3EG J2020+4017 - 0FGL J2021.5+4026 44

  45. 1AGL J2020+4032 April 27-28, 2008

  46. Variable Sources in the Galactic Plane: possible counterparts to 1AGL J2020+4032

  47. Variable Sources in the Galactic Plane: a possible interpretation • The variable gamma-ray sources are very bright ( Crab). • SuperAGILEsimultaneous observation: upper limits between 10 and 40 mCrab. Weak and steady hard X-ray source in Swift/BAT survey. • L/Lx » 1 • Interpretation models based on leptonic jet emission from Microquasars predict large emission at X-rays, so they are excluded by the simultaneous SuperAGILE upper limits. • Romero & Vila (2009) propose interpretation in terms of emission from hadronic jets in Galactic microquasars. This model is able to reproduce a Spectral Energy Distribution (SED) where the luminosity at X-rays is very small, consistent with the AGILE observations. 47

  48. GRS 1915+105 Variable sources: GRS 1915+105

  49. GRS 1915+105 15 April 2008 “reactivation” of the microquasar GRS 1915+105

  50. GRS 1915+105 Radio monitoring (Trushkin S. et al., ATel #1509) Historical radio mapping (J.C.A. Miller-Jones, 2007)

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