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Week 1

Week 1. Term 3, 2014 (July 29). Understanding Korean verb The base form of verb in Korean ends with ‘ 다 ’ . E x) 먹다 (eat [ meok -da] ), 가다 (go [ ga -da] ) We call the part after dropping ' 다 ' at the end of the base form 'verb stem’ , which contains a meaning of the verb.

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Week 1

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Week 1 Term 3, 2014 (July 29)

  2. Understanding Korean verb The base form of verb in Korean ends with ‘다’. Ex) 먹다 (eat [meok-da]), 가다(go [ga-da]) We call the part after dropping '다' at the end of the base form 'verb stem’, which contains a meaning of the verb. That is, '먹’,‘가' is the verb stem of the verb, '먹다’,‘가다'. Every Korean syllable consists of either consonant + vowel (ex. 가)or 2) consonant + vowel + consonant(ex. 먹). It is crucial to know whether the verb stem ends with a consonant or not because that often requires to apply different rules to the form of the verb. From now on, I would like to use VCas ‘a verb stem with a consonant ending’. Similarly, VØstands for ‘a verb stem WITHOUT a consonant ending’.

  3. -니다 ending [ni-da] RULE 1 (VC) +습니다먹다  VC [seum-ni-da] [meok-da] (VØ) +ㅂ니다 가다  VØ [ni-da] [ga-da] * ‘-니다’ending and ‘-요’ ending are two commonly used forms in Korean. You can make formal and polite sentences by using those two endings.

  4. The pronunciation of 습니다 is not the same as the written form as ㅂ[b] sound in 습 is changed to [m]. Changes in pronunciation occur to make pronunciations easier and smoother.

  5. RULE 2: Questions -까 instead of –다. [gga] [da] •커피 마십니까?(Do you drink coffee?) [keo-pi ma-sib-ni-gga?] •아이폰 있습니까? (Do you have iPhone?) [a-i-poni-sseum-ni-gga?] •화장실이 어디입니까? (Where is the bathroom?) [hwa-gang-sil-ieo-di-ib-ni-gga?]

  6. RULE 3: Negative sentences 안 prior to the verb [an] (2) V +지 않습니다. [ji an-sseum-ni-da] •커피 안 마십니다. (I don’t drink coffee.) [keo-pi an ma-sib-ni-da.] = 커피 마시지 않습니다. [keo-pi ma-si-ji an-sseum-ni-da.] •아이폰 없습니다. (I don’t have iPhone.) [a-i-pon eob-sseum-ni-da.] •화장실은 저기입니다. (The bathroom is over there.) [hwa-gang-sil-eun jeo-gi-im-ni-da.]

  7. 책 읽다 요리하다 [chaekik-da] [yo-ri-ha-da] (read books) (cook) 자전거 타다 [ja-jeon-geo ta-da] (ride a bike) 와인 마시다 [wa-in ma-si-da] (drink wine)

  8. [Jeo-gi-yo.] [Ne. Mw∂ pi-ryo-ha-sim-ni-gga?] [Po-keui-sseum-ni-gga?] [Jeo-neunjeot-ga-rak-ji-leuljalmo-tae-yo.]

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