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COLL 148 Virtual Classroom: Your Personal Values

Explore the concepts of beliefs, values, and attitudes and their influence on decision-making. Discover how your personal values impact your choices and behavior. Gain insights on cultivating a strong work ethic and positive attitude to achieve success in your academic and professional endeavors.

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COLL 148 Virtual Classroom: Your Personal Values

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  1. COLL 148 Virtual Classroom:Your Personal Values Week 5 Professor Gillette

  2. Tonight’s Agenda

  3. In the link provided, the article breaks down the three attributes fairly easy and provides a small info-graphic on the matter. It starts by breaking down beliefs, stating that these are primarily ideas that individual holds truth to. It can stem from anything, whether it's something people say, or what can be considered the norm in society such as religion. Everyone at this point after adopting a belief, will search for any kind of evidence to prove these truths. • It goes on to say that values are a product of beliefs after they've been adopted into one's belief system. That is, they use their beliefs to guide their choices, if one strongly holds their values they will almost always use the same rationale when making a decision. For example, practicing celibacy a lot of the time is based on religious beliefs.  • When the article described attitude, it said that attitudes are developed from both beliefs and values. Attitudes are considered a disposition we have towards someone or a situation before one makes a choice that results in a behavior. But the article also states that there are some factors that can alter an attitude, like wanting to please someone or aiming to be politically correct. • I believe in a strong work ethic, this applies not only to my career at DeVry, but also in the work world. Remaining diligent when studying for courses, or learning a new skill at work is the value I consider to be most profound, while doing my best at keeping a positive attitude will guide me towards success at DeVry. https://www.iaa.govt.nz/for-advisers/adviser-tools/ethics-toolkit/personal-beliefs-values-attitudes-and-behaviour/ Discussion Post 1 – Research2 – Summarize3 – Apply4 – Cite

  4. Discussion Post Image

  5. Personal Values Assignment

  6. Mission Statement Resources

  7. Our presenters from finance introduced the Grad Ready resource as a tool to increase financial literacy. It provides lessons on these key topics: • Paying for College • Money Management • Real-World Finance • Here is the link: • https://gradready.com/gradready/sponsor/devry Grad Ready

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