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SQL Server Compact Edition 3.5 and the Entity Framework

Learn about the power of SQL Server Compact Edition 3.5 and Entity Framework working together in this comprehensive presentation. Understand the fundamentals, advanced features, and integration possibilities for efficient data-oriented applications.

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SQL Server Compact Edition 3.5 and the Entity Framework

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  1. SQL Server Compact Edition 3.5and the Entity Framework Rob Sanders and Matt Lynch

  2. About Us • Matt is an independent contractor who specializes in SharePoint, Entity Framework and C# and the .Net Framework. • http://matt-lynch.spaces.live.com • Rob is a consultant for Readify in Brisbane and spends his time between SQL Server, Team Foundation Server and BizTalk. • http://internationalized.spaces.live.com

  3. Presentation Agenda • Introduction to the ADO Entity Framework • Overview of SQL Server Compact Edition 3.5 • Entity Framework Fundamentals • Followed by.. Advanced Entity Framework • Finally.. Entity Framework and SQL Compact Edition – Together!

  4. Origins of this Presentation Rob> Hey mate, I’m working with LINQ to SQL and SQL Server Compact Edition Matt> Cool, hey did you know Compact Edition supports the Entity Framework? Rob> Hmmmm Rob> We’ve got to do a presentation on it! Matt> Absolutely!

  5. Microsoft’s Data Access Strategy “ The Entity Data Platform is a multi-release vision, with future versions of reporting tools, replication, data definition, security, etc. all being built around a common Entity Data Model. “ – Mike Pizzo, Architect, Data Programmability April, 2007 Source: http://blogs.msdn.com/data/archive/2007/04/28/microsoft-s-data-access-strategy.aspx

  6. Introducing the ADO.Net Entity Framework(EF) • The goal of EF is to decrease the amount of code and maintenance required for data-oriented applications • Entity Framework is central to Microsoft’s data access strategy for the .Net Framework • Shipped with .Net Framework 3.5 SP 1 • Underpinned by LINQ to Entities

  7. The Entity Data Model • The Entity Data Model is a Entity-Relationship data model which supports advanced features such as: • Abstract classes • Property / Entity renaming • Inheritance • Complex Types • Stored procedure mapping for insert, update and delete methods. • Mapping a single entity to multiple tables • Hiding join tables in collections • Documentation which populate Xml comments

  8. Entity SQL • Write queries independently of the data store with a more concise language • Provides a common query language across providers by extending the existing SQL language with constructs to work with strong notions of type, inheritance, and relationships from the Entity Data Model • SQL • SELECT sp.FirstName, sp.LastName, sp.HireDateFROM SalesPerson spINNER JOIN Employee e ON sp.SalesPersonID = e.EmployeeIDINNER JOIN Contact c ON e.EmployeeID = c.ContactIDWHERE e.SalariedFlag = 1 AND e.HireDate >= '2006-01-01' • Entity SQL • SELECT sp.FirstName, sp.LastName, sp.HireDateFROM AdventureWorks.AdventureWorksDB.SalesPeople AS spWHERE e.HireDate >= '2006-01-01‘ • Only used for select statements

  9. Entity Framework Basics Demos Happen Here! • Entity Data Model • Basic Queries

  10. The SQL Server Family The SQL Server 2008 Family of Products • Enterprise • Standard • Workgroup • Web • Express • Compact

  11. Overview of SQL Compact Edition 3.5 • Relational Database • Flat File based • Memory and CPU conscious design • In-Process • No installation • ODBC/ADO Supported • Runs on Windows Mobile and Desktop Platforms • Also supported by the Sync Framework (SQL Server 2008)

  12. What’s new in Compact Edition 3.5? • Synchronization Options • Sync Framework, Remote Data Access, Merge replication • Extended T-SQL support • CROSS APPLY • CAST • TOP • Transaction Scope (On Desktops) • Read Committed (default), Repeatable Read , Serializable • Identity Columns • Unicode support • Multi User, supports 256 connections – recommend < 100 • LINQ to SQL and, of course, • Entity Framework!

  13. Be Honest, What’s the Downside? • No support for Views • No support for Triggers • No support for Stored Procedures or UDFs • Does not support smalldatetime, xml, varchar(max), nvarchar(max), char(c), varchar(n) datatypes • You cannot integrate CLR assemblies • No Full Text Search indexes • No cross platform support • No roles or privileges are supported …but it’s nicer than an XML file.

  14. Is Compact Edition Worthy? Asked at www.stackoverflow.com: “Has anyone used (or considered using) SQL Server Compact Edition 3.5?”

  15. Votes of Confidence "At work, we recently had to migrate a project that was designed for SQL Server Express to SQLCE. Once we started digging into it though, and saw what it DOES offer, we were convinced it was the right move. It supports LINQ, querying a lot of data [was] MUCH quicker than we thought it would” - BFree “I currently use SQL CE with NHibernate in a business application where the SQL CE database gets synchronized with Sync Framework via WCF to an SQL 2008 server. Works like a charm! especially generating the database from Nhibernate - mapping files [are] just awesome.“ - jkersch

  16. More Demonstrations Demo • Create a Compact Edition Database • With Visual Studio • With C#

  17. Advanced Entity Framework • Demos: • Concurrency • Many to Many • Table Per Type • Grand Finale

  18. Further Reading SQL Compact Edition Homepage http://www.microsoft.com/Sqlserver/2005/en/us/compact.aspx Introduction to SQL Compact Edition http://support.microsoft.com/kb/920700 Download SQL CE http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=85e0c3ce-3fa1-453a-8ce9-af6ca20946c3&displaylang=en Introduction to the Entity Framework (Wildermuth) http://www.theserverside.net/tt/articles/showarticle.tss?id=IntroducingEntityFramework ADO.net Entity Framework Overview (MSDN) http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa697427(VS.80).aspx

  19. Fin • Rob Sanders • http://internationalized.spaces.live.com • Twitter: AusRob • rob.sanders@gmail.com • Matt Lynch • http://matt-lynch.spaces.live.com • M@ttLynch.net

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