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This text discusses the generation of signal samples for VBF H0->ZZ*->bbll with different masses and cross sections, as well as the inclusion of backgrounds such as bb, tt, Zbb, and ZZ. Efficiencies, distributions, and event selection criteria are also examined.
Generation of samples for VBF H0-->ZZ*-->bbll Signal : mH = 130 : Xsec = 1.6 fb, Pythia, > 200K events. mH = 140 : Xsec = 2.6 fb, Pythia, 200K events. mH = 150 : Xsec = 2.9 fb, Pythia, 200K events. Backgrounds : bb : Xsec = 3.0 1011 fb, MCatNLO+JIMMY, > 400K events tt : Xsec = 6.9 105 fb, MCatNLO+JIMMY, >700K events Zbb : Xsec(qq-->Zbb) = 8.6 103 fb, AcerMC + Pythia , ~ 300K events Xsec(gg-->Zbb) = fb, AcerMC + Pythia , 450K events ZZ : Xsec = MCatNLO + JIMMY : in progress Z/gamma : Xsec = MCatNLO + JIMMY : in progress MC@NLO files generated but problem to produce ATLFAST CBNT.
Signal distributions for mH=130 at generation level High mass of VBF jet-system Wide separated jets coming from VBF
Signal eta distributions (2) Central leptons Central B jets
Signal mass distributions (3) Compatiblewith virtual Z Mass window
bb background generated with MC@NLO Too low statistics (3.1 10-3 % of total). 2 ideas to improve that : 1/ ~ 84% of leptons come from b hadrons. Idea = to force the semileptonic decays of the b hadrons. How to force the decays in HERWIG ? Up to now, not found. 2/ Cut on the hard process Pt : Is it still ok with a 2 --> 3 process ? Pt distribution shows no difference before and after cut.
Event selection • Precuts : • 2 b jets, |η| < 2.7, Pt > 5 GeV/c • 2 leptons, |η| < 2.7, Pt > 5 GeV/c • The lepton pair with the highest Pt • The b-jet pair with the reconstructed mass the closest to Z mass. • Dilepton system mass compatible with a virtual Z mass : mllє [10;70] • Trigger : • electrons : At least one Pt > 25 GeV/c or 2 Pt > 15 GeV/c • muons : At least one Pt > 20 GeV/c or 2 Pt > 10 GeV/c • VBF jets : • 2 jets, η1.η2 < 0, |Δη| > 4, the pair with the highest mass. • mjj > 500 GeV/c2 • Possible Additionnal cuts : • Ptmiss < C_ Ptmiss : against tt background. • mll, Ptb, ΔRlland ΔRbb.
Distributions (mH = 130 GeV/c2) (1/2) Cut on Ptmiss