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MSNet is an open-source tool written in Perl by Angel Rodriguez, designed for automated seismic data processing and management. It efficiently polls remote stations, declares events, stores waveforms in Seisan databases, and requires minimal bandwidth and processor resources. Its simple configuration and powerful features make it a versatile solution for seismic monitoring.

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  1. MSNet MSNet is an easy to install,use, maintain and modify open source written in Perl. It polls remote stations, declares events based on time, makes s-files, retrieves and stores waveforms into Seisan databases. Written by Angel “all automatic” Rodriguez

  2. Why Perl language? “To make easy jobs easy and hard ones possible” • It's strengths are: • free and available on all platforms • Powerful file and string manipulation • Powerful use of regular expressions in pattern matching

  3. Why did I write MSNet? • Because I am lazy. • In the begging it was all manual. • Then I wrote some batch files that got all events, manual processing. It consumed lot of bandwidth. • Jens suggested and outlined the program • Now it is all automatic, EEV ready with almost no bandwidth use.

  4. Does it work?You bet! • Has been running on my system for 3 month. • In February it made about 300 s-files • Has not yet crashed or stopped working • Consumes very little processor resources • Consumes very little bandwidth • Very easy to modify stations • Very easy to modify the program itself

  5. MSNet does it's job in five main steps • It first build a list of stations real or virtual. • It connects to each station on the list and gets the waveform file names, not the files. • It declares events and makes S-files based on the time extracted from the file name. • It then reconnects only the stations and gets only the waveforms that were used in the making of the S-files • It then deletes waveform files at reconnected stations based on user defined variables.

  6. Each remote station needs a setup file • If you have a network with 20 station then you would need 20 “.station” files. • To not visit a station you just remove the station file from the folder. • You can make virtual stations to get just some files from a database.

  7. Setting up MSNetMSNet needs an MSNet.ini file • STATION_HOME = c:\seismo\MSNet\ • STATION_EXTENSION = .station • LOG_PATH = c:\seismo\MSNet\ • REA_BASE = C:\seismo\REA\demo_\ • EVENT_STORE = C:\seismo\WAV\ • TIMEOUT = 0 • VERBOSE = yes • LOG = MSnet.log • PROCESSING_DAYS = 1 • ARRAY_PROP_TIME = 30 • DECLARE_EVENT = 3

  8. BRU2.station • IP = # this is a comment • LOGIN = demo # user name • PASSWORD = demo1 • REMOTE_WAVE_FORM_DIR = /Seislog/ • STATION_TYPE = seisan • DELETE_FILES = 99 • MTTNE = 170 • # this is also a comment

  9. MSNet does it's job in five main steps • It first build a list of stations real or virtual. • It connects to each station on the list and gets the waveform file names, not the files. • It declares events and makes S-files based on the time extracted from the file name. • It then reconnects only the stations and gets only the waveforms that were used in the making of the S-files • It then deletes waveform files at reconnected stations based on user defined variables.

  10. Seaian::Tools • Converts Seisan to Nordic and vis-a-versa. • Converts Seisan or Nordic into Unix epoch time reference. • Converts Seisan and Nordic into DateTime::Precise format. • Given a list of waveform files, returns an s-file. • Given a waveform file and the name of an s-file. add to the s-file. • Sorts an array of waveform files by Unix epoch time.

  11. Future Enhancements and Know issues • Automatic location and notification • Get and convert different file formats on the fly. • Implement more SeisNet features • Question and Answers?

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