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uPortal Internationalization Updates

Discussing the current status of i18n works, focusing on Layout Management, and proposing a new workflow for translation efficiency. Collaborative efforts required from Developers, Translators, and Framework Developers for uPortal 3 internationalization progress.

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uPortal Internationalization Updates

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Presentation Transcript

  1. uPortal InternationalizationUpdates Shoji Kajita Information Technology CenterNagoya UniversityJapan uPortal Developer Meeting Fall 2005

  2. Objectives • Share the current status of i18n briefly • Re-energize i18n works • Which Layout Management should be focusing on ? • The workflow of translation should be changed so that I don’t become a bottle neck… • Clarify the i18n status for uPortal 3 • I need comments on this from uPortal 3 developers, perhaps, Peter:-) uPortal Developer Meeting Fall 2005

  3. UTF-8 Transparency Locale management mechanism Localizable resource using Java Resource Bundle Localizable resource for presentation layer Localizable resources persisted in DB Collaborative Efforts Required for I18n Layout Management Developers ChannelDevelopers Translators uPortal Framework Developers uPortal Developer Meeting Fall 2005

  4. Collaborative Efforts Required for I18n SLM / ALM / DLM / CLM Web Proxy, Announcement, Webmail,Hypercontent,Bookmark,WebCT, Blackboard,Helpdesk,…,Sakai Tools en_USja_JP sv_SEde_DE ca_ESen_GB es_ESfr_FR it_ITlv_LV pl_PLpt_PT(on my wiki site) uPortal 2 / uPortal 3 uPortal Developer Meeting Fall 2005

  5. Problems • I18 works is highly depending on Layout Management • LM is diverse (ALM/DLM/CLM…., uPortal3) • A lot of manual tasks are required • Pulling out localizable strings and phrases • Translating strings and phrases • Testing and checking the quality on screen • Checking localized resources into CVS CLM uPortal 3 DLM Not active ALM SLM ‘03 Jan ‘06 Jan ‘02 Jan ‘04 Jan ‘05 Jan uPortal Developer Meeting Fall 2005

  6. Testing and checking the quality on screen Translator Translator Translator My Wiki Site Translator Translator Translator Translating strings and phrases Current Workflow of Translation Work Checking localized resources into CVS CVS Pulling out localizable strings and phrases uPortal Developer Meeting Fall 2005

  7. uPortal Developer Meeting Fall 2005

  8. uPortal Developer Meeting Fall 2005

  9. Web based Translation Site(in planning) • Non technical translators can easily use it to get involved in translation works • The translated resources are automatically committed to CVS repository • After the gatekeeper for each locale checks the quality to keep consistency of translation • We could use this site for Sakai i18n works also uPortal Developer Meeting Fall 2005

  10. In Summary • Re-energize i18n works • Which Layout Management should be focusing on ? • Ans: DLM?! • The workflow of translation should be changed so that I don’t become a bottle neck… • Ans: Web based Translation Site • I18n in uPortal 3…. uPortal Developer Meeting Fall 2005

  11. Questions, Suggestionsand Comments? uPortal Developer Meeting Fall 2005

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