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CS 4100 Artificial Intelligence. Prof. C. Hafner Class Notes Feb 2 and 7, 2012. Outline. Assignment 2 – hand back and discuss Finish discussion of First Order Logic Review unification Conversion to CNF Representation of FOL: the Python FOLExp class
CS 4100 Artificial Intelligence Prof. C. Hafner Class Notes Feb 2 and 7, 2012
Outline • Assignment 2 – hand back and discuss • Finish discussion of First Order Logic • Review unification • Conversion to CNF • Representation of FOL: the Python FOLExp class • Representation of FOLExp’s in input files • Backward chaining – AND/OR goal trees (different notation from the textbook example) • Assignments 4 and 5
The unification algorithm And Op(x) = Op(y) then
The unification algorithm Using compose
A question about unification • Unify: • Likes(y, x) with Likes(x, John) Can {x/John, y/John} and {x/John, y/x} both be MGU’s? First step: = {y/x} Second step: unify-var(x, John, ) Adds {x/John} to yields what? Push(newpair, theta) {x/John, y/x} Compose(newpair, theta): such that when the lhs of the new pair (L) appears in the rhs (R) of an existing element of , replace R with subst(newpair, R) {x/John, y/John}
HW5: Designing a representation for FOL • Variables begin with lower case • Constants, predicates and function symbols begin with upper case letters • Atomic formulas are represented using list structures such as: • Likes[Father[x], Pizza] A python class called FOLexp for atomic formulas takes an expression (a string) in this language and returns an instance of the class. The code for it is on the web site. Also a unification program that expects its arguments to be FOLexp instances. For your assignment: The KB file will contain definite clauses in logic programming form: Likes[John, Pizza] Likes[x, Pizza] IF Likes[x, Spaghetti] AND Likes[x, Cheese]
Class Exercise: Find a MGU for the following pairs if one exists Isa(Fido, Dog)Isa(x, Dog) Isa(x, Dog)Isa(y, z) Likes(x, Owner(x))Likes(John, Owner(Fido)) Likes(x, Owner(y))Likes(John, z) Likes(x, Owner(y))Likes(Fido, Father(John))
Review: Steps in converting to CNF • Remove implications • Move negation inward • Standardize variable names • Skolemize (drop existential quantifiers) • Ex: x y z [ Knows(x, z) ^ Knows(y, z) ] becomes x y [Knows(x, F(x,y)) ^ Knows(y, F(x,y)) ] x z y [ Knows(x, z) ^ Knows(y, z) ] becomes x y [Knows(x, F(x)) ^ Knows(y, F(x)) ] • Can you translate these into English? • Drop universal quantifiers • Distribute v over ^
Conversion to CNF (informal quiz) • y z [ City(z) ^ Team-from(y, z) ^ Winner(y, SuperBowl) ] • x y [ Student(x) ^ TakingClass(x, y) • z [ Grade(z) ^ GradeFor(x, y, z)] ] • 3. w [ z [ House(z) ^ ( Owns(w, z) v Rents(w, z) ) ] CreditWorthy(w) ]
Conversion to CNF (informal quiz answers) • y z [ City(z) ^ Team-from(y, z) ^ Winner(y, SuperBowl) ] • City(g2) • Team-from(g1, g2) • Winner(g1, SuperBowl) • x y [ Student(x) ^ TakingClass(x, y) z [ Grade(z) ^ GradeFor(x, y, z)] ] • ~ Student(x) v ~TakingClass(x, y) v Grade(G3(x, y)) • ~ Student(x) v ~TakingClass(x, y) v GradeFor(x, y, G3(x, y)) • w [ z [ House(z) ^ ( Owns(w, z) v Rents(w, z) ) ] ] CreditWorthy(w) ] • ~ House(z) v ~Owns(w, z) v CreditWorthy(w) • ~ House(z) v ~Rents(w, z) v CreditWorthy(w)
Syntax of AND/OR trees • Facts are queried first (in the order they appear) • Then rules in the order they appear • Premises are “solved” in the order they appear also Alternating node types (except for leaf nodes) • A goal/subgoal node = OR node representing all the ways the goal can be proved. Its children are rules or facts. • A Rule node = AND node since the premises are conjoined. Its children are subgoals. • A fact node is a leaf node that satisfies a subgoal
Drawing AND/OR tree for Backward Chaining Process (informal quiz) – note order of Kbase is relevant R1 House(x) ^ Owns(y, x) Cr(y) R2 House(x) ^ Rents(y, x) ^ NoDebts(y) Cr(y) R3 Rich(x) Cr(x) F1 House(H33) F2 House(H21) F3 Owns(John, H21) F4 Rents(Sally, Apt 12) F5 Owns(Max, Tent33) F6 Rich(Mike) F7 Rents(Jim, H33) Query: ? Cr(z) who is credit worthy??
Answers: [ [z=John] , [z=Mike]] CR(z) [z=John, x1=H21] OR [z = Mike] FAIL R3 R1 R2 AND AND AND House(x1) Owns(z, x1) Rich(z) OR OR OR Rents(z,x2) NoDebts(z) F6 House(x2) F1 F2 z = Mike OR OR x1=H21 x1=H33 F7 F4 F3 F5 = A KB element z=John x1=H21 z=Max x1=Tent33 F2 F1 = A goal x2=H33 x2=H21
Backward chaining algorithm Note: Should be: for each r, θ combination in KB where . . . .
Discuss Assignment 5 function FOLBCtest(“queries file name”) for each query in queries file ans – FOLBC(LQ, []) print answers from ans in human readable form first “cleanup” ans to include only variables from the query function FOLBC(LQ, theta) # LQ is a list of FOLexp instances ans is a list of substitutions that make query true, or False Note: An empty θ [] means an exact match, so subst (θ, p) does nothing Note: why can’t we standardize apart once at the beginning ????
New topic: Search • Classic Search Problems • Missionaries and Cannibals • 8 puzzle • 4 color map problem • Resource allocation/scheduling • Resolution theorem proving • Natural Language parsing • Adversarial games extend the basic model • Relationship to operations research: • Factory scheduling (ex: painting cars) • Logistics (ex: delivering cars to dealers) • Finding optimal or good solutions
The search framework for problem solving • Given • A set of discrete states (usually finite, but often very large) that define the problem space • A designated start state • One or more states are designated as goal states • A set of operators or actions the agent can perform at each state • A function: Next: State x Op State • Objective: find a sequence of operators that, if applied in the start state, will lead to a goal state • Or: find the shortest or least-cost such sequence
Explore the problem space by generating and searching a tree • Root = start state • Each node represents a state, children are all the next-states
Example: The 8-puzzle • states? • actions? • goal test? • path cost? CS 3243 - Blind Search
Example: The 8-puzzle • states?locations of tiles • actions?move the blank left, right, up, or down • goal test?= goal state (given) • path cost? 1 per move [Note: optimal solution of n-Puzzle family is NP-hard] CS 3243 - Blind Search
Example: Path Finding • On holiday in Romania; current location is Arad. • Flight leaves tomorrow from Bucharest • A map gives a representation of the problem space • Formulate goal: • Location: Bucharest • Formulate problem: • states: various cities • actions: drive between cities • Find solution: • sequence of cities, e.g., Arad, Sibiu, Fagaras, Bucharest
Tree search example CS 3243 - Blind Search
Tree search example CS 3243 - Blind Search
Tree search example CS 3243 - Blind Search
Implementation: states vs. nodes • A state is a (representation of) a physical configuration • A node is a data structure constituting part of a search tree includes state, parent node, action, path costg(x), depth • The Expand function creates new nodes, filling in the various fields and using the SuccessorFn of the problem to create the corresponding states. CS 3243 - Blind Search
Implementation: the problem definition • General state space search (next slide) takes a problem definition as its argument: • Initial-state • A successors function: state a set of action-result pairs • A goal-test function: state true or false • (optionally) a cost function: action a number > 0
Implementation: general tree search CS 3243 - Blind Search
Slight modification • IF not (check s for repeat of prior state): Add s to successors Easy enough to check by following “parent” links
Search strategies • A search strategy is defined by picking the order of node expansion • Strategies are evaluated along the following dimensions: • completeness: does it always find a solution if one exists? • time complexity: number of nodes generated • space complexity: maximum number of nodes in memory • optimality: does it always find a least-cost solution? • Time and space complexity are measured in terms of • b: maximum branching factor of the search tree • d: depth of the least-cost solution • m: maximum depth of the state space (may be ∞)
Uninformed search strategies • Uninformed search strategies use only the information available in the problem definition • Breadth-first search • Uniform-cost search • Depth-first search • Depth-limited search • Iterative deepening search
Breadth-first search • Expand shallowest unexpanded node • Implementation: • fringe is a FIFO queue, i.e., new successors go at end
Breadth-first search • Expand shallowest unexpanded node • Implementation: • fringe is a FIFO queue, i.e., new successors go at end
Breadth-first search • Expand shallowest unexpanded node • Implementation: • fringe is a FIFO queue, i.e., new successors go at end CS 3243 - Blind Search
Breadth-first search • Expand shallowest unexpanded node • Implementation: • fringe is a FIFO queue, i.e., new successors go at end CS 3243 - Blind Search
Properties of breadth-first search • Complete?Yes (if b is finite) • Time?1+b+b2+b3+… +bd = O(bd+1) • Space?O(bd+1) (keeps every node in memory) • Optimal? Yes (if cost = 1 per step) • Space is the bigger problem (more than time) Hypothetical in text illustrating the problem of an exponential complexity bound: b (branching factor) = 10, a node uses 1000 bytes, and 10,000 nodes per second can be generated. A solution at depth 8 takes 31 hours and uses 1 terabyte. At level 9 it is 129 days and 101 terabytes. CS 3243 - Blind Search
Uniform-cost search • Expand least-cost unexpanded node • Implementation: • fringe = queue ordered by path cost-so-far g(n) • Equivalent to breadth first if step costs are all equal • Complete? Yes, if step cost ≥ ε • Time? # of nodes with g ≤ cost of optimal solution, O(bceiling(C/ ε)) where C is the cost of the optimal solution • Space? The same since all nodes are kept in memory • Optimal? Yes – nodes are expanded in increasing order of g(n)
Depth-first search • Expand deepest unexpanded node • Implementation: • fringe = LIFO queue, i.e., put successors at front
Depth-first search • Expand deepest unexpanded node • Implementation: • fringe = LIFO queue, i.e., put successors at front
Depth-first search • Expand deepest unexpanded node • Implementation: • fringe = LIFO queue, i.e., put successors at front
Depth-first search • Expand deepest unexpanded node • Implementation: • fringe = LIFO queue, i.e., put successors at front
Depth-first search • Expand deepest unexpanded node • Implementation: • fringe = LIFO queue, i.e., put successors at front
Depth-first search • Expand deepest unexpanded node • Implementation: • fringe = LIFO queue, i.e., put successors at front
Depth-first search • Expand deepest unexpanded node • Implementation: • fringe = LIFO queue, i.e., put successors at front
Depth-first search • Expand deepest unexpanded node • Implementation: • fringe = LIFO queue, i.e., put successors at front CS 3243 - Blind Search
Depth-first search • Expand deepest unexpanded node • Implementation: • fringe = LIFO queue, i.e., put successors at front
Depth-first search • Expand deepest unexpanded node • Implementation: • fringe = LIFO queue, i.e., put successors at front
Depth-first search • Expand deepest unexpanded node • Implementation: • fringe = LIFO queue, i.e., put successors at front
Depth-first search • Expand deepest unexpanded node • Implementation: • fringe = LIFO queue, i.e., put successors at front
Properties of depth-first search • Complete? No: fails in infinite-depth spaces • Time?O(bm): terrible if m is much larger than d • but if solutions are dense, may be much faster than breadth-first (m is maximum depth of the state space) • Space?O(bm), i.e., linear space! • Optimal? No!!