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[Very] Basic APRS Mark MacAllister Pittsboro NC KK4NNQ KK4NNQ-7 mark@redtailhawk.us. A utomatic P acket R eporting S ystem North American frequency is usually 144.390, though operable at UHF, 6 meters and some HF Mostly a one-to-many system, though there are some one-to-one applications
[Very] Basic APRS Mark MacAllister Pittsboro NC KK4NNQ KK4NNQ-7 mark@redtailhawk.us
Automatic Packet Reporting System North American frequency is usually 144.390, though operable at UHF, 6 meters and some HF Mostly a one-to-many system, though there are some one-to-one applications Public service and events, search and rescue, emergency services General Info
General Info • APRS is not [just] a vehicle tracking system. It is a two-way tactical real-time digital communications system between all assets in a network...this means that if something is happening now, or if there is information that could be valuable to you, then it should show up on your APRS radio in your mobile. • APRS also supports global callsign-to-callsign messaging, bulletins, objects email and Voice because every local area is seen by the Internet System (APRS-IS). APRS should enable local and global amateur radio operator contact anytime/anywhere and using any device.
Specific Application Examples • “Check-in” beaconing from vehicle (private vehicle, bike race “sag wagon,” SAR team, etc.) • Permanent or short-term object locating (repeater, home station, meeting, storm, disaster area, etc.) using “set object” protocol (see OpenAPRS implementation) • Transmit weather data • Check-in beaconing from trail H/T
Station Hardware Configurations • Assembled: Mobile/TNC/GPS • All-in-one mobile units: Yaesu FTM-400, Kenwood TM-D710A and others • H/T: Yaesu VX-8GR, Kenwood TH-D72 • Smartphone/Tablet apps • Free-standing, transmit-only beacons (Byonics)
Signal Processing:Digipeaters and iGates • Digipeaters are just like normal voice repeaters in that when they hear traffic, they rebroadcast it with a little more antenna height and usually a little more power. APRS Digipeaters receive and send on the same 144.390 frequency and thus repeat only APRS traffic. • When an igate, or Internet Gateway, hears traffic, it sends that data to the APRS-IS (Automatic Packet Reporting System – Internet Service). APRS-IS is a live stream of APRS traffic worldwide. Setting up an iGate is an easy way to contribute to the strength and utility of the APRS network without overwhelming the RF side of things. • iGates are commonly constructed using Arduino/Raspberry Pi components
Messages sent on schedules of every few seconds to every few minutes Smart beaconing on some radios Call sign and SSID (-8 for boat, -7 for H/T, etc.) Position and heading Speed Distance from receiving station Hardware info TXT content: QSY info, other message, etc. Digipeater(s) processing message Weather info if applicable Typical APRS Message Contents
aprs.fi openaprs.net Many individually-operated sites using APRS database/findU [e.g., k6ib.com/aprs] APRS on the Internet
One-to-One Applications • Voice Alert • Allows an APRS operator to “ping” another operator over the APRS channel and set up QSY for voice contact • Standard for Voice Alert is 144.390 with PL code of 100 • APRS messaging (see openaprs.net)
APRS resources • aprs.org (everything you want to know and then some) • Live APRS mapping • aprs.fi • openaprs.net
Request that stations—especially those outside of repeater range themselves—monitor simplex for stations needing priority/emergency assist 146.520 is standard, but also applies to 52.525, 223.5, 446.000 and 1294.5 Standard times are for five minutes every three hours beginning 0700, but 24-hour monitoring is appreciated Wilderness Protocol