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Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide

Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide. Barbara Clausen (Past ΑΣ State President, ΑΣ State Parliamentarian) Jane Gerdon (Chi Chapter Past President, ΑΣ State Scholarship Chair) Wendy Selde (Chi Chapter Past President, ΑΣ State Nominations Chair) , and

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Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide

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  1. Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide Barbara Clausen (Past ΑΣ State President, ΑΣ State Parliamentarian) Jane Gerdon(Chi Chapter Past President, ΑΣ State Scholarship Chair) Wendy Selde(Chi Chapter Past President, ΑΣ State Nominations Chair), and Glenda Reynolds(Past NW Regional Director)

  2. Slavery • Modern Day Slavery

  3. Slavery • Modern Day Slavery • Worldwide Prostitution

  4. Slavery Women who are in prostitution have very little ability to make their daughters aspire to do something different. It’s not that transgenerational prostitution happens because they want to make it happen. It’s because they have no option, they have no escape. -­‐Urmi Basu

  5. Slavery • Modern Day Slavery • Worldwide Prostitution • Modern Triangular Trade

  6. Slavery A lot of the brutality against girls and women is rooted in deep cultural stereotypes about the worth of women. And it’s not that different from the way African American slaves were viewed in 18th-­‐ or 19th-­‐century America or Europe. These [people] were not fully human, these were some other kind of being that under the Bible or under a convenient social rationale were put on Earth to serve somebody else -­‐Hillary Clinton

  7. Slavery • Modern Day Slavery • Worldwide Prostitution • Modern Triangular Trade • Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking

  8. Slavery • Modern Day Slavery • Worldwide Prostitution • Modern Triangular Trade • Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking • Mapping Slavery

  9. Slavery – Mapping Slavery

  10. Slavery – Mapping Slavery

  11. Maternal Mortality: Greatest Health Inequity of 21st Century Lifetime risk of maternal death in childbirth is 1,000 times higher in a poor country than in the West. • Niger: 1 in 7 chance of dying in childbirth. • Sub-Saharan Africa: 1 in 32 • India: 1 in 70 • Sri Lanka: 1 in 850 • United States: 1 in 4,800 • Italy: 1 in 26,000 • Ireland: 1 in 47,600

  12. Mortality Causes COMPLICATIONS: Medical Care: unavailable, too far away, inadequate, or unaffordable 80% Deaths are due to: HemorrhagingObstructive labor SepsisUnsafe abortion Pre-eclampsia Indirect causes

  13. Mortality Causes Obstructive Labor – 3 major causes 1. Anthopoid pelvis – elongated, fast runners 2. Female Genital Mutilation – genital cutting 3. Fistulas – a passage or hole between two organs in the body A. The story of “M” B. Addis Ababa Fistula Hospital

  14. Mortality Causes Maternal health generally gets minimal attention because those who die or suffer injuries, overwhelmingly start with three strikes against them. They are female, poor, and rural. -Half the Sky, p. 97

  15. Mortality Causes Edna Adan Top ranking official WHO (World Health Organization) • Hospital Site ( former military parade ground/dump) • Ian Fisher/Financing • Maternity Hospital • Making a Difference • Total attention to the patient’s needs

  16. Education • Investing Education: • Procter & Gamble-building toilets (FemCare) gold-plated projects—flashy but less effective; • Iodized salt 31% households developing world-brain damage less -- unglamorous project; • Bribery or local projects make a difference: Mexico grants for girls’ families; • International projects must be a partnership;

  17. Microcredit FinancingAxis of Equality Financing: Kahsf (Pakistan) Heifer goats (Africa) Women to Women International: effective because it touches people at the grassroots level & involves them Countries: women get educated and can work, the economy turns around, children’s IQs increase! Just send money: effective in countries with good governance with women involved and equal opportunities Other countries: join partnerships with local connections

  18. Four Steps You Can Take in Ten Minutes • Go to www.globalgiving.org and open a P2P account (Link directly to a person in need overseas, browse) or www.kiva.org (browse for micro lending) or www.givology.com (causes in China, India, Africa to support local projects — end prostitution, etc.) • Sponsor a girl THR Plan International, Women for Women Int’l, World Vision, or American Jewish World Service. • Sign up for email updates www.womensenews.org or www.worldpulse.com (actions to prevent abuse) • Join CARE Action Network www.can.care.org (speak out with policymakers)

  19. How Can YOU Make A Difference? In pairs or trios, as an individual or chapter, what can YOU do?

  20. Closure • Complete the evaluation • Buy a book and read it all! • Watch the video ~ • Go www.deltakappagamma.org/WA/ for this Power Point and opening quotes. • Go to www.halftheskymovement.org for more information • Go to www.sharedhope.org for information on what a local group is doing. • Go to www.compassion2one.org for information on ways to help domestically.

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