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Master class Biomolecular Sciences Part 1: Molecular Cell Biology. October 9, 2008 Madelon Maurice Department of Cell Biology, UMC, Utrecht (M.M.Maurice@umcutrecht.nl) “Cell Biology of Wnt signaling” Article:
Master class Biomolecular Sciences Part 1: Molecular Cell Biology. October 9, 2008 Madelon Maurice Department of Cell Biology, UMC, Utrecht (M.M.Maurice@umcutrecht.nl) “Cell Biology of Wnt signaling” Article: Franch-Marro X, Wendler F, Guidato S, Griffith J, Baena-Lopez A, Itasaki N, Maurice MM, Vincent JP (2008) Wingless secretion requires endosome-to-Golgi retrieval of Wntless-Evi-Sprinter by the retromer complex. Nat Cell Biol 10(2):170-77
Evolutionary conservation of the Wnt gene family. (Sea urchins) (flat worms) (jelly fish) Wnt homepage, R.Nusse
Destruction complex The Wnt signalling cascade Wnt OFF ON Lrp5/6 Fz ? Destruction complex Proteasomal degradation b-cat P b-catenin Ub TCF TCF No transcription Transcription • Wnt signalling: • Development (body axis, tissue patterning) and adult tissue homeostasis • Cell growth, lineage decisions, stem cell maintenance • Frequent target for mutations in cancer
Adult intestinal homeostasis KI67 A. Gregorieff, Gen Dev 2005
Destruction complex TCF TCF The Wnt signalling cascade OFF CANCER Destruction complex b-cat P Proteasomal degradation b-cat Ub No transcription Transcription
b-catenin dependent and independent Wnt signalling pathways Wnt/b-catenin Small GTPases, JNK signaling Strutt, D. Development 2003;130:4501-4513
Planar polarity and Fz phenotypes in the Drosophila wing Pupal stage Strutt, D. Development 2003;130:4501-4513
Wnts - Introduction Wnt family: - 19 members in man and mice - ~ 40kD - Secreted Cys-rich glycoproteins - Lipid-modified Wg Ser Palmitoleic acid Palmitate Wnt functions: - Embryogenesis and homeostasis of self- renewing tissues - Mitogenic stimulation - Cell fate specification / lineage decisions - Stem cell maintenance
Wnts act as morphogens • Morphogen: • - Secreted, diffusable signalling molecules • Generate discrete genetic programs in a concentration-dependent manner • (positional information) Spread: 20-25 cell diameters Wnt secretion Short-range vs. long-range signaling: The ‘hydrophobicity problem’
Extracellular components of Wnt (Wg) gradient formation • Wnt (Wg) gradient is stable and has defined steepness. • How is this accomplished? • Three factors proposed to contribute: • 1. Rate of production/secretion • 2. Rate of spreading • 3. Rate of degradation • Models of gradient formation • Cellular inheritance • Diffusion and lysosomal degradation • Planar transcytosis wt mut mut mut
Models for Wnt gradient formation • Cellular inheritance • (gradient established = 1 hour, • avg doubling time cells = 11 hours) * * * apical B. Diffusion and lysosomal degradation (Secretion apical, gradient forms basolaterally) * basal C. PLanar transcytosis (gradient forms extracellularly, Endocytosis does not affect Wg transport) *
What is the nature of secreted Wnt (Wg) particles? • Models proposed: • Multimeric complexes - Wnt ‘micelles’ • Vesicles (exosomes) - MVB derived • 3. Membrane protrusions - imaginal disc cells construct apical protrusions: cytonemes • 4. Lipoprotein particles - phospholipid monolayers surrounding a core of esterified cholesterol and triglyceride, scaffolded by apolipoproteins • - 10% Wg bound, required for long- range Wg signaling
Two-gradient model: explaining short- and long-range Wnt signaling (membrane association) - Lipoprotein particles (Transcytosis needed)
Questions Where in the cell is Wnt lipid-modified? How is Wnt inserted into lipoprotein particles? In what subcellular compartment does this take place? Does Wnt trafficking and secretion require specialized machinery? How do short-range signals differ from long-range signals?
Intracellular molecular machinery involved in Wg secretion • 1. Porcupine(EMBO 1993) - Acyl transferase, palmitoylation of Wnt • - ER resident protein, 8-span TM, highly conserved • - porc mutant (D.m.): retention of Wg in • producing cells • - Required for proper N-glycosylation and secretion of Wnt • 2. Retromer complex(Science 2006) - Recycling of proteins/receptors from • endosome to TGN • - Mutant (C.e/D.m.): No secretion • 3. Wntless/Evi(Cell 2006) - 7-span transmembrane molecule • - Localizes to Golgi and PM • - Mutant (C.e./D.m.): No secretion, accum. Wnt • in producing cells
Wnt gradient formation requires retromer function in Wnt-producing cells anterior posterior Retromer mutant b-cat mutant Coudreuse et al. (2006) Science 312:p921
Cellular function of the retromer complex Plasma membrane Endocytosis Early Endosome TEN/TSE Late Endosome Retromer Secretory pathway Degradative pathway Trans-Golgi Network Golgi Lysosome Nucleus / ER
The retromer complex: organization and function Seaman, Trends in Cell biology, 2005 SNX1 and 2: PH- and BAR-domain proteins Vps26/29/35: cargo selection Vps35: binds cargo
What cargo is transported by the retromer complex? N-ter SNX ? ? No structural information working model for the assembly and function of mammalian retromer
Example retromer-cargo: Mannose-6-phosphate receptor (CD-MPR) Binds to clathrin, concentrates MPRs ? Budding? ? Tethering? Fusion? Retromer = Lysosomal hydrolases
Drosophila as a model system for studying the Wnt (Wg) pathway Wing margin Common stages to look for effects of Wg signaling: Patterning epidermis Larvae encapsulate in puparium; metamorphosis (400/female) Wing disc - Larvae molt twice, ecdysis - Eat microorg on decaying fruit and fruit-derived sugar
Expression of wingless (Wg) and vestigial in the Drosophila wing disc Wg = green Vestigial = red D/V boundary
Wing disc expressing C93A HA-Wg (Dpp Gal4 –driven) 300x Fixation 2% PFA, 0.2%GA
Disc cells strongly expressing C93A HA-Wg are grouped together neg pos Peripodial membrane HA-Wg 15 nm
Disc cells expressing C93A HA-Wg are grouped together Peripodial lumen Peripodial membrane C93A HA-Wg15
Drosophila as a model system for studying the Wnt (Wg) pathway Wing margin Common stages to look for effects of Wg signaling: Patterning epidermis Wing disc
Drosophila as a model system for studying the Wnt (Wg) pathway Wing margin Common stages to look for effects of Wg signaling: Patterning epidermis Wing disc
The wing disc and its adult derivatives wing margin notum wing blade wing hinge D V