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ICT: NEW CHANCES FOR PSYCHOTHERAPEUTIC INTERVENTION. New technologies gives us chance to create a news scenarios linked with therapeutic interventions. Internet and Virtual World have increase the opportunity for people interaction.
ICT: NEW CHANCES FOR PSYCHOTHERAPEUTIC INTERVENTION. • New technologies gives us chance to create a news scenarios linked with therapeutic interventions. • Internet and Virtual World have increase the opportunity for people interaction. Information and Communications Technology (ICT), is an umbrella term that includes all technologies for the manipulation and communication of information.
VIRTUAL REALLITY AND THERAPEUTICAL APPLICATION • Phobiatreatment: zoophobias and acrophobia. • Desensitization: exposure to the subject of the trauma or fear seems to lead a significant reduction in symptoms. • PTSD: A recent application is being piloted by the U.S. Navy to use a complex simulation to immerse veterans (specifically from Iraq) suffering from PTSD in simulations of urban combat settings.
VIRTUAL INTERACTION • We don’t need to know which is the individual that is behind each one of the online identities. “The interest lays in the way they acts, see as a whole of interactions”.(Nuñez, F. et al 2006). http://users.rider.edu/suler/psycyber .
CYBERSPACE AND BEHAVIOUR • 3D spaces detailed virtual environments in which users represent themselves with highly customizables graphic avatars. • We carry out social interaction with a large number of communicative behaviors that indicate our intentions, state of mind or communicative competency www./JOB/v1n1/utz.html • Users infer a number of character traits from avatars behavior and appearance. • In a few years avatars whose behavior is nearly imperceptible from humans, will be available (Donath J, 2006). www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/317/5834
SOCIAL NETWOKS: A GLANCE AT SECOND LIFE • Social networksare online social structures made of nodes, which are individuals linked together through common interests or some common theme. • Individuals belonging to a social network usually post an online profile detailing their interests. • Second Life: anexemple of 3D social networks where people can collaboratively create and edit objects in the virtual world, besides meeting each other and interacting with existing objects.
E-HEALTH USERS Users approach the network as a place where anyone can shape their own way of life and where (in terms of health),findinginformartion becomes an ordinary experience” (Kivits,2006). http://www.biomedcentral.com/content/pdf/1472-6920-6-41.pd
VIRTUAL WORLD’SEXEMPLES Second Live groups: Asperger’s Syndrome desorder. www.cibersocietat.net/congres2006 Second HealthHospital (Proposal of Medical Infrastructure) www.tecnolives-com/second_health_hospital/ Charity GroupsTherapies: Alcoholics Anonymous(AA) Depression Group. Ansiety desorder. International 3D Projects: Young’s social integration: University of Murcia-Spain.The aim is to facilitate the acces to a different environment far from usual. Rehabilitation Center (Keio University-Japan).The investigation open the opportunity to travel inside SL just with the power of imagination. These means that paralytic’s people could communicate, do bussines, and interact with others in a virtual world.
CONCLUSIONS • Network offers a new way to explore medical services • Internet as an instrument of communication, helps users to shape social networks using electronic aplications. • Profile of the regular population becomes a general “net surfer profile” in the next years, that probably means, there will be an increasing interest to develop new ways of networking interaction. • WEB 3.0 represents THE NEW ON LINE GENERATION and its goal: “the change of information into knowledge”. • Psychotherapies, medical service, justice, or learning will be standardize in the future as a usual network’s demand.
NEW CHALLENGES • We would like to share with you an open reflection about psychotherapeutical challenges related with these new scenarios that virtual world offers as a wide network of interaction and communication. • Our interest is focous in how to manage these new opportunities of therapeutical interventions in a way that contribute to maintain a continuous flow between EAST and WEST encounters. • THANK’S FOR YOUR ASSISTANCE • gloterrats@yahoo.es