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EEE 243B Applied Computer Programming Winter 2010

EEE 243B Applied Computer Programming Winter 2010. 01 - Introduction and Course Outline Prof. Sylvain P. Leblanc. Outline. Sylvain P. Leblanc Course Overview Instructional Method Labs and Exams Marking Scheme Resources Academic Misconduct. Who's Who in the Zoo. Prof Leblanc

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EEE 243B Applied Computer Programming Winter 2010

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  1. EEE 243BApplied Computer ProgrammingWinter 2010 01 - Introduction and Course Outline Prof. Sylvain P. Leblanc

  2. Outline • Sylvain P. Leblanc • Course Overview • Instructional Method • Labs and Exams • Marking Scheme • Resources • Academic Misconduct Prof S.P. Leblanc

  3. Who's Who in the Zoo Prof Leblanc This is your prof Dr. Beaulieu This is the French prof (Friday's lab) Dr. Phillips This is the nice guy filling in for your prof These are the Teaching Assistants (Friday labs) Capt Vigeant Capt Roberge Prof S.P. Leblanc

  4. 1. Prof Sylvain P. Leblanc • CMR de St-Jean • Class of 1990, B.Sc. (Computer Systems) • Signals Officer (Retired Aug 2008) • Special Operations Forces (Petawawa) • Sky Hawks • Canadian Forces School of Communications and Electronics • 79 Communication Regiment (Kingston) • CMR du Canada, • M.Eng. (2000), Software Engineering • PhD Candidate, Software Engineering • Member of Professional Engineers Ontario (P.Eng.) Prof S.P. Leblanc

  5. My coordinates • Office – S4106 • local 6355 • email: sylvain.leblanc@rmc.ca • Web page: leblanc.segfaults.net • Lectures: • Wednesday 1000 – G131 • Thursday 1100 – S3419 • Lab periods • Friday 1240 - 1430 – S5203 • Office hours (I will be in my office) • I will be available during the Departmental Office Hour on Monday at 1530 Prof S.P. Leblanc

  6. My Approach to Teaching at RMC • (Most of) You are future officers in the CF • My expectations • No surprises • Class attendance* and active participation • Handing in work * Unauthorized absences and lateness will be penalized • My commitments • Your breaks will be ruthlessly respected • Those who wish to succeed on the course will receive all my efforts Prof S.P. Leblanc

  7. 2. Course Overview • Applied course – programming in an environment • Labs provide the “ahh” factor (and fun too!!) • Subjects such as: • Structured design methodology • Language structures • Program flow • Expressions • Data structures in C • Good program design • Pointers • Introduction to Software Engineering concepts Prof S.P. Leblanc

  8. Course Overview – Why ‘C’ • Why C? I already know MATLAB… I think • ‘C’ has been the engineering language of choice for over 20 years. • ‘C’ compilers exist for most micro-processors and systems (‘universal compiler’) • There is a lot of legacy code written in C. • A lot of the work that young engineers do is software maintenance; not only new development. Prof S.P. Leblanc

  9. 3. Instructional Method • There will be lectures • The best part of the course will be the labs. • You will be using a new SpiderRobotin the lab and “see” your programs work (actually do something rather than just print results on a screen) • Although software analysis and design has everything to do with engineering, there is an artistic aspect to coding • A solution can work but it can also be elegant… • There is a competition at the end of the course! Prof S.P. Leblanc

  10. Lab Work • Work in teams of two • Teams are expected to remain together for the duration of the course • You may team up with someone from GEF243 • One design, one implementation per team. • Dead batteries may be exchanged for live ones on a one-for-one basis • Keep your old labs as they may be required for use in future work in this course Prof S.P. Leblanc

  11. Lab Work • Good coding practice: your lab work must adhere to good coding practices of documentation, well chosen variable names, and clean code • An example is available on the course web page • Other requirements: • You must have returned your lab equipment prior to writing the final exam! • You will not be allowed to write your final exam if you have not submitted all of your lab work Prof S.P. Leblanc

  12. Submission Guidelines • Submission Deadlines • Labs are due one week after lab work completion, at the beginning of the period. • Lab 2- 5 require a "formal" report • Robot Wars requires a description of robot strategy and any design used • 5% penalty per day late • Labs must still be completed and handed in to pass, even if worth no marks! Prof S.P. Leblanc

  13. 4. Marking Scheme • Laboratories*: 25% • 5** labs over the term • Mid Term Test: 20% • Details to be published later • Some question on lab material • Final Exam: 55% • Some questions on lab material • Both the Mid Term and Final exam will have a practical portion * Do not let your partner do all the lab work! ** No marks are allotted to Lab 1 Prof S.P. Leblanc

  14. Faculty of Engineering Regulation YOU MUST PASS YOUR INDIVIDUAL INVIGILATED WORK TO PASS THE COURSE You weighted average on the mid-term and final exam must be greater than 50% to pass the course. Term work will not be counted if you fail to pass the individual work. Prof S.P. Leblanc

  15. Course Resources • The outline is our contract! • Available from the course web site: • Labs(Microsoft Word and C source code) • Located at http://leblanc.segfaults.net/243/2010/EEE/ • Slides • Slides will (hopefully) be posted the day before • Slides will have blanks that require your presence • Always bring the current and following sets of slides • Labs • Will be on the course web page as required Prof S.P. Leblanc

  16. Textbook • A structured Programming Approach Using C, 3rd Edition • Behrouz A. Forouzan & Richard F. Gilberg • C Library reference • C-Lib manual link on web page • gcc manual • gcc link on web page • especially useful for command line options Prof S.P. Leblanc

  17. Academic Misconduct • We expect students to learn from the research community and from their peers; cooperation is encouraged • Any academic misconduct incident, be it flagrant or suspected, will be investigated • Cheating/plagiarism () - good research/cooperation () • Sharing information during a test/exam • Consulting with a peer to solve an assignment problem • Copying a section of someone’s assignment • Sharing code (in writing or electronically) • Debugging another team’s code • Citing an author’s ideas in an assignment • Passing someone else’s work as our own • If you use "Cut-and-Paste" you cheated! Prof S.P. Leblanc

  18. Credits • Many people have contributed to this course • (then) Capt Mike LeSauvage • Completed most of the original development of laboratory work • Dr. Alain Beaulieu • Completed most of the original development of lecture material • Dr. Donald McGaughey • Updated both lectures and laboratory • Created a debugging environment for the robot • My lecture notes are an evolution of his Prof S.P. Leblanc

  19. Questions • Questions • Expectations Prof S.P. Leblanc

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