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Development / Environment Implementation of programs on the field by NGOs funded by a Foundation. EVALUATION EX POST Repenser la stratégie Pérenniser l'impact. 1. 3. 4. 2. EVALUATION FINALE Capitaliser sur le chemin parcouru, les résultats obtenus, les échecs probables.
Development / EnvironmentImplementation of programs on the fieldby NGOsfunded by a Foundation
EVALUATION EX POST Repenser la stratégie Pérenniser l'impact 1 3 4 2 EVALUATION FINALE Capitaliser sur le chemin parcouru, les résultats obtenus, les échecs probables Dans nos domaines d'intervention, nous ne pouvons plaquer des grilles, il nous faut adapter nos indicateurs à chaque projet. Mais nous pouvons avancer en capitalisant sur les programmes. Mutualiser les pratiques. EVALUATION AMI PARCOURS S'arrêter en cours de route pour réfléchir, penser, corriger EVALUATION ANTE Penser le projet en allant à la rencontre des acteurs, pendant la phase de sélection
V A L U E R E • Evaluer permet de capitaliser puis de partager les bonnes pratiques ainsi que les erreurs • Evaluer ne sert que si l'on peut mettre en œuvre les recommandations de l'évaluation • Evaluer l'impact c'est aller au delà de la constatation des résultats • Evaluer pour se questionner sur la durabilité
Adaptation : a program must adapt to the situation all the time • Administrative costs: neverforgetthem. Ex : EU, fond d’entreprise sur RH • Ask : do not asktoomuch, askyourself if whatyou are searching for iswithrespect towhat people want to give/do • Assumptions : they are fondamental • CapitaliZation • Data : yesabsolutely but whenitisconnected to the program, corresponding to needsexpressed • Development : whatisitexactly?
Environment : alwaysgoesalongwithdevelopment • Expertise : fondamental aspect of ourwork and better if itis local thancomingfrom the « North » • Flexibility : linked to adaptation, withoutflexibility, thereis no success possible • Inclusivity : women, men, people withdisabilities, young, people educated, people not educated.. • Indicators : from the beginningwe must followindicators • Learning : acting on the fieldislearningeachdayfrom the program, nextstep : share the learning
Objectives : neverattachoverlyambitious objectivesto a program, alwaysthink about the situation, whatcanbedonewith the money available • Marketbasedapproaches : in agriculture, renewableenergies, water and sanitation… • Mistake : very important wheneveryou are in the process of a program to recognizemistakes, becauseyoucantherefore correct them and go forward • Money : do not implement a projectat the cheapest • Needs : thisis the first step of the program
Partnerships : with local partners, withotheragenciesimplementing programs, workingtogether not aside • Payment for service : thereis no service comingwithout a price, neverforgetthisprinciple and preparewith the population beforebeginning the work • Poverty : thisis the wordat the center of our motivation, we are working in thisfieldbecausewewant to help people out of it. Don’tmake money out of poverty • Predict : we have to make the predictionswecan, but we have to know thatwecannotpredicteverything (climate change, humanresources, economic situation, politicalcontext..)
Social business : B Drayton, Acumen Fund, the new solution? Key to sustanability? • Sustainability : whatisgoing to besustainable? Training? Infrastructures? • Team : neverforget the importance of the work on the ground, often the fieldworkers are key to the process • Theories : they are not the automatic solution to problems, let’ssometimesforgetthem • Urgency : total differentway of acting on the field but the fondamentals must remain • Who : whowillbenefitfromyour action? Whowillbekeptaside?
Objective of thisprogram : to improve local people'sliving conditions and combat deforestation bymeansof credit and savingsproductssuited to the production and supply of improvedcookstoves (ICS) and gasstoves.
strengthsand weaknesses • Strengths: diverse products, availablequickly, answering to needs, not tooexpensive for people • Weaknesses : training needed for creditagencies, preference for gascookstoves
Objective of thisprogram : to improve the winterlivelihoodsof rural populations in the cold deserts of the Western Himalayas and to reducehouseholds' energyvulnerability by enabling the development of income-generatingactivitiesin theirnewlyimproved living environment and by setting up a sustainable network to disseminateenergyefficiency.
strengthsand weaknesses • Strengths: innovative, good for the environment • Weaknesses : not a single familycanafford to buy a house likethat, sopossibility to change scale,
Objective of this program : Encouragingmicro entrepreneurship by manufacturing and selling the ROVAI water pump in Cambodia
strengthsand weaknesses • Strengths: local availablematerial, local available networks, easy to use, create a virtualeconomiccircle (sales, independant entrepreneurs..) • Weaknesses : the poorestfamilies are not involved in the program
strengthsand weaknesses • Strengths: answer to real needs, good for the environment, womenbenefitat first • Weaknesses : needtoomuch training, expensive, must finddiversity of products to upscalefor an entrepreneur
Objective of this program : Towards a Sustainable Access to a Lasting Habitat for all in Sahel Africa: Using Ancestral techniques
strengthsand weaknesses • Strengths: local availablematerials, very simple technic, environmentalfriendly, createemployments, little business • Weaknesses : water must beavailable, rely on ownwillingness (builders), growthisvery slow, the Ngo chose to spread in different countries beforeobtaining the 5% of the population in the first country
Objective of this program : Installation of Maintenance Services for Points of Access to Water in Rural Zones (Example of Maintenance of ManualPumps in Malawi)
strengthsand weaknesses • Strengths: maintenance isatthe heart of sustainability, shops for replacement parts, processwith local artisans, employmentcreated, independenceof local population • Weaknesses : the time to buildsuch a network, time to create a local partner capable, availability of replacement parts in the shops, level of technical training given by the local artisans, needfor training (finance to seek for the NGO)