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PHYSICIANS FOR A NATIONAL HEALTH PROGRAM. 29 EAST MADISON SUITE 602 CHICAGO, IL 60602 TEL: (312) 782-6006 WWW.PNHP.ORG. Who Are The Uninsured?. Chronically Ill and Uninsured. Unmet Health Needs of the Uninsured. 18,314 Adult Deaths Annually Due to Uninsurance.
Who Pays for Nursing Home Care? Source: Health Affairs 2000; 19(3):44
Illness and Medical Costs,A Major Cause of Bankruptcy • 45.6% of all bankruptcies involve a medical reason or large medical debt • 326,441 families identified illness/injury as the main reason for bankruptcy in 1999 • An additional 269,757 had large medical debts at time of bankruptcy • 7 per 1000 single women, and 5 per 1000 men suffered medical-related bankruptcy in 1999 Source: Norton's Bankruptcy Advisor, May, 2000
Patients Refused Authorization for ER Care • 8% to 12% of HMO patients presenting to 2 ERs were denied authorization • Authorization delayed care by 20 to 150 minutes • Of those denied: 47% had unstable vital signs or other high risk indicators 40% of children were not seen in f/u by primary MD Eventual diagnoses included: meningococcemia (2), ruptured ectopic (2),shock due to hemorrhage (2), septic hip, PE, MI (2), ruptured AAA, pancreatitis, peritonsillar abscess, small bowel obstruction, unstable angina, pneumothorax, appendicitis, meningitis(3) Source: J Emerg Med 1997; 15:605; Acad Emerg Med 1997; 4:1129; Ann Emerg med 1990; 19:59
Why Women Delay Prenatal CareWhen They Know They Are Pregnant Note: 11.1% of pregnant women failed to get timely prenatal care despite knowing they were pregnant Source: MMWR 5/12/2000; 49:393
Are Emily and Brendan More Employable than Lakisha and Jamal?
High Risk HMO Patients FaredPoorly in the Rand Experiment Source: Rand Health Insurance Experiment, Lancet 1986; i:1017Note: High Risk = 20% of population with lowest income + highest medical risk
Elderly HMO Stroke PatientsGet Less Specialist Neurology Care
Fee-For-Service Managed Care Primary Care Patients Depression Detected 53.7% 41.8% Appropriately Treated 60.7% 46.4% Patients Seeing Psychiatrist # Functional Limitations - Baseline 1.3 1.5 # Functional Limitations - 2 Years 1.2 2.0 Depressed Patients:Fee-for Service Vs. Managed Care SOURCE: Medical Outcomes Study - JAMA 1989;262:3298 & Arch Gen Psych 1993; 50:517
Managed Mental Health: Audit Report • Plans overstated utilization by 45% • Delay from initial call to starting care > contractor's written standard by 97%-347% • Plans rarely site-visited or interviewed providers • No providers in 15% of counties "covered"; no child provider in 25% of counties • Quality problem in 30-58% of charts reviewed • Criteria for inpatient care dangerously restrictive (eg. requiring DTs prior to detox admit) • Overhead + profit NEVER consumed < 45% of premiums Source: J. Wrich - Audit findings submitted to CBO, 3/98
Primary Care Physicians: Patients Can't Get Quality Mental Health Services Source: Center for Studying Health System Change, 1997 - survey of 5,160 primary care physicians Note - Data shown are for inpatient care; responses regarding outpatient care were similar
States that Limit New Heart Surgery Programs: Higher Volumes, Lower Mortality
Can Seniors Make Informed HMO Choices?Proportion with Knowledge of How HMOs Work Source: AARP Survey - Health Affairs 1998; 17(6):181