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Prirodoslovno Matematička Udruga Studenata (PRIMUS) eng l . Natural Sciences and Mathematics Student Association (NSMSA). What is it? Obviously: A student organization Not so obvious: works on connecting students and scientists from various natural science disciplines.
Prirodoslovno MatematičkaUdruga Studenata (PRIMUS)engl.Natural Sciences andMathematics StudentAssociation (NSMSA)
What is it?Obviously: A student organizationNot so obvious: works on connecting students and scientists from various natural science disciplines
What’s it for?- improving the educational situation on our faculty- helping students in becoming better scientist and teachers- strength in numbers for protection of student rights- improving the connections through the country and the rest of the world
The situationUniversity of Zagreb = 33 looselyconnected faculties, with a greatdeal of autonomy, one of them isour own Faculty of Science.
Faculty of Science = 7 almost autonomous departments (mathematics, physics, biology, chemistry, geophysics, geology & geography) Located in several buildings scattered through the city, although most of it is on “The Hill”.
“The Hill” (cro. Brdo) It’s like a university inside of a university. How do interactions work in this environment? >>>
Interactions?It can be hard ... Before2003 mutualactionsof students (and usefulwork) were closer to science fiction than to science.
What does a boy do?a) do nothing and wait for thesituation to solve itself.
b) start a pilot project of some kind of aStudent Club, call itĆumezand ... connect the students,promote all sorts ofactivities,make an interdisciplinary atmosphere on the faculty and some more ...Take a wild guess :)
Ćumez??Dictionary of foreign words,Bratoljub Kljaić:Ćumez (tur. kümes) 1. hen house; 2. small plain bar or pub; 3. small wooden house; 4. student club on the Faculty of Science in Zagreb founded in 2003 which later became Natural Sciences and Mathematics Student Association.
How do we do it? Organizing all kinds ofseminarsand discussionsonce a week. (about 90 in 4 years)
organizing a job fairfor students ofnatural sciences Making various workshops:from Didgeridoo to C++
And also by doing … Faculty of Science's freshmen welcomingparty (a really good one :) + other kinds of social events (art exhibitions, concerts, traveling etc.) filmand documentariesprojections >
And a bit more ... Our activitiesprepared the groundfor making a union of all active student associations on the faculty – SOSPMF. Faculty officials now agree that thestudents are more unified thanthe faculty departments themselves.
The locationWe have a small room in the building of the Physics department for the student club.
More information on our activities can be found onwww.cumez.org (right nowonly in Croatian).
Problems? #1: Motivationand thenumber of ourmembers. #2: Bad perception(from faculty andour colleagues)#3: Money(the lack of :)
FutureCooperation on aEuropean level:> organizingteleconferenceswith our friends in France> and establishing EAGER(European association for greatherenthusiasm in research)Surviving our problems :)maybe start something new...