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IOCCP.ORG. Sponsors: UNESCO-IOC | SCOR. A communication and coordination service for the international ocean carbon community. ---IOCCP 2005 Chair: Chris Sabine (US) Repeat Hydrography: Masao Fukasawa (Japan) Underway pCO 2 : Bronte Tilbrook (Australia)
IOCCP.ORG Sponsors: UNESCO-IOC | SCOR A communication and coordination service for the international ocean carbon community. ---IOCCP 2005 Chair:Chris Sabine (US) Repeat Hydrography:Masao Fukasawa (Japan) Underway pCO2:Bronte Tilbrook (Australia) Time series networks:Nick Bates (Bermuda) Remote Sensing / Modelling:Cyril Moulin (France) Coastal observations:Helmuth Thomas (Canada) Historical Data Sets:Dorothee Bakker (UK) Process Studies:Cindy Lee (US) SOLAS:Truls Johannessen (Norway) IMBER:Dennis Hansell (US) Project Coordinator:Maria Hood + post-doc TBD • The IOCCP is a communications and coordination service for the international ocean carbon community that provides: • Observations Support Services: • Communications network, information databases and compilations of on-going and planned observation activities, and links to data. • Forum for international agreements on the issues that form the building blocks of an observing system: • Observation strategies and implementation • Standards and methods • Data management and archival • Data exchange and synthesis activities • Liaison with the Global Observing Systems
Societal Relevance: 1. Ocean uptake will determine CO2 emissions targets Current level of understanding, projected into the future… --Predictive models about what will happen to carbon dioxide differ significantly. --Cannot improve predictions without better understanding of the controlling processes. --This is no longer just an academic issue …Disagreements in predictions impact baseline targets for emissions reduction. --With CO2 emissions pricesat $10-35/ton CO2 avoided, the uncertainty in model predictions represents several trillion US dollars. 2. Acid oceans ? Coral reefs ecosystems, fisheries… A.Gnanadesikan
IOCCP.ORG IOCCP.ORG Sponsors: UNESCO-IOC | SCOR Sponsors: UNESCO-IOC | SCOR A communication and coordination service for the international ocean carbon community. ---Introduction and Overview NOAA Climate Observation Program 3rd Annual System Review A Status Report on the Development of the Global Ocean Carbon Observing System Goals Implementation Status of System Elements and Next Steps System Development 2005-2010 Goals (documented in ~10 strategies and plans from 2000-2004): To constrain basin-scale decadal changes of anthropogenic CO2 to ± 20%. To constrain seasonal to interannual variability and climate sensitivity of air-sea CO2 flux on basin and global scales to ± 0.2 PgC/y (regional / basin scales) Or….“Ocean carbon content every ten years and the air-sea CO2 exchange seasonally.” http://www.ioccp.org
Elements of a Global Ocean Carbon Observing System Consistent syntheses of ocean carbon behavior requires integrated observations. time centuries Repeat Trans-basin Sections decadal Shipboard Time-Series Inter-annual Moored Time-Series VOS and surface drift buoy Remote sensing seasonal daily Process Studies hourly Ocean Basin 1 m2 1 km2 Regional (106 km2) Globe space C.Sabine
---Implementation Status of System Elements: Repeat Hydrography Repeat HydrographyDescription: Quantifies the decadal evolution of natural and anthropogenic CO2 in the ocean interior.Inventory: 31 funded / 6 pending for 2008-2012Data: CLIVAR CCHDO (data holdings); CDIAC Ocean CO2 and IOCCP (program information for on-going and planned cruises).
---Next Steps of System Elements: Repeat Hydrography • Repeat Section Planned Activities, 2005+ • CLIVAR – IOCCP Repeat Hydrography Meeting • Tentatively: November 2005, Japan • Main Objectives: (still under discussion) • Identification and re-organization of WHP/Carbon to be carried out during this decade for each ocean basin • Identification of the required suite of measurements needed to be included as part of the CLIVAR / CO2 Repeat Hydrography Program • Identification of a data management system that will fulfill the needs of all participants within the program and establish a standardized regional data distribution system that will provide data for individual scientists that request it; Provide a mechanism for data distribution into national archives; Ensure long-term support for data archival. • Set up plans for regional syntheses of the cruise data with respect to optimizing overall data quality on a basin-by-basin basis. • Review and make plans to update the WHP manual http://www.ioccp.org
---Status Summary and Development Issues: Repeat Hydrography • STATUS SUMMARY: Ocean Carbon Content • Program is meeting goals for implementation that will allow for decadal estimation of ocean carbon content. (31 lines funded and implementation is underway / 6 funding pending). • Development of an agreed international strategy will allow for better quantification of implementation. • Development of a central data management system and regional data distribution system will facilitate basin and global data syntheses. • Development Issues for Discussion: • Is all this planning for implementation, data management, synthesis groups, etc, déjà vu all over again? How do we keep these activities properly funded and coordinated over the long-term? • -Meeting goals of estimating global anthropogenic CO2 uptake will continue to be best carried out within the framework of research programs for the foreseeable future; • But this is a sustained activity; Should we make the support services operational? (data management systems and centers, communications / coordination networks, regional networks for synthesis, etc.). http://www.ioccp.org
---Implementation Status of System Elements: Surface pCO2 Network Underway pCO2 ObservationsDescription: Quantifies the basin-scale air-sea flux of CO2 over seasonal to interannual periods.Inventory: 28 operating; 5 surface drift buoys operating. Data: CDIAC Ocean CO2 (largest data holdings), PICES PICNIC (North Pacific data), IOCCP (program information for on-going and planned activities).
EU Framework 6 Project Carbo-Oceans (2005-2010)Marine Carbon Sources and Sinks Assessment Internationally-coordinated pilot project: Carbo-oceans will use a combination of measurements, interpolation techniques, and models to establish a quasi-continuous synoptic view of Atlantic CO2 sources and sinks. Activity 1.1 Implement Atlantic Carbon Observing System with VOS lines and Time Series Stations. (Watson) Activity 1.2 Southern Ocean Coordinated Programme (4 research vessels and 5-10 CARIOCA buoys). (Boutin)
---Next Steps of System Elements: Surface pCO2 Network IOCCP.ORG Sponsors: UNESCO-IOC | SCOR A communication and coordination service for the international ocean carbon community. --Next Steps of System Elements: Surface pCO2 Network • Surface pCO2 Network Planned Activities, 2005+ • Prioritize R&D Activities: • Underway Task Team (Tilbrook et al) will be developing a technical paper on the integrated surface pCO2 network to inform and highlight technical development issues / status. • The community is developing a standard underway pCO2 system that can be produced commercially. • Work is underway to develop autonomous TCO2, pCO2, and pH sensors that (once miniaturized) may be deployed on profiling floats (2-3 yrs?) • Work with North Pacific regional groups (e.g., PICES), national groups, and research programs to mobilize the development of an integrated North Pacific Pilot Network to complement Atlantic work. • Work with JCOMM SOT on common issues of developing the underway network.
Development Phases for a Global Ocean Carbon Observing System2005-2010 Phase 3.International Cooperative Pilot Projects Phase 2.Implementation Agreements Phase 1.Communication / Information Network; Observation Support Services Strategies and Implementation Plans; Observation Requirements National, Regional, Global Program Implementation 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 • Phase 3:Implementing Pilot Programs. • Establish international cooperative pilot projects with national and regional programs and operational agencies to work together on regional or global scale issues: • “experiment” with producing regular data products from a cooperative networks. • identify groups or centers that could serve as sustained support centers. Phase 1:Communications, network building, and syntheses of activities Establish international communications network.(http:/www.ioccp.org) Develop and maintain compilations of planned and on-going activities for major system elements. Convene targeted workshops to address gaps, duplications, and ways forward for regional and global strategies. • Phase 2:Development of integrated systems / implementation agreements • Convene targeted workshops to reach international agreement on: • observing system locations, sites, cruise tracks, etc., based on existing program plans and gaps analysis; • core measurements required; • standards and methods; • data management centers and data synthesis programs
IOCCP.ORG Sponsors: UNESCO-IOC | SCOR A communication and coordination service for the international ocean carbon community. Partnerships - OOPC (GOOS, GCOS, JCOMM), IGOS-IGCO, POGO, GEO- OceanSITES, IOCCG (ESA GlobCOLOUR project)- CLIVAR, SOLAS, IMBER, LOICZ, US-OCCC, EU-CarboOceans, GCP, OCMIP/NOCES- CCHDO, CDIAC, WDC-MARE, GOSUD, PICES, JODC / MIRC • Funding and Support for the IOCCP gratefully acknowledged: • Staff Support: • US National Science Foundation and the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - Financial grant and Administrative support to UNESCO-IOC for Hood and Post-doc; NOAA also for in-kind assistance for IOCCP Chair Chris Sabine (NOAA / PMEL). • Program Support: • US National Science Foundation • Japanese Ministry of Environment through grants to National Institute for Environmental Studies and JAMSTEC for IOCCP activities • UNESCO – IOC • SCOR