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Things we do now…. Things we could do…. Football Club – Someries Infants (Outside Agencies) Weekly Dance Club – Someries Infants to 4.30pm 3.30-4.30 (some by outside agencies) – Someries Junior Variety of community lettings Booster – study class for literacy, numeracy IS2
Things we do now… Things we could do… Football Club – Someries Infants (Outside Agencies) Weekly Dance Club – Someries Infants to 4.30pm 3.30-4.30 (some by outside agencies) – Someries Junior Variety of community lettings Booster – study class for literacy, numeracy IS2 Ditto – Stopsley CPS Study Support/CWK and Homework clubs (SHS) After School Sports activities Summer Schools Music/Dance/Drama Weekly: Multi-sports clubs – outside providers Drama club – outside providers Science/Maths Clubs Football Netball Tennis Half termly library F.S.U, Ks1 Stopsley P. Visits police, fire service, lollipop lady etc. Booster classes after school Sports/Arts Clubs – various m – Friday (lunch/pm) Study support – In-F (Lunch/pm) Interventions classes After school clubs run by staff inc. Science, Netball, Basketball, Football, Chess, Cribbage, Cross-Stitch, Drama, Chair, Games, Gym – Bushmead Primary Swimming Club, Drama Club, 1 x week, 45 mins, during the term 38 weeks (Variety of activities). Homework Club Yr 1/ Yr 2’s – Someries Infants Half termly library visits – KS 2 – Stopsley P Homework club ICT suite – use by outside agencies/community Community use of library Ability to provide for foundation status, explore possibility of setting up other clubs –languages etc. Study skills Confidence building Emotional intelligence building Martial Arts Yoga Publicity events and opportunities on offer Offering help/advice on different situations they have not picked up the skills to deal with it – social skills development – different scenarios. Time/Anger/Family Management Naseem Joban- After school activities for younger children SCPS Workshops open (Art/Design/Construction etc. all year round). Workshops for all Age Groups (S.H.S) Use of ICT suite after school fore parents/local community Homework Club Family Learning (Language class) Educational/motivators Preparing the child for the “real world” and their future contribution to society. (Stopsley P). A Varied Menu Activities (Including Study Support. ICT,Sports and Arts)
Things we do now…. Things we could do…. Holiday Club 10 – 4 Maureen, Putteridge High Breakfast/After School Club – Icknield Consortium 0 Bushmead Primary Breakfast Club (Putteridge Infant & Juniors) JD/SM After school Club (Putteridge Community Nursery) 8am – 6pm – Childcare (Putteridge Community Nursery) 0-5 Years 37 wks yr JD Baby Unit 52 wks year J.D Wraparound care 37wks Breakfast club at Ash croft P (Stopsley) After school club (3.30-5.30) at Ashcroft P (Stopsley) CRECHE for parents evenings – Someries Infants Community Social groups – weekly-38 weeks Specialist training FOTT, Makaton, Moving & Handling various times / lengths social services – respite carers. After school provision/breakfast – Maureen Putteridge High Breakfast Club After School Club – Someries Infants Promote Breakfast/After School Clubs/Care in local schools for children to access (Sacred Hearts Primary) Investigate how the child feels if in childcare facilities for a long period – Naseem Joban Breakfast/After school provision SCPS Holiday Club (Stopsley P) Activities and Homework Club Extend after school club to 6PM (Stopsley P) Link with Local Childminders, find out about childminders in the area through drop-ins, CIS & Open Days Extend care with Holiday care provision/possible community nursery Link with local childminders to extend wrap around provision (Putteridge Infants). Childcare (All year round 8am –6pm)
Things we do now…. Things we could do…. Links with SCD team – Stopsley Primary Cam H ( Mental Health) Stopsley High Educational PSYCH (Stopsley) Edwin Lobo (Stopsley) School Liaisons (Stopsley) School nurse – Stopsley Primary Continue services – Stopsley Primary Social Services – Stopsley P & H Links with all of the above As above, Someries Junior LCET C Luton Churches Education Learning Mentors Trust Cam H Learning Mentors Student Behaviour Management Careers Service Health professionals based in Luton Improved & stronger links occupational therapy & occupational therapy (Stopsley P) Family worker (Stopsley P&H) Referral at present through agencies could have time limit imposed to improve time take to improve results (Someries Infants) Counsellor (Stopsley P) Leaning Mentors – (Stopsley P) Need to speed up the process (need two way communication) with school, nursery etc. As above (Sacred Heart Primary) Family Worker Occupational Therapy Swift and Easy Referral
Things we do now…. Things we could do…. 5 aside all weather pitches 5 ports – regional sport centre etc. Adult Ed Classes Pre School Music School Community Drama Groups Summer Schools Adult Education Provision Groups of both at Putteridge and Stopsley High (day and evening) – Gwen Tai Trialled a family leaning (numeracy) course with Putteridge Junior (Gwen Tai) Stopsley Baptist - Parenting Forum? Scouts/Brownies – evening Sports Club – Football/Basketball etc. – community Community Sports Issues Holiday Activity Programme Lettings – Bureau, Keep Fit Parenting Skills Alternative Health Options Martial Arts – (Sports) Consideration of mind/body/spirit Family Learning (SHS) Cultural training involving parents i.e. Healthy Eating/living etc. Maureen – Putteridge High Integrating young people in the community into work/school or study and the same time a school to enable then to earn and able to pay the rent – Maureen, Putteridge High. Expose children to the varied culture. Luton officer (Churches, Mosque, Synagogues etc.) (Stopsley P) Parent/Carer drop ins Health Clinics Parenting skills/positive behaviour management for home life Family Learning Adult Learning on ICT Debate clubs – topical concerns encourage children to express themselves (Stopsley P). Community Access/Parent/Adult/Family Learning (including Sport Arts and ICT)
SCHOOLS – A view of the future Thinking/Saying/Feeling Schools caretakers and cleaners - oh bugger Schools – Integration/involvement of the community in bringing up/working with the community not just left for the school “ I can’t be the best teacher possible as I am busy being everything else.” “Oh gosh – what budget do I pay this person from?” “Bright and Inviting” Really care about each child Inspirational thinking Respected by Dfes Enhanced communication between children, care, social providers and family units “Glad children are getting access to professionals and facilities they need” Doing Relocation to Outer Hebrides – after going on locally run courses on “How to be self sufficient!” Motivators Intuitive Setting personal goals and implementing ideas
Community – A view of the future Thinking/Feeling//Saying “Glad to have a local doctor & health centre” “ Able to access learning and courses that interest me” Community – View of the future – “ Nanny State” Community – Sense of community I’ve only lived here six months so I have no opinion My children need to be valued members of the community and have a positive impact on it. (Hopefully) members of the community want to help raise funds for schools Doing ‘No comments’
Families/Parents – A view of the Future Thinking/Feeling/Saying “ Pleased my children are being looked after in a safe, secure, environment and its somewhere they are used to going.” I don’t understand how this happened?” “What’s it to do with me?” “They’re my children – how do I get more time with them” More stimulation – less relaxation, less time, more stress, more juggling. My children receive the help support they require as soon as they need it. “ I would like to access an electronic Education Record of my child – similar to electronic health records that are being developed in GP/hospital practices/trusts.” A choice to work or not Everything is accessible “ My child in really thriving in this new environment.” “ I feel apart of the school.” “ Not feel guilty about work/life balance.” - “I used to have a choice” - “ I can really consider full time employment, secure in the knowledge that my children are safe” Doing Taking part in school activities Thriving parent forum where views and concerns are taken seriously
CHILDREN – A view of the future Thinking/Feeling/Saying “Interacting with other children outside my class isn’t so bad after all” Children would be happy to be somewhere safe, Fun activities with friends. When do I get the opportunity to meet my friends? I feel safe in my community “The sky is the limit” Be successful in what they choose to do – not have their future pre-determining for them. “Schools not so boring!” “Its nice to do something different Involved in the community Doing Playing sport or some kind of keep fit activity at least 2 afternoons after school Able to walk to local areas to take part in things that interest them.