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After undergoing an eyelid surgery, or blepharoplasty, if the patient is not satisfied with the results, then a consultation can help them explore their options for an eyelid revision procedure
07488 909 008 LOCATIONS IN LONDON EMAIL DR SHAMS Menu Home » Services & Conditions » Cosmetic Surgery/ Aesthetic Procedures in London » Revision Eyelid Surgery R E V I S I O N E Y E L I D S U R G E R Y After undergoing an eyelid surgery, or blepharoplasty, if the results are not up to the patients expectations, it can be disappointing. It is always prudent to wait a few months, after the procedure, to determine how the eyes will truly look once the swelling has gone down and healing has taken place. If a patient is still not satisfied at that point, however, a consultation can help them explore their options for an eyelid revision procedure. Complications that may occur after a blepharoplasty procedure, include some of the following: Lower eyelid retraction
Lower eyelid retraction Discomfort or pain Blurry vision Exposure keratopathy Lack of symmetry Every patient and each case is different. In cases of overcorrection, in which too much tissue was removed, the remaining eyelid skin can often be redistributed to improve the result. When an undercorrection is the problem and not enough tissue was removed, another blepharoplasty procedure may need to be performed to achieve the patient’s desired appearance. CONTACT US TO LEARN MORE ABOUT REVISION EYELID SURGERY LATEST BLOG POST Dealing With Bell’s Palsy We have a facial nerve that stretches down each side of the face. These nerves allow us to laugh, smile, frown, and open and close our eyelids. Sometimes facial paralysis occurs when a person is K E E P R E A D I N G ► V I E W A R C H I V E ► REQUEST AN APPOINTMENT
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