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4 minutes ago - COPY LINK TO DOWNLOAD : https://pasukanmerahdelima.blogspot.com/?studocu=B08226KLV3 | DOWNLOAD/PDF No Match For Her | What would you do if your child were diagnosed with a life-threatening illness? When his 12-year-old daughter Lilli was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia two weeks before Christmas, Travis Hicks was in the worst shape of his life. Overweight and overworked, Hicks watched his daughter Lilli fight for her life against an aggressive blood cancer. Inspired by his daughter’s strength, Travis took up yoga and walking while giving up sweet tea, a blasphemo
Description What would you do if your child were diagnosed with a life-threatening illness? When his 12-year-old daughter Lilli was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia two weeks before Christmas, Travis Hicks was in the worst shape of his life. Overweight and overworked, Hicks watched his daughter Lilli fight for her life against an aggressive blood cancer. Inspired by his daughter’sstrength, Travis took up yoga and walking while giving up sweet tea, a blasphemous adjustment for this Southerner. After wondering, “Wht’sthe worst that could happen if I were to start running?”Hicks ultimately became a long distance runner, shed over 40 pounds, and restored his health in time to help his daughter through the fight of her life. Read this father’sstory of life, health, family, and faith to understand the impact of pediatric cancer on a family and their community.AWARDSIndependent Press Award WINNERIndieReader Discovery Awards WINNERindieBRAG B.R.A.G. Medallion HonoreeNext Generation Indie Book Awards FINALISTNational Indie Excellence Awards FINALISTInternational Book Awards FINALISTEditorial Reviews"Itis impossible to know, unless you have gone through something like this yourself, how terrifying it is to have your child diagnosed with cancer and Hicks conveys his range of emotions with mastery. The reader is right there with him at every moment, feeling the fear, love, and confusion he is going through. The chapters in the book are short, well-written and intense and flashes of Hicks’inner thoughts and emotions are interspersed with the narrative, enabling readers to relate to how he’sfeeling every moment. At the end of parts one and two, there is a small album of family photographs, which makes the reader’srelationships with Lilli and her family more even personal and towards the end of part one, Hicks commits to his own health and takes up running. In part two, Lilli’schapters are alternated with Hicks’running regime and his achievements, which coincide with Lilli’smilestones. Readers will need a box of tissues for this heart-warming story of how a family, their friends, church, and community all pulled together to help 12-year-old Lilli Hicks fight leukemia in NO MATCH FOR HER, a great read–no just covering the medical aspects of the journey, but also the emotional ones." -Corinna Underwood for IndieReader "WhaHicks has written is a matter-of-fact account of what happened to Lilli and how the family as a whole —and he in particular —dealt with many daunting challenges. Hicks writes about Lilli’sleukemia, her extended stays at Brenner Children’sHospital in Winston-Salem and later Duke Hospital in Durham, her encouraging developments and her devastating setbacks. He includes esoteric medical terms, but the reader comes to understand them as Hicks does. He recounts not only what Lilli goes through, but also how he and his wife do what it takes to have one parent with her without neglecting the rest of the family or sacrificing careers. He describes how he and LouAnne, recognizing Lilli’smaturity, make sure she understands what’shappening and helps make decisions. From time to time, he gives us insights into his thoughts and emotions, but never in an overly dramatic or complaining way....As
the book progresses, a second theme develops in the story of Hicks’campaign to lose weight and become fit so that he’llbe around to take care of his family. Inspired by Lilli’sdetermination, he changes his diet and begins to run, then to compete in distance races...“NoMatch for Her”becomes a story of community, too, one that Greensboro residents can take pride in, a story of how Lilli’sschool, the family’schurch, friends, local businesses and others all pitched in to help and support Lilli and her family."-Linda Brinson, News &Record