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Lecture 9

Explore nonlinear magnification, traditional treemaps, visual thesaurus, and hyperbolic trees for enhanced data visualization. Access demos and learn about complex query formulation in info retrieval.

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Lecture 9

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Lecture 9 • TheBrain & Visual Thesaurus Demos • Focus+Context • Nonlinear Magnification • TableLens • Visual Tools for Text Retrieval Part 1

  2. Traditional Treemap ConeTree Hierarchical Information – Recap

  3. Siblings Lateral Links Parent Children Hierarchical Information – The Brain Download Demo – http://www.thebrain.com Example

  4. Radial Layout Animation • Animated Exploration of Dynamic Graphs with Radial Layout • Shift of Focus • Straight-line path shift  produces confusing animation • “Linear interpolation of polar coordinates” produces smooth transition (slow in and slow-out timing) Download Video(… will take a while) or http://www.scils.rutgers.edu/~aspoerri/Teaching/InfoVisResources/videos/ and right click on “viz.avi” and save

  5. Visual Thesaurus by Plumb Design • http://www.visualthesaurus.com/ • Displaying interrelationships between words and meanings • Visual Thesaurus accesses data from WordNet • Publicly available lexical reference system developed by the Cognitive Science Laboratory at Princeton University • Contains over 50,000 words and 40,000 phrases collected into more than 70,000 sense meanings.

  6. Visual Thesaurus

  7. Focus+Context Interaction • Nonlinear Magnification InfoCenter • http://www.cs.indiana.edu/~tkeahey/research/nlm/nlm.html • Nonlinear Magnification = “Fisheye Views" = “Focus+Context" Preserve Overviewenable Detail Analysisin same view

  8. Focus+Context – Constrained Transformations

  9. Focus+Context – DC Subway Map

  10. Fisheye Menus • B. Bederson • HCI Lab, Uni. of Maryland • Demo http://www.cs.umd.edu/hcil/fisheyemenu/fisheyemenu-demo.shtml

  11. Table Lens Download Video(… will take a while) or http://www.scils.rutgers.edu/~aspoerri/Teaching/InfoVisResources/videos/ and right click on “tableLens.wmv” and save

  12. Table Lens – Focus+Context sorting hidden focal Non focal spotlighting Control point

  13. Table Lens (cont.) • SHAPE • Pattern detection and comparison • OUTLIERS • Detect extreme values • Sort to see MAX and MIN

  14. Table Lens Data = Multi– Variate Perceptual Coding Interaction

  15. Table Lens Demo Table Lens http://www.inxight.com/products/sdks/tl/ Tasks – Ameritrade Table Lens • Task 1 Find Shape for “5years” Column Find Min & Max for “Quarter to” Column Find Shape for “1year” Column Find Min & Max for “10years” Column Task 2 The Largest loss value for a fund for this Quarter Hint: greater than -30.0 The Largest ten year gain. Hint: greater than +900.0 The Largest five year gain. Hint: a Lipper fund See what else you can find...

  16. Hyperbolic Trees • Visualize Hierarchical Data • Focus + Context Technique • Inxigth StarTree Browser • http://www.inxight.com/products/sdks/st/ • Approach • First lay out hierarchy on hyperbolic plane and map this plane to a disk • Root at center, subordinates around Apply recursively, distance decreases between parent and child as you move farther from center, children go in wedge rather than circle • Use animation to navigate along this representation of the plane • Comparison • Standard 2D browser: 100 nodes (w/3 character text strings) • Hyperbolic browser: 1000 nodes, about 50 nearest the focus can show from 3 to dozens of characters Download Video(… will take a while) or http://www.scils.rutgers.edu/~aspoerri/Teaching/InfoVisResources/videos/ and right click on “hyperbolicTree.mpeg” and save

  17. Hyperbolic Trees Data = Hierarchy Perceptual Coding Interaction

  18. Munzner’s H3 / H3 Viewerhttp://graphics.stanford.edu/videos/h3/ Hyperbolic Tree  3D • Hyperbolic Browser • Projection onto sphere rather than circle • Handles graphs as well as trees • ConeTree • Distributes child nodes on surface of hemisphere rather than circle circumference

  19. 3D Hyperbolic Browser  Walrus Developed Young Hyun at CAIDA, based on research by Tamara Munzner. http://www.caida.org/tools/visualization/walrus/

  20. 3D Hyperbolic Browser  Walrus

  21. Interaction Benefits

  22. Interface Metaphors (as suggested by Mann)

  23. Interface Metaphors

  24. Interface Metaphors

  25. Interface Metaphors

  26. Interface Metaphors

  27. How to Use Visualization to Support Retrieval • Source • Thomas Mann (PhD Thesis Uni of Konstanz) • Visualization of search results from the World Wide Web • http://www.ub.uni-konstanz.de/v13/volltexte/2002/751//pdf/Dissertation_Thomas.M.Mann_2002.V.1.07.pdf

  28. AND OR Query Formulation – Boolean  FilterFlow • Coordination Problem: which operator to choose? • Most people find the basic Boolean syntax counter-intuitive. • AND “implies” broadening (opposite true). • OR “implies” narrowing (opposite true).

  29. Query Formulation – Boolean  FilterFlow ( A or B or C) and (D or E) and (not F)  express common queries Difficult to express complex queries How?  Visualize “Power Set”

  30. Query Formulation – Venn Diagrams  TeSS

  31. Query Formulation – Venn Diagrams  VQuery 1. “AND” “OR” “NOT”  low visual saliency 2. How to generalize to higher number of sets?

  32. Generalize Venn Diagrams

  33. Explode Transform Goal – Compare Search Results Can be Generalized to N Sets

  34. InfoCrystal

  35. InfoCrystal

  36. InfoCrystal A and B and C A and C and (not B) A and B and (not C) A and (B or C)

  37. InfoCrystal A and (not (B or C)) A and B and C A and C and (not B) A and B and (not C) C and (not (A or B)) B and (not (A or C)) B and C and (not A) (not (A or B or C))

  38. Query Formulation – Boolean Power Set  InfoCrystal

  39. Query Formulation – Other Ways to Visualize “Power Set” “Bracket”-visualization [Eibl 1999]

  40. Query Formulation – “Power Set” – NIRVE

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