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Movement disorder is a condition that does not have a permanent cure. However, having it treated by a specialist is always advisable, rather than a neurologist.
Why Should Movement Disorder Be Treated By A Specialist? – Dr.Shivam Mittal Parkinson’sdiseaseisaneurologicaldisorderinwhichcertainpartsofthenervoussystem and brain degenerate. It is also a movement disorder as it causes involuntary movement and shaking of the limbs, face, and jaws. It may also cause rigid or slowed movement, and impaired walking. While all of this can come under the category of a neurologist, it is always better to seek the advice and treatment of a movement disorders specialist. This is becausethesespecialistsaretrainedtotreatmovementdisordersafterageneralneurology study. Their additional study of 1 or 2 years has them standing apart from regular neurologists. One such movement disorders specialist in Bangalore is Dr. Shivam Mittal, who has completed his movement disorders education and is skilled with an immense amountoftraininginsomeofthebesthospitalsandmedicalinstitutesinAmerica. This doesn’t mean to say that a neurologist cannot treat such disorders, but it is always better to be treated by someone who specializes in it for better results. A movement disorders specialist will first analyze the disorder in detail and determine which stage the patient is at. He will then decide as to whether medications, injections, therapies, or surgeriesareactuallyrequired.Thefirstchoicewillalwaysbemedicationsandtherapiesto controltheailment.Onlyifitseemsuncontrollable,willasurgerybeadvised. Such movement disorders specialists are not widely known, as much as neurologists are. But, as various movement disorders are on the rise, the needfor such specialists is
becoming more apparent. These specialists are not only trained for Parkinson’s but many other similar disorders including tremor, gait, Tourette’s syndrome, etc. In fact, studies have shown how patients’ quality of life has improved when they are cared for by a movementdisordersspecialist,ratherthananeurologist. Initially, medications, therapies, and exercises are assigned to the patient. If the conditions are seen to be at an advanced stage, they are also given Botox injections that control the associated involuntary movement of the muscles. This procedure is very effective, but the positiveeffectsareseenonlyforafewmonths,whichiswhythepatientwillhavetooptfor taking injections every 3-6 months. Then, there is Deep Brain Stimulation, a surgery that can help treat the disorder when the patient is at a very advanced stage. This involves installinganeurotransmitterinthechestarea,whichisconnectedtotwoelectrodesinthe brain. This procedure is designed such that signals are sent to the brain to control the involuntary movements. However, because this surgery is invasive, it is always kept as a lastoptionfortreatingonlyseverecasesofmovementdisorders. In spite of all of the above mentioned options, it is sad to say that there is no permanent cure for Parkinson’s. This is because the reason behind this ailment is still unknown. However, there are various drugs available that can control symptoms and help patients feel better, especially in the early stages of the ailment. Nevertheless, new treatments are beingresearchedtopromisestimulatingadvances.Probably,inthenextfewyears,wewill seemanybreakthroughsinthemedicationmanagementofthedisease. However, don’t fret because you are not the only one suffering from such ailments. There aremillionsofpeoplearoundtheworldsufferingfromit,andtheyallaresurviving,inspite of their weakness. So, don’t cry over your disorder; rather fight against it and control your symptoms with the help and assistance of a movement disorders specialist in Bangalore. Formoreupdates&nofitication,youcanbrowseoursocialnetworks: Facebook, Twitter, Google+,LinkedIn