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Neutrino Flavor ratio on Earth and at Astrophysical sources

Explore neutrino flavor ratios at various sources, analyzing measured data for original source identification. Discover critical uncertainties, oscillation mechanisms, and probes into new physics.

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Neutrino Flavor ratio on Earth and at Astrophysical sources

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  1. Neutrino Flavor ratio on Earth and at Astrophysical sources K.-C. Lai, G.-L. Lin, and T. C. Liu, National Chiao Tung university Taiwan INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF NUCLEAR PHYSICS31st CourseNeutrinos in Cosmology, in Astro-, Particle- and Nuclear PhysicsErice-Sicily: 16 - 24 September 2009

  2. Neutrino flavor ratio at sources  Source (1, 0, 0) Pion source (1/3,2/3,0) ● (0, 0, 1) ● Muon damped source (0, 1, 0)

  3. Basic measured parameter definition • R : The ratio of track to shower events. • S: The ratio of two flavor shower. • Experimental results are limited by number of detected events, fluctuation R and S • Assumed K. Blum, Y. Nir and E. Waxman, arXiv:0706.2070 [hep-ph].

  4. Basic idea I:What is the real source we observed.From measured data to original source: Choubey et al., PHYSICAL REVIEW D 77, 113006 (2008) True flavor ratio at source Measured flavor ratio at Earth P ’0  Ri,th and Si,th 0  ’0 + 2  1  region Ri,exp and Si,exp 3  region. 2< 2.3 2< 11.8

  5. # 1: Only 10% R Pion source muon damp source R only is unable to determine the original source. Measuring S is necessary. • For E < 0.3PeV, difficult to distinguish e from .  Only R • Even at R/R ~ 10%, could not resolve muon damp source from pion source. M. C. Gonzalez-Garcia and M. Maltoni, Phys. Rep. 460, 1 (2008); M. Maltoni, T. Schwetz, M. A. Tortola, and J. W. F. Valle, New J. Phys. 6, 122 (2004); S. Choubey, Phys. At. Nucl. 69, 1930 (2006); S. Goswami, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 21, 1901 (2006); A. Bandyopadhyay, S. Choubey, S. Goswami, S. T. Petcov, and D. P. Roy, Phys. Lett. B 608, 115 (2005); G. L. Fogli et al., Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 57, 742 (2006).

  6. # 2-1: sin213=0 for  Astrophysical Hidden source Pion source muon damp source sin223=0.45 sin223=0.55 O. Mena, et al., PRD, 2007 Can rule-out pion source from muon-damped source under R/R ~ 10%, S/S  ~ (11~14)% Astrophysical hidden source (1/2, a, (2/3 –a)) can be rule-out too.

  7. # 2-2: sin213= 0 for  Pion source muon damp source sin223=0.45 sin223=0.55 Can't rule-out muon-damped source from pion source under R/R ~ 10%, S/S ~ (11~12)%,

  8. # 3-1: CP phase ,  Gray: =0 Blue: =/2 Red: = Pion source No dependence on CP phase  when (sin213)best-fit = 0 muon damp source sin213= 0.016  0.01 (non zero) sin213= 0 Under R/R ~ 10%, S/S ~ 13%

  9. # 3-2: CP phase  for  Gray: =0 Blue: =/2 Red: = Pion source muon damp source sin213= 0 sin213= 0.0160.01 Under R/R ~ 10%, S/S ~ 13%

  10. # 4-1: Critical uncertainty R /R  = 13% S /S  = 16% • R /R = 5% • S /S = 6% Need several hundreds of neutrino events to confirm the source.

  11. Basic idea II: From Oscillation mechanism to new physics ij,  o Decay ij,  Possible source flavor ratio oscillation ij,  flavor ratio measured on Earth Other mechanism

  12. Possible measured region with different strategy Pion source with normal hierarchy Pion source with inverted hierarchy Muon source with normal hierarchy * Inverted hierarchy is only possible Muon source with inverted hierarchy * Super-Kamiokande Collaboration Phys. Rev. D 74, 032002 (2006) Normal hierarchy: sin2θ13 < 0.14 and 0.37 < sin2θ23 <0.65 Inverted hierarchy: sin2θ13 < 0.27 and 0.37 < sin2θ23 <0.69 # # Allow both hierarchy

  13. All possible measured ratio for neutrino oscillation mechanism All possible source Neutrino oscillation normal hierarchy # inverted hierarchy # New physics Beyond osciallation measured ratio

  14. One example: Decay with normal mixing angle Michele Maltoni et al JHEP07(2008)064  # # #: Only decay in this region is available.

  15. Another example: Decay with inverted hierarchy mixing angle # # # #: Only decay in this region is available.

  16. Conclusion • Part I • Measuring the R ratio only is not sufficient to determine the source type. • The Critical uncertainties required to distinguish between pion and muon damped source: for pion source: R /R = 5% S /S = 6% for muon source: R /R  = 13% S /S  = 16% • Part II • New method to probe new physics.

  17. Reference:

  18. The exact form of oscillation probability matrix K.-C. Lai, G.-L. Lin, and T. C. Liu, arXiv:0905.4003 [hep-ph] ω ≡ sin22θ12, Δ ≡ cos2θ23, D ≡ sinθ13, δ the CP phase.

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