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Streamlining Manufacturing Processes: Techniques and Organization

Explore the essential stages, spatial structures, and time management in manufacturing, including advantages, disadvantages, and application in different production settings. Learn about workplace arrangement, technological organization, and time structure for efficient production operations.

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Streamlining Manufacturing Processes: Techniques and Organization

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  1. Anglicky v odborných předmětech"Support ofteachingtechnicalsubjects in English“ Tutorial: Business Academy Topic: Manufacturing process Prepared by: Ing. Marcela Zlatníková Projekt Anglicky v odborných předmětech, CZ.1.07/1.3.09/04.0002 je spolufinancován Evropským sociálním fondem a státním rozpočtem České republiky.

  2. Structureofproductionstages • Pre-manufacturing – castings and pressings are made • Manufacturing – mechanical, thermal, chemical processing takes place; products, components are manufactured • Post-manufacturing– components are assembled into a complete unit Each stage is divided into operations ( it is an essential part of manufacturing process when a worker continuously works on a machine at a workplace), actions ( parts of operations, such as running machines) and movements ( smallest measurable separate part of an action)

  3. Spatialstructureofthemanufacturingprocess • Itfocuses on theorganizationofworkplaces in theworkshopssothatproductionisperformedwithoutuselessdowntime, sothatitisclear, economicalandthatstaffweresatisfiedatwork Technologicalorganizationofworkplace– relatedmachinesandequipment are concentratedintoone workshop. Advantageisthatworkiswellorganized, thereis no continuityofseparateoperations, simplythe absence of a workeror a brokenmachineisensured. Disadvantageisworseoverviewofproductionandproductionprocessisprolonged. Itisused in single andserialproduction

  4. Object layout of a workplace – machines are groupedaccording to technologicalprocessofproduction, advantageisshortworkingprocess, lowercosts on transport withinthecompany, theproductisprocessedatoneplacefromthebegining to theend. Disadvantageisthatitisdifficult to changeworkingprogrammeitishard to organizework, especiallywhen a workerisabsentor a machineisbroken. Downtimearisesthen. Itisusedatserialandmassproduction, productionlines are manufactured, jet productioniscreated

  5. Timestructureofthemanufacturingprocess • It shows the course of operations at individual departments. • The aim is that the sum of time of individual operations was minimal. • The arrangement of operations in time and movement of objects between departments is called time structure of the manufacturing process. • The total running time is the time that passes from the beginning of the first operation till the takeover of checking, it depends on the way of production.

  6. Sequential way of production – production is done the way that total number of components (batch) is processed first in the first operation, then the total batch is processed in the second operation. It is used in unit production at technological arrangement of workplaces, another operation always takes place when the total batch is processed at previous operation

  7. Concurrent way of production – condition is that the whole batch is divided into smaller transport parts. As soon as a part is machined on the first operation, it is immediately transferred to the second one and another part is processed on the first operation. It means that the operation takes place at the same time. It is used at higher types of production – serial, mass.

  8. Combined way of production – It is used most frequently, some operations are carried out by sequential way of production, other by concurrent one. The processing time of one piece includes the total time during which a product goes through processing on individual operations. The production task is divided into transport batches, processing time of one batch differs in the way of production.

  9. Tasks: 1/ Consider whether the following workplaces have object or technological arrangement: a/ DIY guy‘s workshop b/ automated soft drinks production c/ small private joinery d/ large bakery 2/ Say and justify which arrangement of workplaces you would suggest for the production of: a/ cars b/ pastry for a small town c/ custom-made furniture d/ screws e/ textiles

  10. Bibliography: • Biňovec, K. Přehled učiva k maturitní zkoušce z ekonomiky. Fortuna, 2004. ISBN 80-7168-747-2. • Švarcová Jena, ing a kolektiv, Ekonomie, stručný přehled. Ing. Jena Švarcová, Ph.D., CEED nakladatelství a vydavatelství, 2006. ISBN 80-903433-3-3. • Klínský Petr, Munch Otto, Ekonomika pro obchodní akademie a ostatní střední školy 1-4.Fortuna, 2003, ISBN 80-7168-862-2.

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