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Melrose Veterans Memorial Middle School

Melrose Veterans Memorial Middle School. Scheduling Proposal 2014-2015. Respectfully Submitted by the scheduling committee: Jaime Parsons Chair. Committee Goals: To create a daily schedule that would:.

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Melrose Veterans Memorial Middle School

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  1. Melrose Veterans Memorial Middle School Scheduling Proposal 2014-2015 Respectfully Submitted by the scheduling committee: Jaime Parsons Chair

  2. Committee Goals: To create a daily schedule that would: • Provide more opportunities to challenge accelerated learners and support struggling learners via more electives and targeted interventions. • Provide an extended team block for interdisciplinary project–based units. • Provide more daily class time with core and encore teachers. • Align with the high school bell schedule. • Provide opportunities for vertical alignment and teaming.

  3. Current MVMMS Schedule • Two day, 7 period rotation. • 7 Classes per day, 48 minutes long. • Lunches by grade level are 23 minutes long. • Grade-level teams. • 3 trimesters. • Two periods of electives per grade. • Electives meet every other day for full year or trimester. • Gym classes 6th and 7th year long every other day. • World Languages 6th & 7th every other day, 7th all year, 8th every day all year. • G block ICE (intervention, challenge and exploratory).

  4. Proposed MVMMS Schedule • 7 day, 7 period rotation. • 6 periods per day, 57 minutes long. • One period drops each day.(modified waterfall) • Grade level lunches 25 minutes long. • Grade level teams and trimesters. • ICE block now D period, first period every day. • Bells aligned with High School.

  5. Teaming

  6. Current Schedule

  7. Proposed Schedule

  8. Comparison Teaching load remains the same

  9. Resources that helped inform the committee: • Research: http://schoolschedulingassociates.com/handouts/MiddleSchool102408.pdf • http://childandfamilypolicy.duke.edu/pdfs/schoolresearch/2012_PolicyBriefs/Park_Policy_Brief.pdf • Staff survey and feedback • Other area middle school schedules

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