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This study focuses on the event selection for top reconstruction, analyzing the number of expected events and relevant steps in the process. The study includes criteria such as Jet and BJet numbers, IsHadronTrig, HT, lepton channel selection, and more.
W and top reconstruction Aug. 29, 2017 Jongseok Lee (Sungkyunkwan University)
Number of expected events at 36fb-1 • Step1(Skim) : NJet>=6, NBJet>=2 • Step2(HLT) : IsHadronTrig • Step3(Event selection for ttbar) : HT>600 • Step4(Event selection for lepton channel) : (NLooseMuon+NLooseElectron)==0&&MET<100 • Step5(Events selection for ttbar) : NJet>=10&&NBJet>=3
Number of expected events at 36fb-1 • Step1(Skim) : NJet>=6, NBJet>=2 • Step2(HLT) : IsHadronTrig • Step3(Event selection for ttbar) : HT>600 • Step4(Event selection for lepton channel) : (NLooseMuon+NLooseElectron)==0&&MET<100 • Step5(Events selection for ttbar) : (NJet-NBJet)>=8&&NBJet>=4
Number of final gen particles from a quark NJet>=6, NBJet>=2, IsHadronTrig
<Mjj> of best 4Mjj NJet>=6, NBJet>=2, IsHadronTrig normalized to 1
Number of Mjj in best 4Mjj NJet>=6, NBJet>=2, IsHadronTrig normalized to 1
<Mjjb> of best 4Mjjb NJet>=6, NBJet>=2, IsHadronTrig normalized to 1
Number of Mjjb in best 4Mjj NJet>=6, NBJet>=2, IsHadronTrig normalized to 1
Number of expected events at 36fb-1 • Step1(Skim) : NJet>=6, NBJet>=2 • Step2(HLT) : IsHadronTrig • Step3(Event selection for ttbar) : HT>600 • Step4(Event selection for lepton channel) : (NLooseMuon+NLooseElectron)==0&&MET<100 • Step5(Events selection for ttbar) : NW>=4&&Ntop>=3
NJet without bjet NJet>=6, NBJet>=2, IsHadronTrig // jet_pt>30, |jet_eta|<2.4, jet_LooseId normalized to 1
Number of Mjj or 4Mjj combinations Choose 1st~8th highest pt jet
Best 4Mjj Choose a best 4Mjj combination by minimum(|MW - <Mjj>|) MW = 80.385 <Mjj> = (Mj1j2 + Mj3j4 + Mj5j6 + Mj7j8)/4
NBJet NJet>=6, NBJet>=2, IsHadronTrig normalized to 1
Number of Mjjb or 4Mjjb combinations Choose a best 4Mjjb combination by minimum(|Mtop - <Mjjb>|) Mtop = 172.44 <Mjjb> = (Mj1j2b1 + Mj3j4b2 + Mj5j6b3 + Mj7j8b4)/4 Choose 1st~4th highest pt bjet