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Metody szybkiej rejestracji wielowymiarowych widm NMR. Wiktor Koźmiński Wydział Chemii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego. M ultidimensional NMR Quadrature in indirectly sampled domains The new schemes of data acquisition Perspectives. Multidimensional NMR. Separation of signals
Metody szybkiej rejestracji wielowymiarowych widm NMR Wiktor Koźmiński Wydział Chemii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Multidimensional NMR Quadrature in indirectly sampled domains The new schemes of data acquisition Perspectives
Multidimensional NMR • Separation of signals • Identification of mutually interacting nuclei • Sensitivity enhancement by polarization transfer and detection of high g nuclei • Indirect observation of multiple quantum transitions • MRI using the pulsed field gradients
Applications • In chemistry: 2D NMR routine applications of : COSY, NOESY, ROESY, HSQC, HMBC, etc. • For biomolecules 2D to 5D resonance assignment, structural constrains • nD NMR also became popular in solid state studies
t N t i exc mix i N–1 Measurement time and Sensitivity • Sample limited - concentration of active nuclei, g, B0, T, relaxation properties • Sampling limited • number of data points to acquire increases exponentially with the number of dimensions N - dimensional sequence : For ki data points in ti : k1k2 .... kN-12N-1measurements
Reduced Dimensionality ND 2D with multiple quadrature (radial sampling): Koźmiński & Zhukov, J. Biomol. NMR, 26, 157 (2003) Kim & Szyperski, JACS, 125, 1385 (2003) Projection reconstruction (also radial sampling) : Kupče & Freeman, J. Biomol. NMR, 27, 383 (2003 Single scan acquisition of 2D (EPI) Frydman, Scherf & Lupulescu, PNAS, 99, 15858 (2002) Pelupessy, JACS, 125, 12345 (2003) New sampling and new processing strategies New approaches
Single scan acquisitionFrydman, Scherf & Lupulescu, PNAS, 99, 15858 (2002) Spatially selective excitation Spatially selective acquisition (EPI) EPI – Echo Planar Imaging P. Mansfield, Magn. Reson. Med., 1, 370 (1984)
EPI acquisition S(k,t2)
With a adiabatic frequency sweep pulsesPelupessy, JACS, 125, 12345 (2003) 1H-15N HSQC on protein sample
Single scan approach • Very fast data collection • Limited resolution
Time domain sampling conventional radial „Accordion Spectroscopy”
Accordion SpectroscopyG. Bodenhausen and R.R. Ernst, J. Magn. Reson., 45, 367 (1981). • Synchronous incrementation of two (or more) periods • Original idea – application for exchange experiments, similar implementations for NOE and relaxation measurements are possible • tmix = kt1 • The exchange rates are reflected in lineshapes
Arbitrarily scaled shifts and couplings Koźmiński , Sperandio & Nanz, Magn. Reson. Chem., 34, 311 (1996) Koźmiński & Nanz, J. Magn. Res., 124, 383 (1997) Accordion spectroscopysimultaneous sampling of chemical shifts and J-couplings
Accordion sampling of two (or more shifts) – Reduced Dimensionality Radial sampling along one radius Linear combination of frequencies evolving in t1 and t2
Reduced Dimensionality n chemical shifts encoded in (n - 1) dimensionsT. Szyperski, et al, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 115, 9307 (1993) Simultaneously sampled evolution of A and B nuclei 2nB nA nA +|nB| nA -|nB| F1d(A) • Main drawback of original implementation: • Quadrature for one chemical shift only • doubled number of peaks – reduced resolution • carrier offset for B-nuclei should be chosen outside of the region of interest – increased spectral width and number of increments.
j x tx Quadrature in indirectly sampled domainscase 1) amplitude modulation Two experiments for each evolution time increment: Modulation: 1 j = x cos(Wtx) real part 2 j = y sin(Wtx) imaginary part States method: D.J. States et al., J. Magn. Reson., 48, 286 (1982) States – TPPI Modification by reversing j and receiver phase for even tx increments – axial peaks displacement D.J. Marion et al., J. Magn. Reson., 85, 393 (1989)
tx G2 G1 PFG Quadrature in indirectly sampled domainscase 2) phase modulation PFG echo-antiecho, sensitivity enhanced and TROSY experiments Two experiments for each evolution time increment: 1G1 = (g2/g1)G2 cos(Wtx) – i sin(Wtx) echo 2 G1 = - (g2/g1)G2 cos(Wtx) + i sin(Wtx) antiecho Data recombination necessary
Reduced Dimensionality with multiple quadratureKoźmiński & Zhukov, J. Biomol. NMR, 26, 157 (2003) • Sampling of each chemical shift requires acquisition of both sine and cosine modulated interferograms • Total number of 2n data sets should be collected for n synchronously sampled chemical shift evolutions (for each evolution time increment) • Phase modulation should be converted to amplitude modulation n = 1 number of data sets = 2 cos(WAt1) sin(WAt1) n = 2 number of data sets = 4 cos(WAt1) cos(WAt1) sin(WAt1) cos(WAt1) cos(WAt1) sin(WAt1) sin(WAt1) sin(WAt1) • In ND spectrum reduced to 2D with N-1 frequences sampled simultaneoulsy 2N-1 data sets • 2N-2 independent linear equations : ±W1 ± W2 ± .... ± WN-1 • Excess of information for N>3 (8 linear equations for 3 frequencies)
antiecho antiecho echo echo - WA 2WB w1 0 2WB WA w2 WI WI cos(WAt1) sin(WAt1) cos(WAt1) sin(WAt1) cos(WBt1) sin(WBt1) 0 WA- WB WA+ WB WI - WA 2WB 0 2WB WA WI WI Example: simultaneously sampled two frequencies A and B with phase and amplitude modulation, respectively
Basic applications 2D 3D HNCA 3D : HNi (t3) Ni (t1) Cai, Cai-1 (t2) 2D : HNi (t2) Ni (t1) Cai, Cai-1 (t1) HN(CO)CA 3D : HNi (t3) Ni (t1) CO Cai-1 (t2) 2D : HNi (t2) Ni (t1) CO Cai-1 (t1)
HN(CO)CA – single quadrature HSQC HN(CO)CA – double quadrature
N C N C ++ ++ HN(CO)CA + - + - ++ ++ HNCA + - + -
4D → 2D HACANH j1= x/y, j2= x/y,(G1,y)/(-G1,-y)
HACANH +++ +–– +–+ ++–
Ca – coupled DQ/ZQ HNCOW. Koźmiński, I. Zhukov, M. Pecul, J. Sadlej J. Biomol NMR, 31, 87 (2005) • simplicity • in double quantum spectrum 1J(C’,Ca) + 2J(N,Ca) • in zero quantum spectrum 1J(C’,Ca) - 2J(N,Ca) • 1J(C’,Ca) ca. 50 Hz, 2J(N,Ca) 5-10 Hz • systematic errors due to relaxation effects significantly reduced
Spectra for 13C,15N-ubiquitine 1J(C’,Ca) - 2J(N,Ca) 1J(C’,Ca) + 2J(N,Ca)
Projection reconstruction • Frequencies in 2D spectrum sampled along r at angle j are : • w2 cos(j) + w1 sin(j) • It is a projection of 3D spectrum into plane tilted by angle j. • The multiple quadrature is necessary • Back projection technique: • Lauterbur, Nature, 242, 190 (1973)
F3 (1H) F2 (15N) F1 (13C) Projection reconstructionKupče & Freeman, J. Biomol. NMR, 27, 383 (2003) • If F3 chemical shifts are not degenerated only two planes : F1F3 and F2F3 are necessary. • In practice one need to acquire several differently tilted planes • No pick picking with calculator • F1F3 t2 =0 • F2F3t1 =0
F3 (1H) a F2 (15N) F1 (13C) More planes should resolve ambiguities
Kupče & Freeman, J. Biomol. NMR, 27, 383 (2003)13C,15N-ubiquitine reconstruction conventional two planes F3 (1H) =7.28 ppm F3 (1H) =8.31 ppm three planes F3 (1H) =8.77 ppm
Perspectives • New schemes for sparse data sampling in multidimensional NMR • New processing methods – generalized Fourier transform