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Purpose of Presentation Avoid, or at least reduce liability through education & communication. Dealing with maximum working pressures – hose vs. hose assembly. Proper coupling & clamp selection. Introduce a "user friendly" assembly reference chart that deals with all of the above.
Purpose of Presentation • Avoid, or at least reduce liability • through education & communication. • Dealing with maximum working pressures – hose vs. hose assembly. • Proper coupling & clamp selection. • Introduce a "user friendly" assembly reference chart that deals with all of • the above.
HOSE ASSEMBLY Pressure Recommendation Chart
Side One First Column Identifies Rubber Covered Hoses by their Industrial use. Examples AIR CHEMICAL PETROLEUM STEAM WATER
Side One Second Column Identifies, by number, the recommended style of hose coupling. The numbers could be anything from one through fourteen, and correspond to the pictures on the reverse side of this chart.
Side One Third Coulmn Verifies the recommended Coupling type in written form.
Side One Fourth Column Alphabetically identifies the type of hose coupling Retention Device is recommended for a safe assembly. These letters ("A" through "J") correspond to the pictures on the reverse side of this chart.
Side One Fifth Column Verifies the recommended Retention Device in written form.
Side One Bottom Center A chart with I.D. size ranges from ¼" thru 6", giving Maximum Working Pressure, as an assembly, by size and coupling method. This chart also indicates the proper number of retention devices that are necessary to accomplish these results.
Side One Lower Left Corner An assembly Procedure number is provided to offer instructions to properly cut and couple the hose assembly.
The actual procedures are short, descriptive and easy to follow. They are available in printed form, and also in PDF as well as HTML by going to the Dixon website. www.dixonvalve.com
Side One Lower Right Hand Corner A small red box that may in some circumstances indicate a "Special Note". The "Special Notes" themselves can be found in the area directly above the small red box.
Side One Top Right Hand Side Instructions, or reminders of how to properly utilize the chart
Side One Push/Pull Tabs To properly utilize the Pressure Recommendation Chart
Side Two 14 categories of hose couplings, arranged by number. 10 categories of hose coupling retention devices arranged by alphabet.
Internal Slide Loaded with "Safety Tips"
Let’s try a simple exercise utilizing the Pressure Recommendation Chart to properly put a hose assembly together. Your client wants you to supply a 2" I.D. Steam Hose assembly, coupled with male x female fittings. The assembly must be capable of handling 200 psi sustained working pressure.
Your first order of business is making sure that you supply a hose that is specifically made for steam service, and is capable of a minimum of 200 psi sustained service. Using the Pressure Recommendation Chart find the word STEAM under the HOSE column. Looking off to the right of the word "Steam" you will see that the recommended fittings are Boss Couplings (picture #2).
To the right of the recommended couplings, is "Recommended Clamps", and in this case the recommendation is for Boss Interlocking Clamps (group ‘A’ picture identification). In the lower left hand corner of the chart is the Procedure number. (In this case it is Procedure #2000-2004) Looking to the bottom of the chart, under 2" I.D., you will note that by using these couplings and clamps, in conjunction with utilizing the proper Procedure, you will have no problem satisfying the clients need of a 200 psi Working Pressure hose assembly.
You will notice that down in the "Special Notes" box, that there are no special notes to be concerned about for this assembly. After going through this exercise, you’d probably agree that to do the job right the first time, and to do it safely, is fairly simple. All it takes is using the "Right Connection"