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THE diaphragm . Tyler Postman. The basics of the diaphragm. It is part of the respiratory system It is found in the thoracic cavity or chest Separates the chest from the abdomen Is a dome-shaped sheet of muscle Controls air movement . Origin of the diaphragm . Three main parts Sternal
THE diaphragm Tyler Postman
The basics of the diaphragm • It is part of the respiratory system • It is found in the thoracic cavity or chest • Separates the chest from the abdomen • Is a dome-shaped sheet of muscle • Controls air movement
Origin of the diaphragm • Three main parts • Sternal • Two muscle slips arising from the posterior surface back of the xiphoid process • Costal • The inner surfaces of the costal cartilages and adjacent proportions of the lower six ribs on either side • Lumbar/Vertebral • Arising from upper three lumbar vertebrae; forms the right & left crura & the arcuate ligaments
Shape and structure of the diaphragm • Main parts are: • Central Tendon • Right & left crus • Right & left dome • Right and left crura (muscle columns that help attach the diaphragm)
Openings in the diaphragm • There are three openings • The Aortic • Is found between the crura, aorta, thoric duct, and azygos vein • Esophageal • Is found level to the T10 vertebra in some muscle fibers from the right crus • Venal Caval • Is found level to the T8 vertabra in the central tendon
Function of the diaphragm • It controls the air intake and exhale for the lungs • It contracts into a flat dome shape and this makes more room for the air which fills the lungs • When relaxed, it decreases the volume and pushes out the air • As it contracts it also pushes out the ribs which also allows for more air
The respiratory system • The diaphragm is part of the respiratory system • This is due to the fact that it aids in the breathingprocess • Without the diaphragm we would not be able to breath • It is the most important muscle in the entire respiratory system
Malfunctions of the diaphragm • Diaphragmatic Hernia • Is a birth defect where there is an opening in the diaphragm which allows the abdominal organs into the chest cavity near the lungs • Symptoms can be: Bluish colored skin (from lack of oxygen), fast breathing, or fast heart rate • This can be treated by surgery to put the abdominal organs back in their place and to close he opening in the diaphragm
Malfunctions of the diaphragm • Diaphragmatic Hernia Pictures • A - Plain X-ray of the thorax of a newborn with diaphragmatic hernia. There are bowel loops into the left hemi-thorax, the mediastinum is displaced to the contralateral side and the space occupied by the lung is reduced. • B - small bowel loops can be seen entering the thorax through the orifice. • C - seen after reducing the contents of the hernia. • D - At autopsy, extreme left lung hypoplasia and less severe right lung hypoplasia were discovered.
Malfunctions of the diaphragm • Hiccups • Is a involuntary spasmodic contraction of the diaphragm accompanied by the approximation of the vocal folds and closure of the glottis of the larynx. • It is a common condition in normal individuals and occurs after eating or drinking as a result of gastric irritation of the vagus nerve endings. • It can also be a symptom of disease such as pleurisy, peritonitis, pericarditis, or uremia.
Sources • http://www.innerbody.com/image/musc06.html#full-d escription • http://www.teachpe.com/anatomy/respiratory_system.php • http://www.anatomyexpert.com/structure_detail/5292/1265/ • http://www.bmc.org/thoracicsurgery/diseasesandconditions-diaphragm.htm • http://php.med.unsw.edu.au/embryology/index.php?title=File:Gray0391.jpg • http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/298107-overview • http://php.med.unsw.edu.au/embryology/index.php?title=Respiratory_System_-_Diaphragm • http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/001135.htm