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Visual Aids and PHASTER

Explore the power of visual literacy and participatory methods in adapting communication materials for Public Health in emergencies. Learn how perception, culture, and participatory tools influence message delivery. Discover PHAST's steps and PHASTER for emergencies. Engage in practical exercises for community planning.

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Visual Aids and PHASTER

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  1. Visual Aids and PHASTER Module 2– Session 7 Visual communication Adapting IEC materials PHAST PHAST IN EMERGENCIES PHASTER

  2. Visual communication: Is the process of sending and receiving messages using images. Visual literacy: The ability to ‘read’ and understand pictures. The ability to construct meaning from images. It is about what is seen with the eye and what is ‘seen’ with the mind. Visual literacy

  3. Visual communication A picture is worth 100 words • It is rapid and universal • A high percentage of sensory learning is visual. Objective Produce powerful images that so the viewer will remember the content (the message associated to the image).

  4. Design (elements) Which elements make these hands different? Colour, Texture, Lines, Perspective, Movement

  5. Perception • Perception is the process of gathering information through our senses, organizing and making sense of it. • It is influenced by our experiences, culture and beliefs. • All people do not "see" the same thing when looking at a visual image. • Perception differs from individual to individual due to a variety of personal, socio-economic and cultural differences. Cultural background Experience Sex Age FILTERS Visual message

  6. Visual Literacy

  7. Visual Literacy • May be a problem where people are not used to seeing pictures • People may not be familiar with perspective and other pictorial conventions relating to scale or movement etc.

  8. Adapting images Uganda India Guatemala

  9. Participatory Methods

  10. WHAT ARE PARTICIPATORY METHODS • Interactive and often visual methods-participation of individuals in a group learning and action planning process • Decision-making is made easy and fun. • Learning from each other and build respect for each others knowledge and skills. Participatory methodologies can play a crucial role in overcoming resistances, making decisions and changing behavior.

  11. A note on participatory tools • tools are flexible. • tools should be adapted or adopted to suit specific local situations, circumstances and sectors since their principle purpose is to enhance communication between facilitators and the people and among the people themselves. • Participatory tools are used in relation to and in conjunction with each other. They complement and even supplement each other.

  12. PHAST P- Participatory H- Hygiene A- And S- Sanitation T- Transformation

  13. PHAST It seeks to: • Improve hygiene behaviours • Prevent diarrhoeal diseases • Encourage community management of water and sanitation facilities.

  14. PHAST step-by-step Guide • Part I : Introduction of PHAST Purpose and overview of the guide, how to use the guide, some necessary background concepts, how to be a facilitator • Part II: step-by-step Activities • Part III: Making a toolkit Guidelines for PHAST facilitators and programme managers, Guidelines for PHAST artists, How to make and use a pocket chart

  15. Seven steps to community planning for the prevention of diarrhoeal disease

  16. PHAST in Emergencies = PHASTER A shorter version of PHAST for use when “PHAST needs to be FAST” Can be problematic during the early stages of an acute emergency and may only work where extension workers or volunteers have already been well trained.

  17. PHAST in Emergencies

  18. Practical Exercise 1: • Take two children • Three pile sorting • Disease transmission • How to do a voting activity

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