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Timo Livistö Hewlett Packard Timo_livisto@hp.com. From distributed to centralized storage. Organization need storage that is transparently scalable, painlessly and centrally managed, always on and accessible and totally secure without having to worry about any of this for even a moment.
Timo Livistö Hewlett Packard Timo_livisto@hp.com From distributed to centralized storage filename\location
Organization need storage that is transparently scalable, painlessly and centrally managed, always on and accessible and totally secure without having to worry about any of this for even a moment. filename\location
Distributed storage • Inside servers-Modifications demand always downtime • Dedicated to server-Not flexible in changes and storage cannot be utilized in another servers • HA systems are not supported well-Fault situation demand human reaction filename\location
Centralized storage (SAN) • Independent from servers-Flexible modifications on to fly • Good support for high-availability systems-Systems can recover automatically in fault situations • Can be managed from one point even when servers are down/not connected filename\location
Investment • Initial investment for SAN is higher, but because of better management and more flexible use, R.O.I. is shorter and it should be considered as a infrastructure investment . R.O.I. = Return Of Investment filename\location
Trend (future) • All big manufacturers have already stopped development for distributed corporate level disk systems. Every new disk system is based on fibre and sooner or later organizations have to move to SAN. Early adoption saves costs. Disk and disk systems inside servers cannot be used on SAN and therefore they are short-term investment filename\location
Why HP • HP strategy is to be open what comes to hosts and to storage • HP is #1 what become ability to deliver storage -regarding DH Brown • Hp product line cover everything including; Archiving, Backup HW and SW, Consultancy, Disk systems, E-Commerce, FCA Switches and HUBs, Gbics, Heterogeneous support, Infrastructure for SAN and networks, Journaling filesystem, Knowledge of SAN andstorage, Long wave fibre, Management for SAN, Newest RAID system in a market, OmniBack, Protocol standards for iSCSI, Queue depth autopath, RAID 0,1, 0/1 5 and Autoraid, Support, Total Customer Experience best in market, UNIX, VA disk systems, XP512, Years in SAN business, Zero Downtime backup filename\location
All your SAN needs met by HP Leading on-line & data protection storage Complete Storage Management & Data Protection software Widest range of tested switched fabric products
Products from HP filename\location
VA7100 6/600 storage node manager storage LUN manager OmniBack II XP512, 10/180 storage node manager storage LUN manager OmniBack II VA7100 2/20 storage node manager storage LUN manager OmniBack II XP512 storage node manager storage LUN manager VA7100 storage node manager storage LUN manager VA7100 storage node manager storage LUN manager 10/180 storage node manager OmniBack II 6/60 storage node manager OmniBack II 2/20 storage node manager OmniBack II 16 ports Brocade 2800 16 ports Brocade 2800 32 ports Brocade 2800 NSA Disk/ Tape (A7320A) Disk (A7310A) Tape (A7300A) Switch Software Storage Area Manager suite 40 180 HA+High Perf 180 GB/Server filename\location
HP OpenView storage management Omni Storage Implementation Services storage area management storage data management node manager builder OmniBack optimizer Allocator OmniBack Capacity assessment, control, planning Storage pool access control Discovery topology, Traps/ Alarms Backup & restore, 24*7 data access Performance analysis,thresholds & reporting HSM HP Offers Complete Enterprise View OpenView management SystemManagement Application Management Network Management Performance & Resource Mgmt StorageManagement filename\location