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Vivimos aquí. Unidad 5.1. Vivimos aquií. In this lesson you will learn to: Describe a house and household items Indicate the order of things Describe people and locations Ser vs estar Ordinal numbers. Ordinal numbers.
Vivimosaquí Unidad 5.1
Vivimosaquií In this lesson you will learn to: • Describe a house and household items • Indicate the order of things • Describe people and locations • Ser vsestar • Ordinal numbers
Ordinal numbers • In both English and Spanish, ordinal numbers indicate position in a series or order of items. • When used with a noun, an ordinal number must agree in number. • primero/a sexto/a • segundo/a séptimo/a • tercero/a octavo/a • cuarto/a noveno/a • quinto/a décimo
Ordinal numbers are placed before nouns. Ex. Es la primerapelículade Tom Cruise. Nuestroapartamentoestá en el octavopiso. ***Primero and tercero drop the o before a masculine singular noun. Eneroes el primermes del año. Hoy es el tercerdíaquetenemosclase.
Translate • She lives on the second floor. • He is the fifth person that wears a red shirt. • They climb until they arrive to the seventh floor. • Her room is on the first floor. • Spanish is my first class. • You buy the the tenth car. • We take the sexth book. • I live in the third apartment.
Repaso-ser vsestar • Ser- • Used to indicate origin: where someone or something is from. • Used to indicate professions • Used for date & time • Used describe a person, place or thing • Estar • Used to indicate location: where someone or something is • Used to describe conditions, such as how someone feels
Complete the description with the correct form of ser or estar • Los sábadosyo no___1_cansado porqueduermo mucho. Bajo a la cocina a lasdiez; mis padres y Elena ya___2___allí. Elena_3___ mi hermana. Ella___4__un pocoperezosa. Mi padre y yopreparamos el desayuno. La cocina__5__grande y amarilla. La mesa y las sillas___6_cerca de la ventana. Las cortinas__7_blancas. La alfombra__8__de Otavalo, en Ecuador. Después del desayuno, mi familia y yo__9___contentos porquevamos a jugar al fútbol. Nosotros__10___muy atléticos.