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The Earth in Space

The Earth in Space. Chapter 1, Section 2 Pages 29 - 32. The Solar System. Solar System- Earth, seven other planets, and thousands of smaller bodies that revolve around the Sun. Orbit- path that a body in the solar system travels around the sun. . Earthlike Planets.

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The Earth in Space

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Earth in Space Chapter 1, Section 2 Pages 29 - 32

  2. The Solar System • Solar System- Earth, seven other planets, and thousands of smaller bodies that revolve around the Sun. • Orbit- path that a body in the solar system travels around the sun.

  3. Earthlike Planets • Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Pluto. • Solid and small. • Few or no moons. • Rotate, or spin, slowly.

  4. Non-Earthlike Planets • Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, and Uranus. • Very large. • Balls of gas. • Spin rapidly and have many moons. • Rings of rock and dust.

  5. Sun, Earth, and Moon • Sun is 93 million miles from earth. • Atmosphere- the layer of air surrounding the Earth. • Atmosphere holds oxygen and nitrogen. • Atmosphere also keeps in suns heat and reflects sun’s bad rays. • Moon is Earth’s nearest neighbor.

  6. Earth’s Movement • Axis- an imaginary line that runs through the earth’s center between the North and South poles. • Earth takes 24 hours to finish one complete spin on its axis. • Revolution- complete orbit around the sun every 365 ¼ days. • Leap Year- a year that contains an extra day. The Earth is tilted 23 ½ degrees on its axis.

  7. Earth’s Seasons

  8. Solstices and Equinoxes • Summer Solstice- the day with the most hours of sunlight and fewest hours of darkness. - June 21st • Winter Solstice- the day with the fewest hours of sunlight. - December 22nd • Equinoxes- when day and night are equal length in both hemispheres. – March 21st or September 23rd

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