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03/09/2018 How to improve digestive system naturally – desidwaiya unde?ned (http://tripod.com/) HOW TO IMPROVE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM NATURALLY Posted by patanjalidwai (http://publish.lycos.com/patanjalidwai/author/patanjalidwai/) on September 3, 2018 No comments (http://publish.lycos.com/patanjalidwai/2018/09/03/how-to-improve-digestive-system-naturally/#comments) Distant digestive system is an important pillar of great health. If the person’s digestive system works smoothly, it can avoid many diseases such as stomachache, constipation, stomach ulcers, nail whistles and air disorders. Reasons and Treat digestive tract: Due to excessive quantity and an unhealthy diet, the intake and stress of substance and substance abuse have resulted in deterioration of the digestive system. To fasten it, we fast for a two-time or eat some antacids (anti-acid) tablets. But it is temporary. 6 tips to improve digestive system 1. Do not drink water half an hour before and after meals 2. Do not consume heavy meals at night 3. Do not lie immediately after meals 4. Regular yoga http://publish.lycos.com/patanjalidwai/2018/09/03/how-to-improve-digestive-system-naturally/ 1/4
03/09/2018 How to improve digestive system naturally – desidwaiya 5. Avoid fast food or junk food 6. Eat more ?ber content Yoga asana to improve digestive system However, it is very dif?cult to make a complete change in your daily life, yet there is a need to take some effective steps to empower and digest the digestive system. There can not be any more effective way of returning the body to its former state of health than yoga. It is an authentic technique devoid of any kind of side effect. Who is able to make the body healthy and completely healthy without any special change in the life cycle. The practice of the following yoga exercises, by providing relaxation to the abdominal organs, freezes them, makes digestion healthy, smooth and active: 1. Camel Pose: Ustrassen creates a strain in the front of the body so that all the organs of the liberal become active. This asana balances the body posture (body condition while rising), and provides freedom to the men suffering from monthly discharge. 2. Lotus pose: It is a simple posture to sit, which enhances the digestive tract. Reduces muscle tension and regulates blood pressure. 3. Dhanurasana: Dhanrassan stretches in the abdominal muscles and gives them strength. With this, the body is free from constipation and gets rid of menstrual problems. 4. Naukasana: This seat also gives strength to all parts of the stomach, which results in improved digestion. It reduces stress gathered in the body and strengthens the back. 5. SetuBandhasan: This seat stimulates the stomach muscles, which makes digestion better. The practice of this becomes free from stress, despair and anxiety. 6. Pavanamuktasana: Pawan Muktasan is the massage of the abdominal organs and gets strength. It is helpful in the discharge of the accumulated air in the body and stimulates the digestive tract. Ayurveda – Best Health Key http://publish.lycos.com/patanjalidwai/2018/09/03/how-to-improve-digestive-system-naturally/ 2/4
03/09/2018 How to improve digestive system naturally – desidwaiya Along with the practice of yoga, adopting Ayurveda in its life cycle is also very important. Ayurveda is helpful in determining the proper life- cycle for keeping the body’s body balanced. Ayurveda indicates the root causes of the disease, as well as telling them about the prevention of diseases. Yoga is an effective technique that is not only useful for the digestive system, but that constitutes the entire body well-formed. If you do some kind of physical exercise then you can incorporate yoga postures. Like any exercise, it takes time to see the effect of yoga. Regular exercise strengthens your digestive system and enhances your bodybuilding and provides ?exible hydration to the body. So, spend half-hourly time on your yoga mat, by stabilizing yourself in the above-mentioned yogas, restoring your digestive system to its highest level. Although yoga is very bene?cial for body and mind, it is not appropriate to accept medicine instead of medicine. The practice of Yogasana will be very bene?cial only in the supervision of the instructor of Yoga. Get More–> Home Remedies (https://www.onlinepatanjaliproducts.in/ramdev-home-remedies) Posted in: home remedies (http://publish.lycos.com/patanjalidwai/category/home-remedies/) Tags: ayurvedic nukshe (http://publish.lycos.com/patanjalidwai/tag/ayurvedic-nukshe/), desi dwaiya (http://publish.lycos.com/patanjalidwai/tag/desi- dwaiya/), home remedies (http://publish.lycos.com/patanjalidwai/tag/home-remedies/) Comments Be the ?rst to comment. Leave a Reply Logged in as patanjalidwai (http://publish.lycos.com/patanjalidwai/wp-admin/pro?le.php). Log out? (http://publish.lycos.com/patanjalidwai/wp-login.php? action=logout&redirect_to=http%3A%2F%2Fpublish.lycos.com%2Fpatanjalidwai%2F2018%2F09%2F03%2Fhow-to-improve-digestive- system-naturally%2F&_wpnonce=059827e09c) http://publish.lycos.com/patanjalidwai/2018/09/03/how-to-improve-digestive-system-naturally/ 3/4