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2014- 2015 Cheerleader & Mascot Tryouts. R.M.S. Meet the Coaches & Assistant Principal Gina Sykes, 7 th Cheer Coach NCA Certified Coach-Judge, AACCA Certified Safety Instructor Laurie Fraser, 8 th Cheer Coach AACCA Certified Safety Instructor Mrs. Liz Brod, Assistant Principal.
2014- 2015 Cheerleader & Mascot Tryouts R.M.S
Meet the Coaches & Assistant Principal Gina Sykes, 7th Cheer Coach NCA Certified Coach-Judge, AACCA Certified Safety Instructor Laurie Fraser, 8th Cheer Coach AACCA Certified Safety Instructor Mrs. Liz Brod, Assistant Principal
Am I eligible to tryout? • Each candidate shall have no grade below a 70 for first semester averages in any class. • Each candidate must not have more than one “U” or two “N’s” in conduct. This is based on the 1st – 2nd nine weeks report cards and 3rd nine weeks progress reports. • You are ineligible if you have been assigned ISS
What are the Procedures for Tryouts? • Packets due Friday, February 21st at 12:00 PM to Mrs. Brod in the RMS A.P. Office. No packets will be accepted after 12:00 noon – NO EXCEPTIONS! • Mandatory practices (March 3-5) • Mock Tryouts (not required, March 6) • Tryouts ---March 7th during school
What do I wear for Practices? STUDENTS MUST BE IN DRESS CODE! • Cheer Shorts or Athletic Shorts (no rolling, any color OK) • Hair in a Ponytail • T-Shirt with Sleeves (any color) • No excessive jewelry
What do I wear for tryouts? STUDENTS MUST BE IN DRESS CODE! • Black Cheer/Athletic Shorts (no writing, no rolling) • Hair in a Ponytail • White T-Shirt (short sleeves, no writing) • White: Socks + Sports Bra • NO Jewelry of any kind
Judges, Scores, • & Results • Who judges tryouts? • National Cheerleader Association (4 judges) • How is the scoring done? • Teacher recommendations 40% • Judging scores 60% • What do teacher recommendations involve? • responsibility, punctuality, character, peer and teacher interaction, leadership
Judges, Scores, • & Results • What are the judges scores based on? • dance, spirit, technique, voice projection, jumps, • tumbling, and appearance • How many students make it? • 12-18 per squad (dependent upon score range – 18 max) • How important is tumbling? • It is worth less than 10% of the judges’ scores. • How do I find out if I made it? • Names will be posted on the cheer website by 7:00pm. • How many girls tryout? • It varies. For the last two years, we had a 95+ girls.
Tryout Order • Series of 3 different style jumps (choose your 3 best) • Spirit to the center of basketball court • Perform cheer taught during Mandatory Practices • Afterwards, in groups of 3-4, perform the cheer dance to music
Mascots • Those interested in mascot need to develop a skit to perform for the judges. • You may use the mascot costumes. • You may tryout in pairs. • You are encouraged to use music and props. • Please make sure that your music does not contain inappropriate lyrics (2-3 minute max).
Commitment Summer August Camp Practices Fun days KHS Community Kickoff Event Fall(2-3 nights per week) Football Volleyball Girls Basketball Boys Basketball Practices Pep Rallies Spring(2 nights per week through February) Basketball Practice Pep Rallies Tryouts
Attendance • Attendance is mandatory at ALL football, • volleyball, and basketball games. • Cheerleading is a team sport! • Illness or (pre-approved) participation in another RMS activity are the ONLY absences that are considered excused. All other absences will be subject to demerits. • Leaving early or arriving latewithout prior approval from Coach will also earn cheerleaders demerits. • Two demerits are given for each missed game due to an • unexcused absence. One demerit is given for each unexcused late arrival or early departure. Cheerleaders go to the review board at six demerits.
Demerit Policy Demerits are issued in the following settings: 1. Tardiness to game, practice or an event . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 demerit 2. Leaving a required game or event earlyunapproved . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 demerit 3. Missing a required event (unless home ill) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 demerits 4. Disrespectable behavior to Coach / sponsor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 demerits 5. Failure to dress properly at games or practices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 demerit 6. Talking excessively during a game or event . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 demerit 7. Improper behavior during game or practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 demerits 8. D-Hall assignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 demerits 9. Assignment Recovery Class. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 demerits 10. Use of profanity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 demerits 11. Wearing uniform to any non-school related or cheerleading event . . 2 demerits Only demerits earned in the following categories may be removed with merits: -Absence-related -Dress-related
Merit Policy • In the event that a cheerleader earns a demerit that can be erased, she/he may “work them off” by earning merits. • All merit opportunities must be prearranged with the Coach. • All merit opportunities must benefit RMS and/or the cheerleading squad. • Merits cannot be earned and “stored” for any possible demerits. • No merit earned for cheerleading may be used in conjunction for service hours, etc. for other organizations (inside or outside of school). • The sponsors will periodically announce merit opportunities including such things as clean-up after games, closet clean-out, banners, work for teachers, Camp Longhorn volunteering, etc.
WHAT TO REMEMBER: As RMS athletes, cheerleaders are held to a higher standard. We strictly follow the RMS Cheerleader Code of Conduct. Discipline and academic success are stressed! As a cheerleader, you are to represent your school in an honorable fashion AT ALL TIMES!
Cheer Class • Required for ALL cheerleaders • Fall semester only • Students will practice cheers, dances, make signs, improve form and technique, help develop pep rallies, improve squad stunts • Study Hall will take place on game days • Worth 1 semester of P.E. • 7th graders must take two semesters of P.E. • 8th graders must take one semester of P.E.
Stunting Safety • 100% focus is required at all times. (That means no talking and playing around.) • Absolutely NO stunting at any time without Coach actively present! • Minor accidents will happen, but will happen less if everyone is paying attention to their surroundings. • Hair must be up and no jewelry can be worn. *Demerits will be given for not following these guidelines.
Fees involved... • Uniform • shell & skirt • cheer shoes • hair bows • spankies • socks • Camp • Practice clothes/warm-up • Game day shirts • Cheer Bag • Approximate Total = $600
Uniform Info • 7th Grade Uniform: New purchase; possible uniform re-sale, depending on condition. 8th Grade Uniform: Same uniform as 2013-14; possible re-sale, depending on condition.
Dates to Remember New Cheerleader Meeting / Uniform Re-Sale:*Tues, March 18 @ 5:00 (Camp Fees of $170 are due at this meeting. You may also opt to pay for game day and practice gear this evening. Please have several blank checks with you this evening.) Uniform Fitting / Game Day Gear Due Date:*Fri, April 11 @ 5:00 (Credit Card is the only form of payment accepted by the uniform rep. Please bring this information with you. A parent is required to attend. Orders will not be placed without a parent present. If you have not already ordered game day gear, payment by check is due for this merchandise. Credit Card Processing Date for Uniform Order:April 24th *Note: these dates are tentative; will be confirmed via EMAILS
Dates to Remember • Cheer Camp: *AUGUST 4-6 (M-W) * this date to be confirmed • Summer Practices:* Two practices during Mid-August (dates TBA) • 1st Day of School Pep Rally:Aug. 25th @ 3:00
Application Packets / Evaluations ___ Checklist ___ General Information ___ Emergency Information ___ Insurance Acknowledgement ___ Cheerleader / Mascot Acknowledgment ___ 1st Semester Schedule Form ___ A.P. / Counselor Clearance ___ Teacher Evaluations (7 each 1st semester teachers)