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The Course Organizer. Teacher(s):. Student:. Time:. Course Dates:. This Course:. is about. Course Questions:. Course Standards. Honors Biology. What? How? Value? Critical Concepts Unit tests/Quizzes 50%

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Course Organizer Teacher(s): Student: Time: Course Dates: This Course: is about Course Questions: Course Standards Honors Biology What? How? Value? Critical Concepts Unit tests/Quizzes 50% Application Labs/Class work 30% Practice Homework 20% Work Completion Guidelines: --No late work -1 day allowed for every class day missed -1 Letter grade reduction for Unx absence -0 given due to skipping -What makes a living thing a living thing? -How does the chemical make up and physical structure of an organism help it to survive and reproduce? -How do living things stay alive, grow and reproduce? -How does DNA allow living things to reproduce and change? -How does DNA allow populations to change over time? -How are living things related and dependent on each other? -How is anatomy used in classifying living things to help them to survive? -How are living things adapted to their environment? Tardy/Discipline: Tardiness- 2 Late every 6 weeks allowed—2 hour detention for each additional late Late after lunch- detention Disruptive behavior- Teacher detention lunch or after school Severe disruptive behavior- Referral to office Materials: -5-Star five Subject notebook -Pens/ Pencils -Tape -Tabs to mark pages -Highlighter

  2. Course Map This Course: Student: includes Performance Options Community Principles Learning Rituals Critical Concepts Learned in these Units Honors Biology -Livescribe -Study guides -Test corrections -Lunch/ After school tutoring -Virtual tutoring -Extended time tests -Course Organizer -Assignment planners -Unit Organizer -Progress monitoring -Interactive notebook -Essential Question -Bell work -Cornell notes -Costa’s Level of Questioning Internet Access: ( ) Yes ( ) No Parent Signature: ____________________ -Scientific Thinking -Cycle -Characteristics -Change -Structure/Function -Adaptation -Energy -Evolve -Technology -Reproduction -Theory -Relationships Teacher Website: www.myteacherpages.com/webpages/lhansell

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