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The Anticipated Return of St. Louis School to St. Louis Parish July 1, 2011

The Anticipated Return of St. Louis School to St. Louis Parish July 1, 2011. Teacher/Staff Meeting: Oct. 13 General Parish meeting: Oct.17 Parent Meeting: Oct. 19. About St. Louis School. Founded in c.1950 as a K -8 school Today: a Pre-k to 6 school

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The Anticipated Return of St. Louis School to St. Louis Parish July 1, 2011

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  1. The Anticipated Return of St. Louis School to St. Louis ParishJuly 1, 2011 Teacher/Staff Meeting: Oct. 13 General Parish meeting: Oct.17 Parent Meeting: Oct. 19 Parent & Parishioner Meetings, October 2010

  2. About St. Louis School • Founded in c.1950 as a K -8 school • Today: a Pre-k to 6 school • Junior High students choose Siena, McQuaid, Mercy, Aquinas or Kearney

  3. Catholic Schoolsin Monroe CountyA Brief History Parent & Parishioner Meetings, October 2010

  4. Major Changes c.1990 Diocese takes over the running of all Catholic Schools in Monroe County They collect tuition, pay bills, hire staff On-site pastor acts as spiritual presence: Mass, classrooms, work with teachers Parish has responsibility for maintenance and capital improvements (70-30% formula split) ALL parishes of Monroe County will support all the schools 3 levels of support: subsidy pool… 35% of collections---if parish has a school (ourselves) 25%---if parish used to have a school (St. Anne’s) 15%---if parish never had a school (Transfiguration) Parent & Parishioner Meetings, October 2010

  5. New School Study 2007-8 • Stabilized the system: closed 22 schools; 11 left open; class rooms were fuller, smaller # of schools but stronger generally. • Reduced tuition from $4,000 to $2950. • 9/2009: Kept tuition at same level; still lost 8% of students Parent & Parishioner Meetings, October 2010

  6. November 2009 Meetings Called by the Diocese • Individual meetings with pastor/principal of St. Lawrence, St. Rita, St. Joseph, St. Louis • Raised the issue of REVERSION of schools due to a projected deficit for system of $685,000 in 2010-11 • Spin off schools and some costs by July 1, 2010 without adjusting parish subsidy. Diocese gets all subsidy $, none to reverted schools from other parishes. • Parish with school, keeps their subsidy, but nothing from other sending Parishes. Parent & Parishioner Meetings, October 2010

  7. Where we are now… Parent & Parishioner Meetings, October 2010

  8. The Current Diocesan Plan The Parish will design a plan for their school in conjunction with their Parish / Finance Councils to meet the needs of a successful school reversion following the guidelines below: Parish keeps school subsidy; no diocesan funding; Parish is responsible for running and financing of the school. Office of Catholic Schools: oversees curriculum; links to Diocese, State, etc. Parent & Parishioner Meetings, October 2010 8

  9. Catholic School Committee (CSC) Chair: William “Bill” Quinn Ex officio: John Bellini, Principal Fr. Kevin Murphy, Pastor Chair of PC: Michael Moore Finance Council Chair: James Schnell School Advisory Committee Rep: Cynthia Mollenkopf Members: Seana Mancini, Fran Barr, Brian DeJoy, James Maxwell Secretary: Sarah McDonald Parent & Parishioner Meetings, October 2010 9

  10. 2010-11 School Population-Number of Families- • St. Louis 107 St. Mary’s CDGA- 1 • Transfiguration 16 St. Jerome 1 • St.John Roch 13 St. Matt Livonia 1 • St. Catherine 9 Guardian Angels- 1 • Assumption 8 OL of Victory 1 • St. Pat’s Victor 7 St. Thomas Apostle 1 • St.Thomas More 6 Blessed Sac 1 • St. Mary’s 2 St. Joe’s 1 • St. Anne 2 Resurrection 1 • St. Joe’s Rush 2 St. Rita 1 • Peace of Christ 2 OL of Lourdes 1 • NON Parishioners 23 Total: 207 Pre-school: 37 families Parent & Parishioner Meetings, October 2010

  11. Grade Enrollment 2010-11 2010-112009-10 • Pre-k 3 29 Pre-k 3 30 • Pre-k 4 37 Pre-K 4 30 • Kind. 54 (3 full) Kind. (2 +1/2) 58 • Grade 1 47 Grade 1 48 • Grade 2 47 Grade 2 41 • Grade 3 44 Grade 3 43 • Grade 4 42 Grade 4 54 • Grade 5 50 Grade 5 40 • Grade 6 35 Grade 6 36 • TOTAL 385 (+6) Total 379 Parent & Parishioner Meetings, October 2010

  12. Diocesan School Budget: 2009-102010-11 • Expenses: • Salaries $1,191,868 $1,175,967 • Operating 61,672 59,301 • Maintenance 224,682 222,708 • General 110,788 166,019 Total: $1,589,010 $1,623,995 • INCOME $996,092 $1,159,058 • Diocesan subsidy (+$592,918) (+$464,937) (St. Louis Subsidy is $350,000 of the Diocesan Subsidy)

  13. Per Pupil Costs & Shortfall Tuition: 2010-11 Shortfall 1 child $3,300 $822 2 children $2,200 $2,744 Each additional $1,300 $5,566 • Per Pupil Cost: $4,122 Parent & Parishioner Meetings, October 2010

  14. The CSC Initiatives • Public Relations/Marketing/Communication We have hired Dixon-Schwabl for 10 months • Finances: We have worked out a comprehensive approach with a 10 year plan. • Negotiating with the Diocese: • Support from sending parishes • Amount to close gap in school costs Parent & Parishioner Meetings, October 2010

  15. Activities: Parish Control • We must accomplish three things in order for the School to succeed • Stabilize and grow enrollment- RETENTION! • Gradually increase Tuition • Complete a $1.5m Capital Campaign • Plans to make up the shortfall • St. Louis Parish will increase its contribution in the short term • Current school tuition will gradually be increased • Continued negotiation with the diocese regarding sending parish contribution • Capital campaign to raise $1.5 M endowment to be used for funding the school and providing need-based scholarships • Plans to balance the school budget, increase enrollment and maintain $350K parish contribution Parent & Parishioner Meetings, October 2010 15

  16. Three Needs for All • Retention and Expansion of enrollment • 385 students in 2010-11 (10-20+ in 2010) • Tuition • 2008-9 tuition was reduced to $2,950 • 2007-8 tuition was $4,000 • Tuition needs to gradually increase • Capital Campaign of $1.5 million for an Endowment for the future. Parent & Parishioner Meetings, October 2010

  17. Challenges: Reversion to Parish Control • Challenges to school reversion are largely financial • St. Louis Parishioners now subsidize school operations by $335,000 +Maintenance cost of $117,000. • Current school tuition was reduced and needs to be increased over a period of years. • Negotiations with the diocese have, so far, failed to offer a solution which shares the burden with sending parishes who send 45% of students to St. Louis School. Parent & Parishioner Meetings, October 2010

  18. Parish Council Actions • Is St. Louis Parish committed to reversion to parish responsibility? • Continue current level of support (35%) and short term increase • Commit to support Catholic School at 35% of income for 3 yrs. • Increased workload due to integration of school activities • Parish would reap the benefits of integrating this ministry Parent & Parishioner Meetings, October 2010 18

  19. Questions That Need Further Attention Do we continue to support poor, ‘needy’ & St. Louis Kenya? Percent of collection to support the school, including maintenance cost sharing (key?) CS share of the Capital Improvements Business Manager for school ($1.6 m budget) Who is responsible for processing tuition and registration? Is there a budget for the transition, 2010-11? Do we establish a school board or strengthen SAC? Set tuition, establish budget and handle policy matters Parent & Parishioner Meetings, October 2010

  20. Parish Council of St. Louis Parish • Expectations of Catholic School Families • Regular participation at weekend Mass • Fulfill commitment to Stewardship of Time, Talent and Treasure to the parish (not just school) • Consistent and generous contribution to collection • There were 15 families who made NO commitment of Stewardship in 2009. Parent & Parishioner Meetings, October 2010

  21. 107 School Families Contributions 2009 28 25 14 11 11 10 4 4

  22. Faith Forward • Faith Forward provides the words and theme for the St. Louis School and parish to rally around as we come together. • It goes beyond any specific campaign goal to capture the true overall mission of the school and the church • It speaks to the fact that we are all connected in our faith, and that we are all responsible for moving it forward. • It allows each person to add their own meaning to it • It challenges the mind to find ways to meet it, and warms the heart with the intrinsic promise it holds.

  23. Conclusions Many questions still needing answers Great Potential for enrollment & support A positive statement about the Sustainability of Catholic School education Provides an opportunity to move our Faith Forward!! Parent & Parishioner Meetings, October 2010 23

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