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Homework: Top 500

Homework: Top 500. General Info. http://www.top500.org A list of 500 most powerful computing systems Your task is to take a look at them and compare them This homework is compulsory and will be graded Deadline 2.10. Guidelines.

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Homework: Top 500

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  1. Homework: Top 500

  2. General Info • http://www.top500.org • A list of 500 most powerful computing systems • Your task is to take a look at them and compare them • This homework is compulsory and will be graded • Deadline 2.10

  3. Guidelines • Select at least 3 architectures (Not just three systems, but three different types) • Describe charasteristics separately • Use / Draw pictures / tables • References

  4. Introductory words • Who, why, what • Marketing • #1 in the list • Flops • # of CPUs

  5. Hardware • Architecture • DSM, MPP, COW, SMP, PVP, … • Network • Switch, tree, bus, mesh, … • Processors • Intel PC, Alpha, Vector / Scalar, 32/64 bit

  6. Software • OS • Middleware • Messaging libraries, job queuing systems, checkpointing, file systems • Applications • WMD design, weather forecast…

  7. How to compare • $ vs flops, # cpus vs flops, architectures vs flops • Network speeds, network scalability • Custom or commodity hardware • …

  8. Grading • Depth of comparison • Including own opinions! • Usage of other sources • Google (Example: Network is fat tree. A fat tree is a tree that has eaten too much) • Text books / theory • Papers • Structure of the text • Including general appearance

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