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E-LEARNING. What is Electronic learning ? Type of education where the medium of instruction is computer technology. Involves electronic means of communication for education, research and training.
E-LEARNING What is Electronic learning ? Type of education where the medium of instruction is computer technology. Involves electronic means of communication for education, research and training. Includes web-based learning, computer-based learning, virtual classrooms, and digital libraries to assist learning experience.
E-LEARNING: BENEFITS AT A GLANCE E-Learning Benefits Over The Traditional Methods of Learning: • Meets the needs of Different Kinds of Learners. • Harnesses the Learner’s Ability. • Helps Simplify Abstract Theoretical Concepts. • Makes Teaching Materials Easily Accessible. • Provides Flexibility in Education. • With the Help of E-teachers, Monitor the Student’s Progress. • Fosters Social and Cultural interaction.
MEETS THE NEEDS OF DIFFERENT KINDS OF LEARNERS Accommodates three distinct learning styles of auditory learners, visual learners and kinesthetic learners. Provides multimedia support to learning and expedites the learning experience. Provides audio, video and graphic links between two or more sites using multimedia for learning.
USE OF E-LEARNING IN HARNESSING THE STUDENT’s ABILITY • Learning self-placed: Gives students chance to speed up or slow down as necessary. • Learning self-directed: Allows students to choose the content and tools appropriate to meet various interests, needs, and skill levels. • Learning directed towards students
USE OF E-LEARNING TO SIMPLIFY ABSTRACT THEORITICAL CONCEPTS A new method of learning, TEAL (Technology Enabled Active Learning) project launched in MIT by John belcher and Yuhudit Judy Dori to assist students in understanding Electromagnetism Concepts. A study conducted to evaluate the efficacy of this project. • Useful for students conceptualize phenomenon and processes. • Improved basic understand of the subject in detail. • Students indicated the benefits of interactivity, visualization, and hands-on experiment, enabled with the help of technology. • Media-rich environment helped students to interact with other students and understand topics. • Majority of students recommended the course to fellow students.
E-LEARNING: TO MAKE TEACHING MATERIALS EASILY ACCESSIBLE. • Class materials, assignments, lectures, quizzes made available by instructor online. • Advantageous for people who have lost documents: can print out copies whenever they want them. • Review assignment details and lecture materials any time. • Student’s can access the information online from any internet-ready computer.
E-LEARNING: FLEXIBILITY IN EDUCATION • 24/7 accessibility of online courses makes scheduling easy. • Helpful for people with full-time jobs, children and family priorities. Manage responsibilities and be successful students. • On-demand education. • Reduces travel time and associated costs like parking and fuel.
MONITOR THE LEARNER’S PERFORMANCE E-TEACHERS : An intelligent agent that provides personalized assistance to e-learning. Observes a student’s behavior while he/she is taking online courses and automatically builds the student’s profile. E-teacher uses the information contained in the student profile to proactively assist the student by suggesting courses that will help him/her during learning process.
E-LEARNING IN ENCOURAGIG SOCIAL AND CULTURAL INTERACTION • Platforms like Blackboard that allows group work online. Online discussion forms on Blackboard allows group members to communicate effectively and share project files. Allows people around the world to share classes, attend lectures and discuss topics with classmates who are 1000s of miles away.
E-LEARNING FACILITATING EDUCATION FOR THE UNDERPRIVILEGED • Introduction of OLPC (One Laptop Per Child) To create educational opportunities for the world's poorest children by providing each child with a rugged, low-cost, low-power, connected laptop with content and software designed for collaborative, joyful, self-empowered learning. The laptop gives learners opportunities they have not had before. Tools such as a Web browser, rich media player, and e-book reader bring into reach domains of knowledge that are otherwise difficult-or impossible-for children to access. A unique machine with features created specifically for children of the emerging world. A very distinctive machine; rugged, durable, and child-friendly, inside and out.
CONCLUSION • E-learning generates constructive, responsive environment where people receive support they need to use. • Foundation for a students to examine issues and determine priorities. • Not only prepare students as lifelong learners but also as learners who discover.