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Supercharge your apps with TPL Dataflow

Join Louis Berman from Neudesic RPD CAD Northeast as he shares insights on TPL Dataflow, featuring various block types and options, along with in-depth demos. Learn key techniques, such as buffering blocks, execution blocks, grouping blocks, and custom blocks. Discover the power of Lambda expressions and gain hands-on experience through demos borrowed from Mike Heydt. Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your app development skills with TPL Dataflow.

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Supercharge your apps with TPL Dataflow

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  1. Supercharge your apps with TPL Dataflow Presented By Louis Berman, Neudesic RPD CAD / Northeast

  2. void Me() { Print(“Louis Berman”); Me(); } • 30+ years professional development experience • Current Job: Neudesic RPD CAD / Northeast • Co-founded four different tech firms; usually CTO • Also CTO at GiftCertificates.com and Kideo.com • Code Camp == significant part of my formal training • PhillyDotNet and NYC .NET too!! • Left theatrical design to code; theater isn’t as creative as software development (really!!) • Led the very first visual observation of Eris: the largest dwarf planet in our solar system • Blog: http://squideyes.com • Email: louis.berman@neudesic.com

  3. We’re Hiring!! • True Story: I got my Neudesic job by all-but hecklingmy future boss while he was presenting at PhillyDotNet • It pays to ask good, even tough, questions • Be kind / respectful (I’m not as nice or smart as John Petersen) • Good: http://www.neudesic.com/careers • Better: louis.berman@neudesic.com or 215-316-8538 • Best: dude . . . I’m standing right here in front of you!!

  4. Becoming a Blockhead • Buffering Blocks • BufferBlock, BroadcastBlock, WriteOnceBlock • Execution Blocks • ActionBlock, TransfromBlock, TransformManyBlock • Grouping Blocks • BatchBlock, JoinBlock, BatchedJoinBlock • Custom Blocks • Roll your own (i.e. Sliding Window Dataflow Block)

  5. Figuring The Options • Options • ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions • DataflowBlockOptions • GroupingDataflowBlockOptions • Most-Used Option Properties • BoundedCapacity • MaxDegreeOfParallelism • CancellationToken • MaxMessagePerTask • LinkTo • Using Lambda Expressions • DataflowBlock.NullTarget<SomeType>()

  6. Show Me Some Code, Dammit! • Lot’s and lots of demos • I borrowed (OK, stole!) a bunch of demo code from Mike Heydt,who I’d like to formally thank (and/or apologize to!) here  • Most of the walkthroughs and demos have been renderedas LINQPad 4-compatible LINQ Query Files • Be sure to retain the folder structure when unzipping • Also need to download My Extensions • The PodFetch “Astronomy Picture of the Day”downloader may be downloaded from GitHub • The LogFlow logging library, plus a related demomay be downloaded from GitHub

  7. 42spikes.com (Mike Heydt) • Great intro to TDF Workflow • TDF #0: Introduction to Task Parallel Dataflow Library • TDF #1: The Basics of ActionBlock • TDF #2: Basic Concurrency with ActionBlocks • TDF #3: Using BufferBlock and LinkTo to Route Data • TDF #4: The WriteOnceBlock • TDF #5: BroadcastBlock • TDF #6: Using the TransformBlockto Modify Data in the Network • Scatter and Gather • A First Pattern of TPL: Scatter And Gather • Cancellation by Polling • Scatter & Gather w/Timeout (Guarding with Task.Delay) • Scatter & Gather w/Timeout (Adding Cancellation) • Miscellaneous • Code from Philly.NET Session on Concurrency • NDC 2013 Concurrency Talk • NDC 2013 Concurrency Talk Content • Concurrent and High-Performance Programming in.NET with TPL, async/await, and Dataflow

  8. Other Resources • Microsoft • Dataflow (Task Parallel Library) • NuGet • TPL Dataflow NuGet Package • YouTube • Tutorial: Creating a Dataflow • Stephen Toub: Inside TPL Dataflow • Stephen Cleary • Introduction to Dataflow, Part 1 • Introduction to Dataflow, Part 2 • Introduction to Dataflow, Part 3 • Async Producer/Consumer Queue using Dataflow

  9. I Repeat: We’re Hiring!! • Good: http://www.neudesic.com/careers • Better: louis.berman@neudesic.com or 215-316-8538 • Best: dude . . . I’m standing right here in front of you!! • Bes sure to ask me for a nifty brochure

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