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NECC Telecom Voice & Video

NECC Telecom Voice & Video. Aplicatia pentru Android NECC Telecom Romania Bluemind Software. Cuprins. O scurta introducere Despre prezentator ( Bogdan ) Despre Bluemind Software Aplicatia NECC Telecom Voice & Video Acum In viitor Concluzii. Introducere ( scurta ).

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NECC Telecom Voice & Video

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Presentation Transcript

  1. NECC Telecom Voice & Video Aplicatiapentru Android NECC Telecom Romania Bluemind Software

  2. Cuprins • O scurtaintroducere • Despreprezentator (Bogdan) • DespreBluemind Software • Aplicatia NECC Telecom Voice & Video • Acum • In viitor • Concluzii

  3. Introducere (scurta)

  4. Introducere

  5. Introducere Sursa: Forbes Aplicatia NECC Telecom Voice & Video (intaipe Android)

  6. Despreprezentator(Bogdan)

  7. Despreprezentator (Bogdan) Cercetator …

  8. Despreprezentator (Bogdan) Cercetator Mobile Remote Monitoring

  9. Despreprezentator (Bogdan) Cercetator Prima aplicatie client care ruleazape Android pentruarhitectura ISA de la MIT.

  10. Despreprezentator (Bogdan) Antreprenor Venitpasiv Produseproprii Implicare in altecompaniisi initiative Servicii IT

  11. DespreBluemind Software

  12. DespreBluemind Software bluemind-software.ro

  13. DespreBluemind Software 3D Car™ Primul configurator 3D Interactiv 3DCarConfigurator.com

  14. DespreBluemind Software AllTV Transforma-titelevizorulintr-unulinteligent!

  15. AplicatiaNECC Telecom Voice & Video

  16. AplicatiaNECC Telecom Voice & Video Acum SIP MSRP

  17. AplicatiaNECC Telecom Voice & Video Acum SDP SIP RTP MSRP

  18. AplicatiaNECC Telecom Voice & Video Acum SDP SIP RTP Codecuri RTPC (QoS) MSRP

  19. AplicatiaNECC Telecom Voice & Video Acum Filtre audio (echo cancelation etc.) Codecuri SILK SPEEX G.722 G.729 PCMU etc. SRTP, TLS SDP SIP RTP ICE RTPC (QoS) STUN MSRP DNS

  20. AplicatiaNECC Telecom Voice & Video Acum Filtre audio (echo cancelation etc.) OK S-a rezolvat!  Codecuri SILK SPEEX G.722 G.729 PCMU etc. SRTP, TLS SDP SIP RTP ICE RTPC (QoS) STUN MSRP DNS

  21. AplicatiaNECC Telecom Voice & Video Acum PJSIP RégisMontoya CSipSimple ->1.000.000 de utilizatori GPLv3

  22. AplicatiaNECC Telecom Voice & Video Acum Instalare Shortcut

  23. AplicatiaNECC Telecom Voice & Video Acum Integrare cu Android (apelaresilista de apeluri)

  24. AplicatiaNECC Telecom Voice & Video Acum Configurare

  25. AplicatiaNECC Telecom Voice & Video Acum Apelare din aplicatie Mesaje

  26. AplicatiaNECC Telecom Voice & Video In viitor Avem voce, avem silk Lasare in jurul 15 Aprilie – pe Google Play Urmeaza video Codecuri video - israel

  27. Concluzii

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