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Chapter 9: Polymorphism

Chapter 9: Polymorphism. Today ’ s lecture. Review polymorphism examples. Polymorphism. Polymorphism is an core object-oriented concept that allows us to create a variable with "more than one form" We've seen this throughout the semester: with inheritance, interfaces

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Chapter 9: Polymorphism

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  1. Chapter 9: Polymorphism Coming up: Creating Objects Revisited

  2. Today’s lecture • Review polymorphism • examples

  3. Polymorphism • Polymorphism is an core object-oriented concept that allows us to create a variable with "more than one form" • We've seen this throughout the semester: with inheritance, interfaces • If an object is of type Student, where Student extends Person, we could say Object thing = getStudent();Person person = getStudent();Student jane = getStudent();

  4. Design in Java • Consider object.toString() • The question is, what does the toString method actually do? • That is, what does the code for toString look like when it is called on some object? • The answer is, "it depends" • It depends on what is the actual type of the object, in memory • This may or may not be the type that the reference to the object was given

  5. toString and polymorphism • import java.util.*; public class Test{ public static void main(String[] args){ ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); list.add(new Object()); list.add(new String("Kinga")); list.add(new Integer(3)); list.add(new ArrayList()); for(Object o : list){ System.out.println(o.toString()); System.out.println(o.getClass()); } } }

  6. Will this work? • import java.util.*; public class Test{ public static void main(String[] args){ ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); list.add(new Object()); list.add(new String("Kinga")); list.add(new Integer(3)); list.add(new ArrayList()); for(inti = 0; i < list.size(); i++){ String o = ((String)list.get(i)); System.out.println(o); } } }

  7. Binding • Consider the following method invocation: obj.toString(); • At some point, this invocation is boundto the definition of the method that it invokes • i.e., we figure out which toString we actually run • If this binding occurred at compile time, then that line of code would call the same method every time • However, Java defers method binding until run time -- this is called dynamic binding or late binding

  8. Polymorphism • The term polymorphismliterally means "having many forms" • A polymorphic reference is a variable that can refer to different types of objects at different points in time • The method invoked through a polymorphic reference can change from one invocation to the next • All object references in Java are potentially polymorphic

  9. References and Inheritance • Assigning a child object to a parent reference is considered to be a widening conversion, and can be performed by simple assignment • Assigning a parent object to a child reference can be done also, but it is considered a narrowing conversion and must be done with a cast • The widening conversion is the most useful

  10. Which of the following are valid in Java? • Person jane = new Person(); • Person jane = new Object(); • Person jane = new Person(); jane = new Student(); //child class* • Student eric = new Student(); Person jane = eric; • Student eric = new Student(); Person jane = (Person)eric; • Student eric = new Person(); • Person jane = new Person(); Student eric = jane; • Person jane = new Person(); Student eric = (Student)jane; * Student is a child class of Person

  11. Solution • Java only honors an assignment where the contract between interfaces is honored • Pick the most surprising/confusing example from the previous slide and see how the interface was/was not honored → or try it out in Eclipse

  12. So, does Java even care about types? • It seems like we can assign an object to a reference that is not the same type as the object itself • Yes, we can! As long as it makes sense to…i.e., the contract is honored • Java is smart • It knows the actual type of the objectin memory • It allows you to be flexible and useany compatible types

  13. Flexibility • Can you think of an example where this might be useful? (How have we used it, already?) • Imagine we have a collection of animals of different types… • Lets us write specialized code for every animal, rather than writing messy code in one animal class that is supposed to handle all the different types of animals • How does Java know what kind of animal it is when the speak method is called?

  14. Polymorphism and Inheritance • Widening conversion: • Object object = new String("kinga"); • Narrowing conversion (will compile): • Person jane = new Person(); Student eric = (Student) jane; • Illegal narrowing conversion: • Person jane = new Person(); Student eric = jane; • Why?

  15. Polymorphism via Interfaces • Suppose two classes, Philosopher and Dog, both implement the Speaker interface, providing distinct versions of the speakmethod • In the following code, the first call to speak invokes one version and the second invokes another: Speaker guest = new Philospher(); guest.speak(); guest = new Dog(); guest.speak();

  16. Question • What is the difference between interfaces and inheritance?

  17. How does Java know the type of an object at runtime? • This information is stored in memory, along with the contents of the object • Why can't this sort of thing be decided at compile time? • A compiler can only check for certain things, and implementing polymorphism correctly isn't one of them

  18. Imagine a collection of Animals • ArrayList animals = DB.getAnimals(); • animals contains Elephants, Lions, and Bears for(int i = 0; i < animals.size(); i++) ((Animal)animals.get(i)).speak(); • Will call the specialized speak method • Collections are a natural way to use polymorphism in Java • What else could we want to do this array? Why are collections useful?

  19. Collection interfaces • ArrayList implements the Collection interface • Also implements List, which extends Collection • Why use a Collection? • Collections.sort(List) can sort an ArrayList according to the natural ordering of its elements • Elements have a natural ordering if they’re Comparable

  20. Why do we care about sorting? we're dealing with information • Need some way to search it, • Therefore need some way to index it, • Therefore need some way to order the items(unless we want terribly long searches) • Comparing and searching are at the heart of many applications • Maintaining a sorted list helps these operations go faster

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