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Evolution of European Art: Medieval to Renaissance Explained

Explore the evolution of European art from the flat, religious Medieval paintings to the detailed, perspective-rich Renaissance masterpieces. Discover how the depiction of figures, backgrounds, and colors shifted over time.

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Evolution of European Art: Medieval to Renaissance Explained

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  1. European Art:Raphael&Perspective

  2. Classical • -People look better than real life. • -Bodies appear active and lifelike, like they could “come alive.” • -Faces are calm and do not show emotion.

  3. Medieval • -Images are very flat, 2D without much depth. • -Usually religious (Mary and Jesus) • -Important figures are larger than others • -Bright colors • -Solid color backgrounds

  4. Renaissance • -Uses perspective • -Objects in “back” smaller than those in “front” • -Lifelike, 3D figures • -Lines meet in a single point • -Full, detailed backgrounds. • -Soft, shadowy colors • -Often non-religious

  5. Classical *People looked more perfect than in real life *Paintings didn't have much background detail or perspective *Bodies looked active, motion was believable *Faces calm without emotion Art *2-Dimensional, flat paintings with bright colors *Most art was religious (Jesus, Mary, etc.) *Important figures are larger than others *Little sense of life or movement *Single-color backgrounds *Lifelike and 3-dimensional figures *Bodies looked active and in motion *Full backgrounds showing perspective *Soft, shadowy colors *Not all scenes are religious Medieval Renaissance

  6. Look at the pieces of art on the following slides and try to determine during which period they were made.

  7. 1. Madonna and Child

  8. 2. Bathing Venus

  9. 3. Primavera

  10. 4. Madonna and Child

  11. 5. Grave Stele of Hegeso

  12. 6. Pieta

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