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This workshop discusses the development and management issues of the RENAM network in Moldova, focusing on enhancing research and education networking infrastructure.
NATO ANW: The Fourth CEENet Workshop on Network Management Management Issues for Excellence in Research and Education Networking 08-11th October 2004 RENAM: 5 years on the road Research and Educational Networking Association of Moldova acad. Andrei Andrieş, acad. Ion Bostan, Dr. Erich Peplow Chisinau, 2004 www.renam.md
Introduction • The process of edification of Global Networked Information Society opens large perspectives for Academic and Research activities: • integration of International and Nation-wide research and education resources • creation of modern distance learning and collaborative work media. • Information technologies and networking infrastructure are actively developed in scientific and educational spheres of Moldova. • RENAM: is an NGO National Research and Educational Network of Moldova CEENet, 2004
Stages of scientific-educational networking segment development in Moldova (supported by NATO NIGs): • Independent networking segments of Universities and Scientific Institutions of Moldova – before 1996 • Moldnet project - 1996-1997 • AMNET project - 1997-1999 • RENAM network (Stage I) - started in 1999 • RENAM network (Stage II) - started in 2000 • RENAM – RoEduNet link - started in 2001 • RENAM – Satellite link for Internet Access Improvement – started in 2003 • RENAM – Wireless Backbone – started in 2004 Before RENAM After RENAM CEENet, 2004
Strategy aims of scientific-educational networking infrastructure development in Moldova • Creation and development of basic infrastructure (nodes and highways) of nation-wide scientific-educational network and providing a stable mutual access to national and foreign information resources; • Elaboration of new information resources and technologies in order to achieve a high level of investigations and close interaction with the European and the world scientific and educational community; • Development of communication media for new educational technologies deployment. CEENet, 2004
ASM TUM RENAM: Research and Educational Networking Association of Moldova CEENet, 2004
RENAM: Home Page @www.renam.md CEENet, 2004
About RENAM in CEENet Databasehttp://www.ceenet.org/Moldova.html CEENet, 2004
About RENAM in TERENA Compendiumhttp://www.terena.nl/compendium/2004 CEENet, 2004
RENAM: External Capacity Dynamics CEENet, 2004
RENAM: Cost of 1 Kbps Dynamics CEENet, 2004
RENAM network associated projects • RENAM and institutions–members are participants of national and international research and development projects, which requires computers data-intensive applications. • RENAM participate in a wide range of Projects and Programs: • "Moldnet" network project • Distance Education Projects, • Soros Foundation in Moldova Scientific and University's Libraries Automation projects, • Moldavian Library Consortium Information Systems Project, • TEMPUS Projects in Moldavian Universities, • UNESCO the Academy of Sciences informatization support project, • UNESCO and EC DG XIII C STACCIS (Support for Telematics Applications Cooperation with the Commonwealth of Independent States) project • EURASIA Foundation project “Academic Network Creation and modern electronic communications development" • NATO project "AMNET - Development of the Science and Education Network in Moldova" • NATO project "Networking Infrastructure development for Science and Education - RENAM network" • NATO project "RENAM network stage - II" • NATO project "RENAM-RoEduNet networks direct link and gateway construction" • NATO project Providing Satellite Internet Access for RENAM network academic community CEENet, 2004
Implementation of RENAM projects allows: at national level: • to develop the infrastructure of the local links for close interaction of more then 20 research institutes of ASM, 8 Universities, other organizations having research and training orientation; • to organize an effective access to the information resources and services of the national and regional information systems, databases and WWW-servers to widen scientific cooperation, interchange of ideas and experience; • to assist the formation of joint national information resources and their effective usage by the members of scientific and educational community of Moldova and other countries; • to ensure modern technologies dissemination, training and raising of skill on the basis of new learning methods (virtual laboratories, distance education, open universities, etc). CEENet, 2004
Implementation of RENAM projects allows: at international level: • to create conditions for a wide integration of research and educational institutions’ scientific information resources of Moldova into the world wide information process; • to ensure information exchange with international and national networks on the base of modern communications technologies in order to gather and spread the scientific and other information being of mutual interest. CEENet, 2004
Main results of RENAM development CEENet, 2004
AGREEMENT of collaboration in the field of information technology The Ministry of Education of RM, The Department of Informational Technologies of RM, The Academy of Sciences of Republic of Moldova, State Superior Council of Science and Technology Development, State University of Moldova, Technical University of Moldova, named below “Sides” had accepted the present agreement about following: 1.The sides realize the importance of promoting of the research and educational institution’s collaboration with the aim of coordination and consolidation of joint efforts in foundation of developed informational media of the science-educational community of Moldova. It’s the essential element of the social progress and the development of the informational society in Moldova. 2. Taking in consideration the positive practice of the European countries, the sides promote and distinguish as the main subject of this agreement the creation of the necessary premises for continued and efficient development of the existent academic scientific-educational data network - the joint strategic platform for building of informational system for the whole area of the science and education community of Moldova, integrated into European and world informational system. Having this aim the sides accept following: To consider the opportune creation of the NREN (National Research and Education Network) of Moldova as a joint structural base in the creation and development of the infrastructure of the specialized informational network for the branch of the science and education. To assign the functions of NREN of Moldova to existent network named RENAM (Research and Educational Networking Association of Moldova), represented by the RENAM Association and created on the NATO Scientific Council’s base of grants and other international organisms with the aim of providing the scientific-educational societies of Moldova with a developed infrastructure of data communications network. To create the Coordination Council of the NREN, which consists of the representatives of the Sides with the functions of generation of joint initiatives of planning, coordination and appreciation of the realizes, accenting the importance of the agreed elaboration of the national and international projects wit the aim of the efficient utilization of the human, material and financial resources, orientated to the development of the informational corporate branch of the science and education of Moldova. 3.The sides supports the activities of the cooperation in the field of the information technologies having the aim to provide the help of the international organisms in active integration of Moldova in the scientific-educational and world international area with the access to GEANT and other trans-European networks. Mr. G. Sima, Acad. A. Andries, The Ministry of Education President of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova. V. Molojen,Prof. G. Rusnac, General director of The Department of IT Rector of the State University of Moldova of the Informational Technologies Prof. A. Rotaru,Acad. I. Bostan, The President of The State Council of Rector of the Technical University of Science and Technological Development Moldova CEENet, 2004
RENAM Fiber Optics Backbone Topology CEENet, 2004
RENAM: future National-Wide WAN Backbone • UB: University of Balti; • UC: University of Cahul. • Ucom: University of Comrat. COMRAT UCom CEENet, 2004
Projects of existing and future external links CEENet, 2004
China Japan Korea NeDAP US Canada SILK Brazil 10 Gbit/s 2,5Gbit/s <2,5Gbit/s Integraton with Eropean NRENs via • Pan-European coverage (32+4 Countries/NRENs) • Gigabit connectivity at 10 Gb/s • Linking more than 3100 Universities • Total 200 MEuro over 4 years (80 MEuro from EU) • Extend to Mediterranean, Asia Pacific Rim, Latin America... CEENet, 2004
RENAM – RoEduNet direct link Chişinău Iaşi CEENet, 2004
RENAM is accredited for WSIS CEENet, 2004
RENAM participate in TRISTAN-East project WHAT IS TRISTAN-EAST PROJECT • “The objective of Tristan-East is to promote the participation of New IndependentStates (NIS) in the IST programme, so as to meet in particular the goals of the 6thFramework Programme, of the e-Europe initiative and of the European ResearchArea.” • The Project consortium is composed of 7 EU-Consultants and 12 NCP of NIS countries www.tristaneast.net CEENet, 2004
~200M€ for GEANT/GRID ~100M€ for GEANT/GRID 16270 M€ FP6 Budget breakdown • Focussing and Integrating • Genomics 2255 M€ • Information Society Technologies 3625 M€ • Nanotechnologies, int.. 1300 M€ • Aeronautics and space 1075 M€ • Food quality and safety 685 M€ • Sustainable development 2120 M€ • Citizens and governance .. 225 M€ • Anticipation of S&T needs • Anticipating needs 555 M€ • SMEs 430 M€ • Specific INCO 315 M€ • Strengthening ERA foundations 320 M€ • Structuring ERA • Research and Innovation 290 M€ • Human resources 1580 M€ • Research Infrastructures 655 M€ • Science/Society 80 M€ • Joint Research Centre 760 M€ www.tristaneast.net
Prospects of the scientific-educational content development: • involving in joint work new interested participants in order to develop educational content, including their technologies, proposals and projects; • establishing and deepening mutual beneficial contacts with foreign centers and organizations, possessing experience in creation and employment of the applied educational content; • broadening of the educational content development project zone. CEENet, 2004
Conclusions Realization of RENAM projects is directed toward: • Introduction of the global informational society technologies and services into scientific-educational community of Moldova through integration of RENAM with Trance-European R&E GEANT (G2) and other networks • involving joint potential of Moldovan specialists into collaborated research and training activity • creating conditions for national scientific-educational information resources designing, development, accumulation and dissemination. Implementation of RENAM projects can significantly improve the quality and efficiency of networked learning capabilities of Research and Higher Education community of Moldova at the beginning of new Information Society Era. CEENet, 2004
NATO ANW: The Fourth CEENet Workshop on Network Management Management Issues for Excellence in Research and Education Networking08-11th October 2004 Thank you very much for your attention! Questions ? Research and Educational Networking Association of Moldova, www.renam.md Academy of Sciences of Moldova, www.asm.md Technical University of Moldova, www.utm.md State University of Moldova, www.usm.md Academy of Economic Studies www.ase.md