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America's Emergence: Pacific Expansion & Transition to World Power

This historical overview traces how America navigated imperialism, territorial acquisitions, and global influence, including key events like the Spanish-American War and US policies in China & Japan. It explores presidential transitions, from McKinley to Roosevelt to Taft, and the rise of progressivism in the early 20th century.

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America's Emergence: Pacific Expansion & Transition to World Power

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  1. Becoming a World Power... Expansion in the Pacific: Imperialism– one country takes over land in another territory for its resources, military strategy, and expanding an empire. Germany, Italy, France, and Britain, are among the most active imperialists. Most territory taken was in Africa. ➗ The U.S. is divided on whether or not to become imperialist. (-) Hawaii had all 3 goals sought by imperialist nations and the U.S. was already receiving benefits from it. The Hawaiian princess tried to kick out American businesses, but the businesses established their own government illegally. Not wanting her Hawaiians to die, the princess agreed to allow Hawaii to be annexed and a U.S. territory, later becoming a state.

  2. The Spheres of Influence:Different parts of the Chinese mainland that European countries and the U.S. fought to build markets in for their economies. Open Door Policy in China – The U.S. pushed for all nations to have equal trade and investment in China. Nobody asked China though. China’s reaction – Boxer rebellion. A large group of Chinese called “the boxers” were feeling like the western countries were influencing Chinese culture and destroying their way of life. They fought against the imperialist nations, but eventually lost. China ended up paying $333 million in damages. Opening up Japan – Commodore Matthew Perry, was sent to Japan to open up their markets to the U.S. In 1904, when their empire threatened to take over part of Russia , Teddy Roosevelt sent in the navy to show Japan America’s might.

  3. The Spanish-American War: • Cuba and Puerto Rico were the last remaining Spanish colonies near the U.S. • The U.S. wanted Cuba. We had property and businesses there that needed to be protected from the rebellions by the Cubans against Spain. • President McKinley sent the USS Maine to the shores of Havana to protect American lives and property, and it was sunk. It could have been an enemy attack, it could have been a fire in the coal bin (most likely) • April 25th 1898, The U.S. declares war on Spain • The first battle was actually fought in the Spanish held Philippines. Commodore Dewey opened fire on the Spanish fleet guarding Manila. The Spanish surrendered by August. • When fighting began in Cuba Teddy Roosevelt led the Rough Riders in a charge up San Juan Hill. Two African American units cleared the way before the charge. Spanish forces surrendered shortly after that in Cuba and Puerto Rico. • The U.S. gets the following from the war: • The Philippines • Guam • Puerto Rico

  4. The U.S. Before World War 1 • President Teddy Roosevelt: • Becomes President after McKinley is assassinated in 1901. • Helps Panama gain independence from Columbia, and gets U.S. control of the Panama Canal zone and the canal after it’s built. • Created the Square Deal. Everyone gets a fair shake. Businesses would be regulated to equal the market, no more monopolies allowed (anti-trust laws, unions organize. Passed meat inspection act and pure food and drug act after reading The Jungle. • Reclamation – sought to preserve land from big business development and redistribute water to the states. • After being President for two terms (practically) he stepped down and handed the country over to Taft. Taft was elected, but it was based on Roosevelt’s recommendation. • Taft did things his own way which differed from what Roosevelt thought, and so in the 1912 Presidential election he ran against Taft with the newly created Progressive Party. While campaigning he survived an assassination attempt, and continued to deliver a speech after being shot. • A Democrat named Woodrow Wilson was able to win the election because of Roosevelt stealing many votes that would normally have gone to Taft.

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